Introvert歌词 歌手Little Simz-专辑Sometimes I Might Be Introvert-单曲《Introvert》LRC歌词下载

秉烛思2021-12-10  114

导读:《Introvert》歌词 歌手Little Simz的专辑Sometimes I Might Be Introvert单曲《Introvert》LRC歌词下载,《Introvert》歌词分享。…

Introvert歌词 歌手Little Simz-专辑Sometimes I Might Be Introvert-单曲《Introvert》LRC歌词下载

歌手:Little Simz
专辑:Sometimes I Might Be Introvert

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[00:00.000] 作词 : Simbiatu Ajikawo/Dean Josiah Cover [00:01.000] 作曲 : Simbiatu Ajikawo/Dean Josiah Cover [01:08.577]The kingdoms on fire [01:09.591]The blood of a young messiah [01:11.168]I see sinners in a church [01:12.620]I see sinners in a church [01:14.195]Sometimes I might be introvert [01:16.419]There's a war inside [01:17.620]I hear battle cries [01:18.975]Mothers burying sons [01:20.059]Young boys playing with guns [01:21.558]The devils a liar [01:22.417]Fulfil your wildest desires [01:24.250]Now I don't wanna be the one to doctor this [01:26.185]But if you can't feel pain then you can't feel the opposite [01:28.863]The fight between the ying and yang is a fight you'll never win [01:31.006]I studying humans, that makes me an anthropologist [01:34.043]I'm not into politics [01:35.052]But I know it's darks times [01:36.598]Parts of the world still living in apartheid(there's a war, there's a war) [01:39.137]But if I don't take this winners flight, [01:40.685]that's career suicide [01:41.923]Though I should've been a friend when your grandma died [01:44.411]I see the illness eat my aunt laying in her bed [01:46.682]I see her soul rising as her body gets closer to death [02:01.251]Find a way, I'll find a way [02:03.639]The world's not over [02:06.267]I will make it, don't you cry [02:08.528]In God we trust [02:10.214]'Cause we're not alone [02:11.170]I need a licence to feel(I can't feel) [02:13.049]Internal wounds and I'm not tryna be healed [02:15.591]I sabotage what we are trying to build [02:17.701]'Cause of feelings I keep inside but it's time to reveal(reveal, reveal) [02:21.910]I hate the thought of just being a burden [02:24.419]I hate that these conversations are surfaced [02:26.993]Simz the artist or Simbi the person? [02:29.421]To you I'm smiling but really I'm hurting [02:31.937]I dedicate my life and gave my heart over twenty-something years, left wondering how I even feel [02:36.683]or was it was even worth it? [02:38.618]I bottle up and then spill it in verses [02:41.102]One day I'm wordless next day I'm a wordsmith [02:43.595]Close to success but to happiness I'm the furthest [02:46.211]At night I wonder if my tears will dry on their own [02:48.772]Hoping I will fulfil Amy's purpose [02:51.305]Angel said, "Don't let you ego be a disturbance" [02:53.899]Inner demon said, "Motherfxcker, you earned this" [02:56.477]Like they strip you of everything you're deserving [02:59.027]Realize there is a prison in us, [03:00.454]we are conditioned as fxck [03:02.156]Man, it's like they can't sleep 'til our spirit is crushed [03:04.730]How much fighting must we do? We 've been fearless enough [03:07.208]All we see is broken homes here and poverty [03:09.491]Corrupt government officials, lies and atrocities [03:12.071]How they talking on what's threatening the economy [03:14.608]Knocking down communities to re-up on properties [03:17.196]I'm directly effected, it does more than just bother me [03:19.713]Look beyond the surface, don't just see what you wanna see? [03:22.212]My speech ain't involuntary [03:23.516]Project with intention straight from my lungs [03:25.445]I'm a black woman and I'm a proud one [03:27.942]We walk in blind faith not knowing the outcome [03:30.303]But as long as we unified then we've already won [03:57.121]Find a way, I'll find a way [03:59.521]The world's not over [04:02.124]I will make it, don't you cry [04:04.733]In God we trust [04:06.347]'Cause we're not alone [04:59.503]And so it begins [05:01.265]The base is an amalgamation of everything [05:04.089]Rules are not to be played by rebels [05:07.053]The story of never ending [05:09.764]Your introversion led you here [05:11.956]Intuition protected you along the away [05:14.804]Feelings allowed you to be well balanced [05:17.472]And perspective gave you forsight [05:20.951]The top of the mountain is nothing without the climb [05:23.929]Only the strong will survive [05:26.123]Only the strong will survive [05:41.530]Alone but not lonely [05:43.948]Your truth unveils with time [05:48.869]As you embark on a journey [05:51.200]of what it takes to be a woman [by:Baclbye] [01:08.577]烈火肆虐的王国 [01:09.591]年轻救世主之血在此流淌 [01:11.168]我看见教堂里的罪人 [01:12.620]我看见教堂里的罪人 [01:14.195]有时 我或许是沉默的内向者 [01:16.419]可内心挣扎好似兵戎相见 [01:17.620]我听到战争的嘶吼 [01:18.975]白发人送黑发人 [01:20.059]男孩们亵玩枪械 [01:21.558]作恶之人谎话连篇 [01:22.417]以此填满你虚妄的欲望 [01:24.250]我无意篡改事实 [01:26.185]但若你漠视痛苦 你同样无力觉察幸福 [01:28.863]阴阳相生 任何一方都不会获胜 [01:31.006]观望众生 仿佛一位人类学家 [01:34.043]我不爱高谈阔论 [01:35.052]但我清楚现在是至暗时刻 [01:36.598]还有人被隔绝在世界的一隅 [01:39.137]若我不为此做点什么 [01:40.685]那简直是抹杀我的职业意义 [01:41.923]当你祖母去世时我应尽显关怀 [01:44.411]病魔蚕食着我卧床不起的阿姨 [01:46.682]我目睹她的灵魂飞升离去 [02:01.251]我会自寻出路 [02:03.639]世界尚未终结 [02:06.267]我会克服困难的 你别再哭 [02:08.528]以上帝的名义 [02:10.214]笃信我们并非孑然一身 [02:11.170]我要自由地 [02:13.049]感受内心伤痕 而不是等待痊愈 [02:15.591]毁灭任何试图愈合的迹象 [02:17.701]是时候敞开心扉 尽现一腔苦楚 [02:21.910]我痛恨“自己是累赘”的想法 [02:24.419]我痛恨浅显的陈词滥调 [02:26.993]我是艺术家Simz还是叫Simbi的普通人? [02:29.421]笑脸遮掩着痛苦 [02:31.937]二十多年来偏执于探索自我感知 [02:36.683]或者这一切是否值得感知 [02:38.618]情感堆叠 化作词句 [02:41.102]一天灵感枯竭 隔日却思如泉涌 [02:43.595]靠近成功却远离幸福 [02:46.211]夜里我思索着泪水会不会径自枯竭 [02:48.772]希望我能替Amy Winehouse完成夙愿 [02:51.305]天使说 “别让自尊心挡道” [02:53.899]恶魔说 “蠢蛋 你活该如此” [02:56.477]好像他们剥夺了属于你的一切 [02:59.027]意识到牢狱就在我们心中 [03:00.454]而我们深陷桎梏 [03:02.156]有人夜不能寐 期盼我们意志崩塌 [03:04.730]还有多少仗要打? 我们已足够无畏 [03:07.208]唯见人们流离失所 穷困潦倒 [03:09.491]迂腐的官场 谎言与暴行 [03:12.071]他们怎么还敢讨论经济危机? [03:14.608]看看是谁在拆散社群 累积资本 [03:17.196]这些烦忧挥之不去 [03:19.713]看这世道 别只在乎你主观注意的部分 [03:22.212]我的话绝非无心之谈 [03:23.516]强烈的意识发自肺腑 [03:25.445]生为黑色人种女性 我很骄傲 [03:27.942]我们在结局未卜的信仰中前行 [03:30.303]但只要团结如一 便胜利在望 [03:57.121]我会自寻出路 [03:59.521]世界尚未终结 [04:02.124]我会克服困难的 你别再哭 [04:04.733]以上帝的名义 [04:06.347]笃信我们绝非孑然一身 [04:59.503]一切才刚刚开始 [05:01.265]纵然背景混杂 [05:04.089]规则不由反叛者掌控 [05:07.053]永不完结的故事 [05:09.764]内省性引领你至此 [05:11.956]直觉一路保护伴随 [05:14.804]感性平衡着你的内心 [05:17.472]判断力使你能深思熟虑 [05:20.951]不攀登跋涉 山顶便失去意义 [05:23.929]优胜劣汰 [05:26.123]优胜劣汰 [05:41.530]孤身却不孤独 [05:43.948]真相终将显露 [05:48.869]只要你踏上旅途 [05:51.200]成为一名坚韧的女性


