Pork Soda歌词 歌手Glass Animals-专辑How To Be A Human Being-单曲《Pork Soda》LRC歌词下载

无悔青春2021-12-10  110

导读:《Pork Soda》歌词 歌手Glass Animals的专辑How To Be A Human Being单曲《Pork Soda》LRC歌词下载,《Pork Soda》歌词分享。…

Pork Soda歌词 歌手Glass Animals-专辑How To Be A Human Being-单曲《Pork Soda》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Pork Soda》
歌手:Glass Animals
专辑:How To Be A Human Being

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《Pork Soda》歌词:

[00:10.100]Pineapples are in my head [00:15.500]Got nobody 'cause I'm brain-dead [00:19.900]Pineapples are in my head [00:25.100]Got nobody 'cause I'm brain-dead [00:40.40]Somewhere in Southend when you were fun [00:45.60]You took my hand and you made me run [00:50.51]Up past the prison to the seafront [00:55.50]You climbed the cliff edge and took the plunge [01:00.68]Why can’t we laugh now like we did then? [01:05.55]How come I see you and ache instead? [01:10.57]How come you only look pleased in bed? [01:15.55]Let's climb the cliff edge and jump again (Whoo!) [01:20.58]Pineapples are in my head(Pineapples are in my head) [01:25.24]Got nobody 'cause I’m brain-dead(Got nobody 'cause I’m brain-dead) [01:30.59]Somebody said I'm a ******' slum [01:33.32]Don’t know where I belong [01:35.79]Maybe you’re ******* dumb [01:38.31]Maybe I’m just a bum [01:40.81]Maybe you’re ******* scum [01:43.38]Don’t you go psycho chum [01:45.78]I want you for the world [01:48.30]I want you all the time (stop) [02:03.70]Pineapples are in my head(When you were fun) [02:07.69]Got nobody 'cause I’m brain-dead(You made me run) [02:13.50]Pineapples are in my head(To the seafront) [02:17.75]Got nobody 'cause I’m brain-dead(She took the plunge) [02:23.30]Five thousand footsteps in your wet dress [02:28.40]Back to the house with your arms round my neck [02:33.60]We drank pork soda with tangled legs [02:38.20]I won’t forget how you looked at me then [02:43.20]I know I'm no sweet prince of love [02:45.82]Those times that we got drunk [02:48.31]Maybe Jamaica rum [02:50.78]Maybe some Jonnie Dub [02:53.00]Maybe you still think of us [02:55.78]Phone buzz, and still I jump [02:58.34]Why don't I say it then? [03:00.81]I want you all the time [03:03.30]Why can’t we laugh now like we did then? [03:08.30]How come I see you and ache instead? [03:13.10]How come you only look pleased in bed? [03:18.00]Let's climb the cliff edge and jump again [03:23.40]Pineapples are in my head(Pineapples are in my head) [03:27.66]Got nobody 'cause I’m brain-dead(Got nobody 'cause I’m brain-dead) [03:32.99]Pineapples are in my head(Pineapples are in my head) [03:37.67]Got nobody 'cause I’m brain-dead(Got nobody 'cause I’m brain-dead) [03:42.99]Pineapples are in my head(Pineapples are in my head) [03:47.76]Got nobody 'cause I’m brain-dead(Got nobody 'cause I’m brain-dead) [03:53.20]Pineapples are in my head(Pineapples are in my head) [03:57.69]Got nobody 'cause I’m brain-dead(Got nobody 'cause I’m brain-dead) [by:Exxus_] [00:10.100]一大群菠萝在我脑子里转悠 [00:15.500]无法理解任何人 我思绪停滞了 [00:19.900]一大群菠萝在我脑子里转悠 [00:25.100]无法理解任何人 我思绪停滞了 [00:40.40]在南城时你尚且还幽默时 [00:45.60]你牵着我狂奔 [00:50.51]我们穿过监狱来到海边 [00:55.50]你攀上峭壁纵身一跃 [01:00.68]为何我们不再如从前那般谈笑风生 [01:05.55]为何你我重逢时悲悯接踵而至 [01:10.57]为何只有床笫之欢能够取悦你 [01:15.55]让我们再回到从前去悬崖跳海 [01:20.58]一大群菠萝在我脑子里转悠 [01:25.24]无法理解任何人 我思绪停滞了 [01:30.59]有人说我来自贫民窟 [01:33.32]殊不知那本就是我归宿 [01:35.79]也许你是个无可救药的蠢货 [01:38.31]也许我就是个流浪汉 [01:40.81]也许你TM是个废物 [01:43.38]怎么不去看看精神科医生 [01:45.78]我想与你游戏人间 [01:48.30]你是我此生不朽的追求 [02:03.70]一大群菠萝在我脑子里转悠 [02:07.69]无法理解任何人 我思绪停滞了 [02:13.50]一大群菠萝在我脑子里转悠 [02:17.75]无法理解任何人 我意识恍惚 [02:23.30]你湿着裙子走了五千步 [02:28.40]你搂着我的脖子回到家 [02:33.60]我们双腿交缠 云翻雨覆 [02:38.20]我永远忘不了你注视着我时的模样 [02:43.20]我知道我不是耽于甜美爱恋的纯情王子 [02:45.82]我们不醉不归的日子里 [02:48.31]或许有牙买加朗姆酒 [02:50.78]也可能有Jonnie Dub [02:53.00]你大概还牵挂着我们 [02:55.78]我仍迫不及待去接你的电话 [02:58.34]为什么我没有告诉你这些? [03:00.81]你是我此生不朽的追求 [03:03.30]为何我们不再如从前那般谈笑风生 [03:08.30]为何你我重逢时悲悯接踵而至 [03:13.10]为何你唯独耽溺于鱼水之欢 [03:18.00]我们再跳一次吧 [03:23.40]我满脑子都是菠萝 [03:27.66]我脑中一片空白无法理解任何人 [03:32.99]我满脑子都是菠萝 [03:37.67]我脑中一片空白无法理解任何人 [03:42.99]我满脑子都是菠萝 [03:47.76]我脑中一片空白无法理解任何人 [03:53.20]我满脑子都是菠萝 [03:57.69]惝恍迷离

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