Love You Like the Movies歌词 歌手Anthem Lights-专辑Escape-单曲《Love You Like the Movies》LRC歌词下载

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导读:《Love You Like the Movies》歌词 歌手Anthem Lights的专辑Escape单曲《Love You Like the Movies》LRC歌词下载,《Love You Like the Movies》歌词分享。…

Love You Like the Movies歌词 歌手Anthem Lights-专辑Escape-单曲《Love You Like the Movies》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Love You Like the Movies》
歌手:Anthem Lights

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《Love You Like the Movies》歌词:

[00:09.290]Friday night, date night [00:10.720]I say "Pick out what you like." [00:13.330]I don't care as long as you're here. [00:17.450]Surprise, surprise. Ain't that nice. [00:20.010]Same old chick flick, Eighteenth time. [00:23.510]You know the one with that guy. [00:27.980]Half way through, look at you [00:29.060]Smiling like you always do [00:31.510]And I can't help but just stare [00:35.590]'Cause suddenly, it hits me [00:38.360]As I watch you make believe [00:40.650]I wanna make this your reality [00:44.410] [00:44.780]And if you'll be my leading lady, [00:49.230]Even though I may look crazy [00:51.910] [00:53.280]I'll grab your hand, ask you to dance [00:57.820]In the middle of the street [00:58.620]Learn to sign, cheesy lines [01:00.060]Like "Baby, you complete me." [01:03.360]And in case you forget [01:04.590]Where we've been and what we did [01:06.170]I'll write it all down, read it out loud [01:08.190]Again and again. [01:11.860]I promise if you let me [01:15.130]I'll love you like the movies. [01:19.110] [01:22.530]Now I've never been one of them [01:23.940]Guys who could be leading men [01:25.410]Just never seemed all that real. [01:28.080]("Well you're like 5-6." "So was Tom Cruise." "True.") [01:30.400]But here right now [01:31.160]With you somehow [01:32.140]The kind of love they write about [01:35.030]Is the kind of love that I'm starting to feel [01:37.950] [01:38.390]So I grab your hand, ask you to dance [01:40.770]In the middle of the street [01:43.090]Learn to sign, cheesy lines [01:45.280]Like "Baby, you complete me." [01:48.560]And in case you forget [01:49.940]Where we've been and what we did [01:52.210]I'll write it all down, read it out loud [01:54.830]Again and again. [01:57.210]I promise if you let me ("Whatcha gonna do?") [02:00.670]I'll love you like the movies. [02:01.970] [02:03.940]I'll never let go, Jack. I'll never let go. [02:05.540] [02:07.370]If you're a bird, I'm a bird. [02:08.360] [02:09.510]You had me at hello. [02:10.210] [02:11.170]Like Noah loved Allie [02:13.420]Like Harry loved Sally [02:15.700]Like Richard loved Julia ("Twice!") [02:17.910]Like Tom loved Meg [02:20.230]And the way he loved that volleyball ("WILSON!") [02:24.700]The way Demi Moore loved that ghost. ("Weird.") [02:27.070]The way Jack loved Rose ("What?") [02:28.370] [02:29.300]I'll never let it go, never let it go ("Was he talking about a ghost?") [02:32.620]Never let it go! [02:33.520]I'll never let go! [02:42.340]("Dude, you alright?" "I think so.") [02:43.920] [02:46.470]Uh, if you'll be my leading lady [02:48.700]("It just seemed like it hurt.") [02:49.350]Even though I may look crazy [02:50.640]("It's very high." "It did a little.") [02:51.750]("Key change?" "Nah, I don't want to.") [02:56.380]("I feel like we should do a key chan-" "Okay.") [02:57.820] [02:58.190]I grab your hand, ask you to dance [03:00.070]In the middle of the street [03:02.380]Learn to sign, cheesy lines [03:05.010]Like "Baby, you complete me." [03:07.650]And in case you forget [03:09.210]Where we've been and what we did [03:11.330]I'll write it all down, read it out loud [03:12.770]Again and again. [03:15.320] [03:16.170]Close your eyes, arms out wide [03:18.050]"I'm the king of the world." [03:20.560]Carpet ride, starry nights [03:22.590]There's no way I don't kiss the girl [03:25.970]And in case you forget [03:28.090]Where we've been and what we did [03:29.560]I'll write it all down, read it out loud [03:31.620]Again and again. [03:34.480]I promise if you let me [03:36.820]("Here's looking at you kid.") [03:39.010]("Frankly my dear,") [03:42.340]I'll love you like the movies. [03:44.260] [00:09.290]周五夜 约会夜 [00:10.720]我说"看什么电影随你挑" [00:13.330]有你相伴 我看什么都行 [00:17.450]惊喜 太惊喜了 真是"太棒了" [00:20.010]又是同一部浪漫喜剧片 都第18次了 [00:23.510]你懂 就是有那个男演员的那部 [00:27.980]看到一半 看看你 [00:29.060]像往常一样嘴角有笑意 [00:31.510]我忍不住盯着你 [00:35.590]因为我突然醒悟了 [00:38.360]看着你相信电影情节的样子 [00:40.650]我也想让你浪漫成真 [00:44.410] [00:44.780]如果你愿当我的女主角 [00:49.230]哪怕我会像个疯子 [00:51.910] [00:53.280]我也要牵起你手 邀你共舞 [00:57.820]在这大街上翩翩起舞 [00:58.620]我会学用手语比出肉麻台词 [01:00.060]比如"宝贝 我因你而完整" [01:03.360]为了怕你遗忘 [01:04.590]我们去过哪里 做过什么 [01:06.170]我会把一切写下来 大声读给你听 [01:08.190]一遍又一遍 [01:11.860]我发誓如果你答应我 [01:15.130]我会像电影中那样爱你 [01:19.110] [01:22.530]我从来都都不是那些 [01:23.940]能当上男主角的人 [01:25.410]对我而言实在太不真实 [01:28.080]“可你身高还不够一米七呢”“汤姆克鲁斯还不是一样”“那倒也是” [01:30.400]但此时此刻 [01:31.160]与你共度的这会 [01:32.140]电影里写的那种爱情 [01:35.030]是我正感受到的爱 [01:37.950] [01:38.390]所以我会牵起你的手 邀你共舞 [01:40.770]在这大街上翩翩起舞 [01:43.090]我会学用手语比出肉麻台词 [01:45.280]比如"宝贝 我因你而完整" [01:48.560]为了怕你遗忘 [01:49.940]我们去过哪里 做过什么 [01:52.210]我会把一切写下来 大声读给你听 [01:54.830]一遍又一遍 [01:57.210]-我发誓如果你答应我 -你会干嘛 [02:00.670]我会像电影中那样爱你 [02:01.970] [02:03.940]我永远不放手 杰克 我永远不放手 [02:05.540] [02:07.370]如果你是鸟 那我也是鸟 [02:08.360] [02:09.510]你跟我打招呼时就征服了我 [02:10.210] [02:11.170]像诺亚爱着艾丽 [02:13.420]像哈利爱着莎莉 [02:15.700]-像理查爱着茱莉亚 -两次呢 [02:17.910]像汤姆爱着梅格 [02:20.230]也像他爱着排球一样 [02:24.700]-像黛咪·摩尔爱着鬼 -好怪 [02:27.070]-像杰克爱着萝丝 -什么 [02:28.370] [02:29.300]-我永远不会放手 永远不放手 -他刚才说到鬼了吗 [02:32.620]永远不放手 [02:33.520]我永远不放手 [02:42.340]-兄弟 你还好吧 -应该吧 [02:43.920] [02:46.470]如果你愿意当我的女主角 [02:48.700]我感觉你喉咙要炸了 [02:49.350]哪怕我会像个疯子 [02:50.640]-音好高啊 -喉咙的确有点疼 [02:51.750]-转调吗 -不要 我不想 [02:56.380]-我觉得我们需要转... -好吧 [02:57.820] [02:58.190]我会牵起你的手 邀你共舞 [03:00.070]在这大街上翩翩起舞 [03:02.380]我会学用手语比出肉麻台词 [03:05.010]比如"宝贝 我因你而完整" [03:07.650]为了怕你遗忘 [03:09.210]我们去过哪里 做过什么 [03:11.330]我会把一切写下来 大声读给你听 [03:12.770]一遍又一遍 [03:15.320] [03:16.170]闭上双眼 张开手臂 [03:18.050]"我是世界之王" [03:20.560]乘着魔毯 徜徉星空 [03:22.590]我怎么可能不亲她 [03:25.970]为了怕你遗忘 [03:28.090]我们去过哪里 做过什么 [03:29.560]我会把一切写下来 大声读给你听 [03:31.620]一遍又一遍 [03:34.480]我发誓如果你答应我 [03:36.820]永志不忘,亲爱的。 [03:39.010]"坦白说 亲爱的" [03:42.340]我会像电影中那样爱你 [03:44.260]


