Uncover歌词 歌手Zara Larsson-专辑Introducing-单曲《Uncover》LRC歌词下载

满船清梦2021-12-11  92

导读:《Uncover》歌词 歌手Zara Larsson的专辑Introducing单曲《Uncover》LRC歌词下载,《Uncover》歌词分享。…

Uncover歌词 歌手Zara Larsson-专辑Introducing-单曲《Uncover》LRC歌词下载

歌手:Zara Larsson

点击试听 → 《Uncover


[00:00.900]Nobody sees,nobody knows [00:06.890]We are a secret can’t be exposed [00:11.920]That’s how it is.That’s how it goes [00:17.390]Far from the others,close to each other [00:23.750]In the daylight,in the daylight,when the sun is shining [00:29.090]On the late night,on the late night.when the moon is blinding [00:34.630]in the plain sight.plain sight,like star is hiding [00:40.050]You and I burn on,on [00:44.710]Put two and two together forever will never change [00:50.160]Two and two together will never change [00:54.560]Nobody sees,nobody knows [01:00.200]We are a secret can’t be exposed [01:05.470]That’s how it is.That’s how it goes [01:10.740]Far from the others,close to each other [01:16.340]That is when we uncover,cover,cover [01:21.270]That is when we uncover,cover,cover [01:27.700]my asylum my asylum is in your arms [01:33.130]When the world gives heavy burdens i can bear it thousand times [01:38.550]On your shoulder,on your shoulder I can reach in endless sky,feels like paradise [01:48.260]Put two and two together forever will never change [01:54.110]Two and two together will never change [01:58.750]Nobody sees,nobody knows [02:03.950]We are a secret can’t be exposed [02:09.470]That’s how it is.That’s how it goes [02:14.690]Far from the others,close to each other [02:20.200]That is when we uncover,cover,cover [02:25.300]That is when we uncover,cover,cover [02:31.270]We could build a universe right here [02:35.520]All the world could disappear, wouldn’t notice,wouldn’t care [02:41.860]We could build a universe right here [02:46.430]The world could disappear,yeah,I just need you near [02:54.870]Nobody sees,nobody knows [03:00.040]We are a secret can’t be exposed [03:05.440]That’s how it is.That’s how it goes [03:10.910]Far from the others,close to each other [03:16.140]That is when we uncover,cover,cover [03:24.360]That is when we uncover,cover,cover [03:28.140]That is when we uncover [00:00.900]无人问津,无人知晓 [00:06.890]我们还只是个无人洞察的机密 [00:11.920]按部就班,随波逐流 [00:17.390]远离喧嚣,只愿与你相濡以沫 [00:23.750]拂晓,黎明,熠熠生辉 [00:29.090]日暮,深夜,月光皎洁 [00:34.630]星辰隐匿,不现于世 [00:40.050]我与你,正激情燃烧 [00:44.710]两颗心的相遇,便促成了白首偕老 [00:50.160]白首偕老,便直至海枯石烂 [00:54.560]无人问津,无人知晓 [01:00.200]我们还只是个无人洞察的机密 [01:05.470]按部就班,随波逐流 [01:10.740]远离喧嚣,只愿与你相濡以沫 [01:16.340]等到那时,我们再倾诉肺腑之言,倾诉,倾诉 [01:21.270]等到那时,我们再倾诉肺腑之言,倾诉,倾诉 [01:27.700]你的怀抱,我的庇护 [01:33.130]世界的重负,我亦能承担 [01:38.550]至此有你陪伴,依偎紧靠,宛若置身天堂之中 [01:48.260]两颗心的相遇,便促成了白首偕老 [01:54.110]白首偕老,便直至海枯石烂 [01:58.750]无人问津,无人知晓 [02:03.950]我们还只是个无人洞察的机密 [02:09.470]按部就班,随波逐流 [02:14.690]远离喧嚣,只愿与你相濡以沫 [02:20.200]等到那时,我们再倾诉肺腑之言,倾诉,倾诉 [02:25.300]等到那时,我们再倾诉肺腑之言,倾诉,倾诉 [02:31.270]这里只供我们构建浪漫维度 [02:35.520]世界就此沉寂,鸦雀无声,无人在意 [02:41.860]这里只供我们构建浪漫维度 [02:46.430]世界就此沉寂,是的,只需有你陪伴 [02:54.870]无人问津,无人知晓 [03:00.040]我们还只是个无人洞察的机密 [03:05.440]按部就班,随波逐流 [03:10.910]远离喧嚣,只愿与你相濡以沫 [03:16.140]等到那时,我们再倾诉肺腑之言,倾诉,倾诉 [03:24.360]等到那时,我们再倾诉肺腑之言,倾诉,倾诉 [03:28.140]等到那时,我们再倾诉肺腑之言

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