Holding On To Hurricanes歌词 歌手Driftwood DriveFFM-专辑Follow the Low Tide [Music from Life is Strange: True Colors]-单曲《Holding On To

庄子墨2021-12-11  63

导读:《Holding On To Hurricanes》歌词 歌手Driftwood DriveFFM的专辑Follow the Low Tide [Music from Life is Strange: True Colors]单曲《H…

Holding On To Hurricanes歌词 歌手Driftwood Drive / FFM-专辑Follow the Low Tide [Music from Life is Strange: True Colors]-单曲《Holding On To Hurricanes》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Holding On To Hurricanes》
歌手:Driftwood Drive / FFM
专辑:Follow the Low Tide [Music from Life is Strange: True Colors]

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《Holding On To Hurricanes》歌词:

[00:15.962]The cloud's a sculpture made of water [00:23.546]The water washed away the pain [00:30.680]Somehow the colors fade to nothing [00:35.238]When eyes are wide, they try to hide [00:45.490]All the gravel in the ocean [00:58.973]Wander with the butterflies [01:02.665]Walk out in the daylight [01:06.331]Water the eyes [01:09.077]Holding on to hurricanes [01:13.738]Wonder at the night sky [01:17.362]Run out of the daylight [01:21.019]Water the eyes [01:23.809]Holding on to hurricanes [01:35.375]The mountain moves a little further [01:42.836]The river washed away the rain [01:50.135]Somehow the flowers fall in daisy chain [01:57.008]Burned it all, forget me now [02:04.867]All the petals in the ocean [02:18.304]Wander with the butterflies [02:21.936]Run out of the daylight [02:25.653]Water the eyes [02:28.419]Holding on to hurricanes [02:33.096]Wonder at the night sky [02:36.792]Run out of the daylight [02:40.402]Water the eyes [02:43.236]Holding on to hurricanes [02:48.831]Holding on to hurricanes [02:56.169]Holding on to hurricanes [03:06.281]Holding on to hurricanes [by:猫的同类项] [00:15.962]浮云是流水筑成的雕塑 [00:23.546]流水将伤痛洗净 [00:30.680]不知为何,连色彩也全数褪去 [00:35.238]当你睁开双眼时,它们努力将自己藏匿 [00:45.490]所有浸于海洋中的沙砾啊 [00:58.973]与翩飞的蝴蝶一同游晃 [01:02.665]我们于黎明中出走 [01:06.331]双眼被泪水朦胧 [01:09.077]面对那飓风吧 [01:13.738]惊叹这浩瀚星河 [01:17.362]将那黎明耗尽 [01:21.019]我们想要哭泣 [01:23.809]承受那暴雨吧 [01:35.375]巨山也在朝前倾移 [01:42.836]河流洗刷了雨水的痕迹 [01:50.135]不知为何,花儿也从雏菊环中坠离 [01:57.008]那就将之全部燃去,现在,请把我忘记 [02:04.867]连同那所有漫于海面的花瓣一起 [02:18.304]随蓝蝶漫游 [02:21.936]白昼将尽 [02:25.653]我们忍不住哭泣 [02:28.419]扛住那悲痛吧 [02:33.096]赞叹这星河浩瀚 [02:36.792]白昼已尽 [02:40.402]我们泣不成音 [02:43.236]面对那飓风吧 [02:48.831]承受那暴雨吧 [02:56.169]扛住那悲痛吧 [03:06.281]我们继续前进

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