A Dream歌词 歌手Lou ReedJohn Cale-专辑Songs For Drella-单曲《A Dream》LRC歌词下载

柳絮纷飞2021-12-11  90

导读:《A Dream》歌词 歌手Lou ReedJohn Cale的专辑Songs For Drella单曲《A Dream》LRC歌词下载,《A Dream》歌词分享。…

A Dream歌词 歌手Lou Reed / John Cale-专辑Songs For Drella-单曲《A Dream》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《A Dream》
歌手:Lou Reed / John Cale
专辑:Songs For Drella

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《A Dream》歌词:

[00:16.65]It was a very cold clear fall night [00:20.73]I had a terrible dream [00:25.01]Billy Name and Brigid were playing under my stair case [00:30.80]on the second floor about two o'clock in the morning [00:33.05] [00:33.40]I woke up [00:36.90]because Amos and Archie had started barking [00:39.18]That made me very angry [00:41.62]because I wasn't feeling well and I told them [00:44.02]I was very cross the real me [00:46.57]that they just better remember [00:48.11]what happened to Sam the bad cat [00:49.97]that was left at home and got sick and went ***** heaven [00:53.16] [00:53.51]It was a very cold clear fall night [01:01.22]Some snowflakes were falling [01:05.66]Gee, it was so beautiful [01:07.45]and so I went to get my camera to take some pictures [01:09.44]And then I was taking the pictures [01:12.09]but the exposure thing wasn't right [01:14.05]and I was going to call Fred or Gerry [01:15.74]to find out how to get set it [01:17.43]I was too late [01:19.18]and then I remembered they were still probably at dinner [01:21.22]and anyway [01:22.66]I felt really bad and didn't want to talk to anybody [01:24.60]but the snowflakes were so beautiful and real looking [01:29.38]and I really wanted to hold them [01:31.97]And that's when I heard the voices [01:34.17]from down the hall near the stairs [01:36.21]So I got a flashlight [01:39.64]and I was scared and I went out into the hallway [01:42.33]There's been all kinds of troubles [01:44.47]lately in the neighborhood [01:46.07]and someone's got to bring home the bacon and anyway [01:48.17]there were Brigid and Billy playing [01:50.57] [01:50.88]And under the stair case [01:54.71]was a little meadow sort of like the park at 23rd street [01:58.04]where all the young kids go and play frisbee [02:00.33]Gee, that must be fun [02:02.23]maybe we should do an article on that in the magazine [02:04.57]but they'll just tell me I'm stupid and it won't sell [02:08.01]but I'll just hold my ground this time, I mean [02:10.79]it's my magazine, isn't it? [02:12.58] [02:13.28]So I was thinking that as the snowflakes fell [02:26.14]and I heard those voices having so much fun [02:28.53]Gee, it would be so great to have some fun [02:31.17]So I called Billy [02:32.88]but either he didn't hear me or he didn't want to answer [02:35.47]which was so strange [02:36.71]because [02:37.47]even if I don't like reunions I've always loved Billy [02:40.01]I'm so glad he's working [02:42.25]I mean it's different than Ondine [02:44.39]He keeps touring with those movies [02:46.68]and he doesn't even pay us and the film [02:48.77]I mean the film's just going to disintegrate and then what [02:50.86]I mean he's so normal off of drugs [02:53.76]I just don't get it [02:56.15] [02:56.50]And then I saw John Cale [03:00.13]he's been looking really great [03:02.02]He's been coming by the office to exercise with me [03:03.91]Ronnie said I have a muscle [03:05.46]but he's been really mean since he went to AA [03:07.94]I mean what does it mean [03:10.19]when you give up drinking and then you're still so mean [03:12.43]He says I'm being lazy but I'm not [03:15.22]I'm just can't find any ideas [03:17.22]I mean I'm just not [03:18.86]let's face it [03:20.01]going to get any ideas up at the office [03:22.20] [03:22.45]And seeing John made me think of the Velvets [03:26.54]and I had been thinking about them [03:28.29]when I was on St. Marks Place [03:29.93]going to that new gallery those sweet new kids have opened [03:33.43]but the thought I was old [03:34.70]and then I saw the old DOM [03:36.29]the old club where we did our first shows [03:38.08]It was so great [03:40.42]And I don't understand about that Velvet's first album [03:42.86]I mean I did the cover [03:44.86]I was the producer [03:46.00]and I always see it repackaged [03:47.55]and I've never gotten a penny from it [03:49.15]How could that be [03:50.65]I should call Henry [03:52.44]but it was good seeing John [03:53.88]I did a cover for him [03:55.28]but I did in black and white and he change it to color [03:58.12]It would have been worth more if he'd left it my way [04:01.01]but you can never tell any body anything I've leaned that [04:04.90] [04:05.15]I tried calling again to Billy and John [04:09.68]they wouldn't recognize me it was like I wasn't there [04:12.59]Why won't they let me in [04:14.93] [04:15.17]And then I saw Lou [04:19.26]I'm so mad at him [04:22.54]Lou Reed got married and didn't invite me [04:24.83]I mean is it because he thought I'd bring too many people [04:28.01]I don't get it [04:30.25]could have at least called [04:33.50]I mean he's doing so great [04:35.09]Why doesn't he call me? [04:36.78]I saw him at the MTV show [04:38.72]and he was one row away and he didn't even say hello [04:40.87]I don't get it [04:42.71]You know I hate Lou [04:43.96]I really do [04:45.16]He won't even hire us for his videos [04:46.87]And I was proud of him [04:48.96] [04:49.20]I was so scared today [04:57.92]There was blood leaking thought my shirt [05:04.75]from those old scars from being shot [05:06.89]And the corset I wear to keep my insides in was hurting [05:11.82]And I did three sets of fifteen pushups [05:14.75]and four sets of ten setups [05:17.04]But then my insides hurt [05:19.28]and I saw drops of blood on my shirt and I remember [05:21.82]the doctors saying I was dead [05:24.87]And then later they had to take blood out of my hand [05:31.19]'couse they ran out or veins [05:32.98]but then [05:34.02]all this thinking was making me an old grouch [05:36.56]and you can't do anything anyway so [05:38.86]if they wouldn't let me play with them in my own dream [05:41.95]I was just going to have to make another [05:44.33]and another [05:46.37]and another [05:48.61]Gee, wouldn't it be funny if I died in this dream [05:56.09]before I could make another one up [06:00.34] [06:00.74]And nobody called [06:10.91] [06:17.38]And nobody came [by:HoneyImJackie-] [00:16.65]记得那是一个寒彻清朗的夜晚, [00:20.73]我做了个糟糕透顶的梦。 [00:25.01]当时比利·内姆和布里吉德还在楼下嬉闹, [00:30.80]就在二楼。那时已经凌晨两点了。 [00:33.40]我是被狗叫吵醒的, [00:36.90]阿莫斯和阿奇突然开始发了疯似的狂吠。 [00:39.18]我被这阵噪音惹恼了。 [00:41.62]因为我已经跟他们几个说过了,我那天感觉糟透了。 [00:44.02]我当时神志不清,几乎要越过现实与梦境的界限。 [00:46.57]我希望那些家伙最好还记得, [00:48.11]萨姆——那只生性顽劣的猫, [00:49.97]是怎样被孤零零地锁在家,最终染上恶疾去见了上帝那个糟老头子的。 [00:53.51]那是个异常萧瑟冷冽的秋日的夜晚, [01:01.22]雪花一片片狂舞般地下坠。 [01:05.66]上帝啊!那多么美啊! [01:07.45]于是我就回屋拿来我的相机,拍了些照片。 [01:09.44]我不停地拍, [01:12.09]但我突然发现这些胶卷的曝光好像出了点问题。 [01:14.05]我打算去找弗莱迪和加里帮忙, [01:15.74]来看看究竟是哪儿出了毛病。 [01:17.43]可是太迟了, [01:19.18]在我印象里他们这时应该还在吃晚餐呢。 [01:21.22]唉,去 他 妈 的, [01:22.66]现在我整个人都被一些胡乱的思绪缠绕,我不想和任何人交流。 [01:24.60]但是这些雪花还是那么美,它们让我感到我还真实地活着。 [01:29.38]我正竭尽全力让它们在我手中停留, [01:31.97]就在这时——那些怪声出现了。 [01:34.17]它们从厅堂靠近楼梯的那块阴暗处发出。 [01:36.21]所以我拿了个手电筒, [01:39.64]战战兢兢地靠近了那个角落。 [01:42.33]最近这块街区 [01:44.47]老是出些怪事, [01:46.07]但是人们的日常生活还是得继续啊......总而言之, [01:48.17]布里吉德和比利还在玩儿呢。 [01:50.88]在楼下 [01:54.71]有一座和23号街公园相似的公园。 [01:58.04]年轻人都喜欢去那儿玩飞碟。 [02:00.33]上帝啊,那一定很有趣, [02:02.23]我们简直应该写一篇报道刊在杂志上! [02:04.57]但那些人应该只会把我当成蠢货吧,毕竟你知道,这种与性和绯闻无关的报刊是卖不出去的。 [02:08.01]不过还是让我固执己见一回吧, [02:10.79]你懂吧这他 妈可是我办的杂志不是吗? [02:13.28]刚刚那些屁话就是这些美丽雪花落下时我所想的。 [02:26.14]我能听见雪花碰撞,黏着,最终掉落在地上的声音。这还真是有趣。 [02:28.53]天哪,我太享受现在的时光了! [02:31.17]于是我想把比利也叫来, [02:32.88]但是天知道他是没听见还是他他 妈 的根本就不想回答, [02:35.47]太怪异了...... [02:36.71]因为, [02:37.47]虽然我从不享受重逢的快乐,但我一直都很喜欢比利。 [02:40.01]我为他坚持工作感到欣慰。 [02:42.25]和奥丁那小子不同, [02:44.39]这小子总喜欢在旅途中蹭我们的电影看 [02:46.68]还从来不付钱! [02:48.77]我想说的是——那些电影都被反反复复看到影像都磨损了, [02:50.86]好吧我的意思是......他没了药以后也没啥特别的。 [02:53.76]我只是不太明白他为什么会那个样子。 [02:56.50]在我的脑子被那几个小子搅得正乱的时候我看见了约翰凯尔, [03:00.13]他看起来过得还挺好的。 [03:02.02]他走过办公室,打算和我一起锻炼一会儿。 [03:03.91]罗尼说过我有点健壮, [03:05.46]但是自从他去过AA了以后就变得非常刻薄。 [03:07.94]这他妈是啥意思呢? [03:10.19]既然你酒都戒了你咋还能嘴贱得跟个醉鬼一样? [03:12.43]他断言我就是个懒汉但我他 妈才不是! [03:15.22]我只是,你懂吗?失去了创造生活的灵感! [03:17.22]我的意思是我根本就不是那样的人。 [03:18.86]算了还是面对现实吧, [03:20.01]老老实实回到办公桌前去寻找那根本不存在的灵感吧...... [03:22.45]我瞅着约翰,他总是让我想起地下丝绒。 [03:26.54]然后接下来我的脑子里就一直塞满了那些陈年旧事?! [03:28.29]当我走到圣马可广场, [03:29.93]我去了那家由几个年轻人经营的杂货店。 [03:33.43]但在那我总是忍不住去想:我已经不再年轻了。 [03:34.70]然而这时我看到了老多姆, [03:36.29]我年轻时在那儿有了第一次乐队表演。 [03:38.08]那段记忆真是美好。年轻真好,对吧? [03:40.42]其实我也不明白地下丝绒的第一张专辑究竟想表达些什么, [03:42.86]即使我就是主唱本人 [03:44.86]以及它的制作人。 [03:46.00]我这些年甚至常常操刀重制 [03:47.55]还从没想过从这里面赚一分钱! [03:49.15]这我都是怎么做到的?! [03:50.65]我应该打电话问问亨利, [03:52.44]不过话说回来能看到约翰也不错。 [03:53.88]为他我又重制了一遍。 [03:55.28]不过我还是秉持着我以往的极端作风,而他把它改得花哨了些。 [03:58.12]其实要是他能由着我来效果应该会更好。 [04:01.01]但你绝对无法跟任何人讲明白的是, [04:05.15]我发现无论我怎么用电话去联系比利和约翰 [04:09.68]他们都无法认出那是我,好像我就从未出现过一样。 [04:12.59]为什么他们就从来都只会阻拦我呢? [04:15.17]这时我看到了Lou Reed, [04:19.26]我真的生他的气。 [04:22.54]他结婚的时候竟然没有邀请我! [04:24.83]他可能觉得我一定会带来一大帮子人吧。 [04:28.01]我不太明白。 [04:30.25]起码他得把他该做的给做好吧。 [04:33.50]他那婚礼办得是不错, [04:35.09]但他为什么就是不叫我来呢? [04:36.78]我看到他上MTV表演了, [04:38.72]他一直站在舞台侧面,那种最不引人注目的位置。 [04:40.87]这也让我搞不明白。 [04:42.71]你知道的我讨厌Lou Reed, [04:43.96]真的非常讨厌。 [04:45.16]他甚至都不愿意让我沾染一点他的录音工作。 [04:46.87]但我还是为他骄傲。 [04:49.20]我今天被吓坏了。 [04:57.92]鲜血就那样慢慢渗透我的衬衫, [05:04.75]从我年少时重了子儿的伤口里涓涓地流出来。 [05:06.89]我穿的用来箍紧内脏的束腹勒得我生疼。 [05:11.82]我试着做了四十五个俯卧撑 [05:14.75]和四十个仰卧起坐, [05:17.04]但我的伤口还是隐隐作痛。 [05:19.28]我看到我衣服上的血迹逐渐染成大片鲜红, [05:21.82]我清晰地记得医生告诉我,我没救了。我要死了。 [05:24.87]没过多久医护人员就开始清洗我手上的血渍了, [05:31.19]因为我的血液正从我的静脉里喷涌出来。 [05:32.98]就这么一小会儿, [05:34.02]我已经感觉到这些无用的想法正在把我变成一个怨妇, [05:36.56]而且既然所有人都已经对我束手无策了, [05:38.86]我自己又始终不被大家接纳, [05:41.95]那我就再做一个, [05:44.33]一个又一个 [05:46.37]崭新的梦。 [05:48.61]上帝啊,要是我能在这个梦境里死掉那该有多有趣啊。 [05:56.09]在我开启下一个梦境之前,死彻底。 [06:00.74]在有人开始无休止的烦我之前,死彻底。 [06:17.38]在我的尸体被人找到之前,死彻底。

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