Andy's Chest歌词 歌手The Velvet Underground-专辑VU-单曲《Andy's Chest》LRC歌词下载

爱的故事2021-12-11  80

导读:《Andy's Chest》歌词 歌手The Velvet Underground的专辑VU单曲《Andy's Chest》LRC歌词下载,《Andy's Chest》歌词分享。…

Andy's Chest歌词 歌手The Velvet Underground-专辑VU-单曲《Andy's Chest》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Andy's Chest》
歌手:The Velvet Underground

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《Andy's Chest》歌词:

[00:00.40](Reed) If [00:01.10]I could be anything in the world that flew [00:05.23]I would be a bat and come swooping after you [00:09.97]And if the last time you were here things were a bit askew [00:14.16]Well you know what happens after dark [00:19.28]When rattlesnakes lose their skins and their hearts [00:23.98]And all the missionaries lose their bark [00:28.58]Oh, all the trees are calling after you [00:33.22]And all the venom snipers after you [00:37.84]Are all the mountains bolder after you? [00:42.66]If I could be anyone of the things in this world that bite [00:47.14]Instead of an ancient ocelot on a leash, [00:49.72]I'd rather be a kite [00:51.87]And be tied to the end of your string [00:54.12]And flying in the air, babe, at night [00:56.44]Cause you know what they say about honey bears [01:00.96]When you shave off all their baby hair [01:05.77]You have a hairy minded pink bare bear [01:10.27]And all the balls are rolling out for you [01:14.89]And all the stones are all erupting out for you [01:19.16]And all the cheap bloodsuckers are flying after you [01:42.38]Yesterday, [01:43.23]Daisy Mae and [01:44.06]Biff were grooving on the street [01:46.31]And just like in a movie, her hands became her feet [01:50.06]Her belly button was her mouth [01:52.31]Which meant she tasted what she'd speak [01:54.49]But the funny thing is what happened to her nose [01:57.05]It grew until it reached all of her toes [02:03.83]Now when people say her feet smell they mean her nose [02:08.54]And all the curtains laced with diamonds dear for you [02:12.97]And all the [02:13.85]Roman Noblemen for you [02:17.48]And kingdom's [02:18.37]Christian [02:19.41]Soldiers dear for you [02:21.95]And melting ice cap mountain tops for you [02:26.48]And knights in flamming silver robes for you [02:31.12]And bats that with a kiss turn prince for you [02:37.16]Swoop, Swoop oh baby, [02:40.80]Rock Rock [02:41.50]Swoop, Swoop, [02:44.18]Rock, Rock [02:46.43] [by:Dorian-carrion] [00:00.40]如果 [00:01.10]我可以变成能在天空中飞翔的事物 [00:05.23]我要变成一只在你身后准备袭击的蝙蝠 [00:09.97]如果你最后在这发现事情不对劲 [00:14.16]其实你明白黑夜来临后发生了什么 [00:19.28]响尾蛇们失去了他们的皮肤和心跳 [00:23.98]所有传教士失去了权力 [00:28.58]树木在召唤你 [00:33.22]身带毒液的狙击手在跟踪你 [00:37.84]所有山脉胆大地跟着你 [00:42.66]如果我能变成世界上一种可以撕咬的动物 [00:47.14]我不会选择被束缚着的古老虎猫 [00:49.72]我更愿意变成只鹞子 [00:51.87]系在你的绳子上 [00:54.12]亲爱的 我会在晚上飞向天空 [00:56.44]你也知道他们如何描述蜜糖熊 [01:00.96]当你残忍刮去他们的毛发 [01:05.77]你得到了套毛茸茸多么有思想的粉色熊皮 [01:10.27]所有球都因为你而滚下 [01:14.89]火山因为你而喷发 [01:19.16]廉价的吸血鬼们在你身后飞 [01:42.38]昨日 [01:43.23]戴西梅和比夫 [01:44.06]在街上切槽 [01:46.31]如在电影中,她的手变成脚 [01:50.06]肚脐变成了嘴巴 [01:52.31]那他是在品味着他说的话 [01:54.49]鼻子的变化更加有趣 [01:57.05]它不断变长直到长她的脚趾 [02:03.83]人们议论她脚的味道其实说的是鼻子 [02:08.54]亲爱的,那是为你准备的,带钻石花边的窗帘 [02:12.97]还有 [02:13.85]为你效劳的罗马贵族 [02:17.48]还有王国中的 [02:18.37]基督教 [02:19.41]士兵是属于你的 [02:21.95]山顶上的冰融化是你造成 [02:26.48]穿着正燃烧的银色战袍的骑士是属于你的 [02:31.12]蝙蝠因为你的一个吻变成了王子 [02:37.16]俯冲 快 [02:40.80]摇摆 舞动 [02:41.50]趁虚而入 [02:44.18]摇摆 舞动


