Beating Me Up歌词 歌手Rachel Platten-专辑Fight Song-单曲《Beating Me Up》LRC歌词下载

摘星不得月2021-12-11  113

导读:《Beating Me Up》歌词 歌手Rachel Platten的专辑Fight Song单曲《Beating Me Up》LRC歌词下载,《Beating Me Up》歌词分享。…

Beating Me Up歌词 歌手Rachel Platten-专辑Fight Song-单曲《Beating Me Up》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Beating Me Up》
歌手:Rachel Platten
专辑:Fight Song

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《Beating Me Up》歌词:

[00:08.32]We threw words like [00:09.83]they were sharp knives [00:11.42]Fell like we tripped over a landmine [00:15.50]You said we lost love [00:17.70]You made your mind up [00:19.66]And I just got quiet [00:21.60]my body went numb [00:23.86]And I pretend that I can handle it and [00:27.93]if I hold my head up, I won't drown [00:32.04]Can't let go, you're like the chemical [00:36.06]you're racing through me [00:37.64]My heart just pounds, pounds, pounds... [00:41.36]It's getting louder and louder [00:44.50]Every time I think about you, about you [00:48.40]I'll be better off without you, without you [00:52.54]I wish my heart would stop [00:54.67]wish my heart would stop [00:57.38]Beating me up [01:01.36]Beating me up [01:05.35]Beating me up [01:08.30]You've moved on, I know I should too [01:11.47]My cuts are all gone, my pain feels brand new [01:15.59]Who turned the lights down? [01:17.64]Who took my flashlight? [01:19.80]Why does my heart sound [01:21.50]like it might burst tonight? [01:25.74]It's getting louder and louder [01:28.48]Every time I think about you, about you [01:32.56]I'll be better off without you, without you [01:36.48]I wish my heart would stop [01:38.72]wish my heart would stop [01:41.32]Beating me up [01:45.31]Beating me up [01:49.33]Beating me up [01:53.42]I wish my heart would stop [01:54.78]wish my heart would stop [01:58.42]I won't let you get the best of me [02:02.56]How'd my heart become my enemy? [02:06.86]I won't let you get the best of me [02:10.86]How'd my heart become my enemy? [02:23.84]It's getting louder [02:26.47]every time I think about you [02:30.62]I'll be better off without you [02:34.55]I wish my heart would stop [02:36.73]I wish my heart would stop [02:39.25]Beating me up [02:43.37]Beating me up [02:47.31]Beating me up [02:50.54]Whoa, whoa [02:51.90]Wish my heart would [02:53.19]Wish my heart would stop [02:55.44]Beating me up [02:57.10]up pum pum pum [03:03.35]Beating me up [by:咆哮的小清新___] [00:08.32]我们说出去的话语 [00:09.83]会像尖刀刺进他人心里 [00:11.42]就像不小心跌入满是地雷的陷阱 [00:15.50]失去了爱的你 [00:17.70]就要加设心防提高警惕 [00:19.66]而我只是保持从容安静 [00:21.60]让麻木的身体 [00:23.86]假装能将一切扛起 [00:27.93]如若能一直抬起头 就能防止在悲伤中溺毙 [00:32.04]难以舍弃 你就像剧毒药剂 [00:36.06]正一点一点穿透侵蚀我的身体 [00:37.64]我的心感知到危机 砰砰砰跳个不停 [00:41.36]那声音越来越大 越来越近 [00:44.50]每一次一想到你 [00:48.40]都让我觉得不如从未有过你 [00:52.54]真希望我的心跳暂停 [00:54.67]真希望我能将你忘记 [00:57.38]痛打我吧 [01:01.36]让我清醒吧 [01:05.35]让我忘了你吧 [01:08.30]你已经离去 我也知道应该将你忘记 [01:11.47]伤口虽已痊愈 但疼痛还在继续 [01:15.59]谁让我的世界一片黑暗 [01:17.64]谁夺走了我的骄傲让我倍感黯淡 [01:19.80]为何我的心脏不停跳动不停作响 [01:21.50]像是马上就要爆裂开来一样 [01:25.74]那声音越来越大 越来越近 [01:28.48]每一次我想到你 [01:32.56]都让我觉得不如从未有过你 [01:36.48]真希望我的心跳暂停 [01:38.72]真希望我能将你忘记 [01:41.32]痛打我吧 [01:45.31]让我清醒吧 [01:49.33]让我忘了你吧 [01:53.42]真希望我的心跳暂停 [01:54.78]真希望我能将你忘记 [01:58.42]我不会让我的心全都被你占据 [02:02.56]可为何我的心都要将我背叛与我为敌 [02:06.86]我要把你从我的心里赶出去 [02:10.86]可为何我的心都要将我背叛与我为敌 [02:23.84]心跳的声音越来越大 越来越近 [02:26.47]每一次我想到你 [02:30.62]都会让我觉得不如从未有过你 [02:34.55]真希望这心跳能够暂停 [02:36.73]真希望我能将你忘记 [02:39.25]痛打我吧 [02:43.37]让我清醒吧 [02:47.31]让我把你忘了吧 [02:50.54]噢 噢 [02:51.90]真希望心跳暂停 [02:53.19]真希望将你忘记 [02:55.44]让心跳停止吧 [02:57.10]它还在砰砰砰跳个不停 [03:03.35]让我清醒 也让它清醒


