Criminal Minded歌词 歌手Boogie Down Productions-专辑Criminal Minded-单曲《Criminal Minded》LRC歌词下载

剑侣情缘2021-12-11  106

导读:《Criminal Minded》歌词 歌手Boogie Down Productions的专辑Criminal Minded单曲《Criminal Minded》LRC歌词下载,《Criminal Minded》歌词分享。…

Criminal Minded歌词 歌手Boogie Down Productions-专辑Criminal Minded-单曲《Criminal Minded》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Criminal Minded》
歌手:Boogie Down Productions
专辑:Criminal Minded

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《Criminal Minded》歌词:

[00:00.000] 作词 : KRS One, LaRock [00:00.93]Boogie down productions will always get paid [00:04.62] [00:05.80]We'll take the wackiest song and make it better [00:10.75] [00:11.88]Remember to let us into your skin [00:15.31] [00:16.13]Cause then you'll begin to master [00:20.18]Rhymin rhymin rhymin [00:22.24] [00:23.12]Criminal minded you've been blinded [00:25.48]Lookin for a style like mine you can't find it [00:28.10]They are the audience I am the lyricist [00:30.72]Sometimes the suckas on the side gotta hear this [00:33.35]Page a rage and I'm not in a cage [00:36.15]Free as a bird to fly up out on stage [00:38.59]Ain't here for no frontin just to say a little somethin [00:41.15]Ya suckaz don't like me cause you're all about nothin [00:43.89]However I'm really fascinating to the letter [00:46.58]My all-around performance gets better and better [00:49.25]My english grammar comes down like a hammer [00:51.87]You need a style I need to pull your file [00:54.57]I don't beg favors you're kissing other people's [00:57.06]I write and produce myself just as fast [00:59.81]Keep my hair like this got no time for jheri curls [01:03.41]Attractin only women got no time for little girls [01:05.22]Cause girls look so good [01:07.04]But their brain is not ready I don't know [01:10.02]I'd rather talk to a woman [01:11.77]Cause her mind is so steady so here we go [01:15.40]I'm not a musical maniac or b-boy fanatic [01:18.32]I simply made use of what was upstairs in the attic [01:20.95]I've listened to these mc's back when I was a kid [01:23.51]But I bust more shots than they ever did [01:26.00]I mean this is not the best of krs it's just a section [01:28.87]But how many times must I point you in the right direction [01:31.87]You need protection when I'm on the mic [01:34.05]Because my mouth is like a 9 millimeter windpipe [01:35.98]You're a king I'm a teacher [01:37.48]You're a b-boy I'm a scholar [01:39.10]If this was a class well it would go right under drama [01:42.03]See kings lose crowns but teachers stay intelligent [01:44.66]Talkin big words on the mic but still irrelevant [01:47.35]Especially when you're not college material [01:49.97]Wake up every morning to your lucky charms cereal [01:52.65]Dj scott larock has a college degree [01:54.70]Blastmaster krs writes poetry [01:56.89]I won't go deeper in the subject cause that gets me bored [02:00.51]It's a shame to know some mc's on the mic are fraud [02:03.32]Sayin styles like this to create a diss [02:05.68]But if you listen who you dissin [02:07.31]See I am a musician [02:08.62]Rappin on the mic like this to me is fine [02:11.00]Cause if I really want to battle I will put out a nine [02:13.80]You can see that scott larock and I are mentally binded [02:16.42]In other words we're both criminal minded [02:19.67] [02:40.12]We're not promoting violence we're just havin some fun [02:42.87]He's scott larock I'm krs-one [02:45.24]Never off-beat cause it don't make sense [02:48.18]Grab the microphone relaxed and not tense [02:50.80]You waited debated and now you activated [02:53.67]A musical genius that could not be duplicated [02:56.22]See I have the formula for rockin the house [02:58.60]If you cannot rock a party do not open your mouth [03:01.40]It's that simple no phony cosmetics to your pimple [03:04.22]Take another look because the gear is not wrinkled [03:06.65]The k the r the s the o the n the e [03:09.51]Sayin rhyme for eighty-seven not from 1983 [03:12.32]Well versed to rehearse and my rhymes are my curse [03:14.57]Originality come first but the suckers get worse [03:17.07]Allow me to include I have a very stable mood [03:19.93]Poetic education of a high altitude [03:22.25]I'm not an mc so listen call me poet or musician [03:25.19]A genius when it comes to making music with ambition [03:27.88]I'm cool collected with the rhyme I directed [03:30.57]Don't wanna be elected as the king of a record [03:33.18]Just respected by others as the man with the solution [03:35.74]An artist of the 80's came and left his contribution [03:38.42]On wax relax there's 24 tracks [03:40.98]After years of rocking parties now I picked up the knack [03:43.54]Because everything that flows from out my larynx [03:46.17]Takes years of experience and bottles of beck's [03:48.67]I cannot seem to recollect the time I didn't have *** [03:51.61]Is it real or is it memorex [03:53.54]I'm livin in a city known as new york state [03:56.72]Sucka mc's gotta wait while I translate [03:59.22]I hang with real live dreads with knowledge in their heads [04:02.27]People with ambition and straight up musicians [04:04.83]Although our lives have been so uprooted [04:06.90]I have it included you all get zooted [04:09.08]So take each letter of the krs-one [04:11.45]Means knowledge reigns supreme over nearly everyone [04:13.26]You look at me and laugh but this is your class [04:16.88]It's an all-out discussion of the suckas I be crushin [04:20.74]So now you are awakened to the music I be makin [04:23.36]Never duplicated and also highly cultivated [04:26.05]Don't get frustrated cause nothin has been traded [04:28.67]Only activated it came out very complicated [04:31.42]Not separated from my dj [04:33.29]You see my voice is now faded [04:35.23]I'll see you folks around the way [04:37.04] [04:38.25]Criminal minded [04:39.31] [04:43.69]Criminal minded [04:44.56] [04:48.79]Criminal minded [04:49.80] [04:54.16]Criminal minded [by:来人间凑人头] [00:00.93]Googie down production会一直有收获的 [00:05.80]我们会把最怪诞的歌做得更好 [00:11.88]让我们渗入你的皮肤吧 [00:16.13]因为你马上就学会 [00:20.18]押韵 押韵 押韵 [00:23.12]罪恶念头蒙蔽了你的双眼 [00:25.48]去找和我相似的风格 你找不到 [00:28.10]他们是观众 我是作者 [00:30.72]有时站在一旁的蠢货会听到这些 [00:33.35]书写愤怒,我不在牢笼 [00:36.15]像鸟一样飞出牢笼 [00:38.59]我来这儿不是为了引导只是说几句话 [00:41.15]呦老弟你们不喜欢我因为你们啥也不是 [00:43.89]而我才华横溢 [00:46.58]我的表演都越来越棒 [00:49.25]我的语法都炼成了铁锤 [00:51.87]你需要一种风格 我需要拖住你的脚步 [00:54.57]我不乞得帮助 你在吻谢他人 [00:57.06]我输出知识的同时在输入 [00:59.81]我没闲暇去让我头发保持杰里卷 [01:03.41]和御姐搭讪了就没时间和小女生玩了 [01:05.22]因为小女生看起来很漂亮 [01:07.04]但他们脑子还没发育好 我不知道 [01:10.02]我更想和一个成熟女人交谈 [01:11.77]因为她们的思想坚定 行动起来! [01:15.40]我不是音乐狂野不是b-boy [01:18.32]我只是想利用在高处的优势 [01:20.95]在我还是小孩就听过了mc的经历 [01:23.51]但我要比他们更强 [01:26.00]我是说这并不是最好的 这只是其中之一 [01:28.87]但要我给你指多少次对的方向 [01:31.87]你还需要庇护 我就有了麦克风 [01:34.05]因为我的嘴像一个9毫米长的气管 [01:35.98]你是国王 我是教师 [01:37.48]你是b-boy 我是学者 [01:39.10]如果这是一节课,那么这将会是戏剧课 [01:42.03]国王没了皇冠 而教师还有知识 [01:44.66]对着麦克风说的大话也无关痛痒 [01:47.35]尤其是当你不是读大学的料的时候 [01:49.97]每天早上起来吃些幸运符麦片 [01:52.65]Dj scott larock拥有大学学位 [01:54.70]Blastmaster krs作诗 [01:56.89]我不会更加深入地说这些 因为这让我感到无趣 [02:00.51]知道一些拿麦克风的mc是骗子真是感到羞耻 [02:03.32]这些现象像是一颗耗子屎 [02:05.68]但你听你你侮辱的人 [02:07.31]发现自己是一个音乐家 [02:08.62]像这样对我用麦克风唱rap是没事的 [02:11.00]因为如果我真的想较量一下我会使出9分力气 [02:13.80]你可以看见我和 scott larock精神上在一起 [02:16.42]换句话说我们都有罪恶的念头 [02:40.12]我们不是在助长暴力,我们只是想找些乐子 [02:42.87]他是scott larock我是krs-one [02:45.24]别标新立异因为这无意义 [02:48.18]放松地抓住麦克风 别紧张 [02:50.80]你在等着辩论 现在 你可以开始了 [02:53.67]音乐鬼才无人可替 [02:56.22]看 我有让房屋摇滚的点子 [02:58.60]如果你不能在派对上摇滚那就别张嘴 [03:01.40]这就是简单的道理 在你的痘痘面前没有假的化妆品 [03:04.22]再看看 因为齿轮没有褶皱 [03:06.65]k r s n e [03:09.51]押韵的是87而不是1983 [03:12.32]熟练的排练 押韵是我的咒骂 [03:14.57]根本来说 创新是第一位 但白痴只会更糟 [03:17.07]允许我加入 我情绪很稳定 [03:19.93]史诗级的高等教育高度 [03:22.25]我不是mc所以听人们叫我诗人或音乐家 [03:25.19]一个天才 当他开始有做音乐的抱负 [03:27.88]当我的押韵词被收藏了我内心毫无波动 [03:30.57]我不想我的唱片做第一 [03:33.18]只是别人用这种方式表达尊敬 [03:35.74]一位80年代的艺术家来这儿了,留下了他的作品 [03:38.42]在 wax relax有24处足迹 [03:40.98]多年的摇滚派对让我学会了一些诀窍 [03:43.54]因为所有东西都从我喉咙里流了出来 [03:46.17]这需要多年的经验和几瓶beck [03:48.67]我似乎想不起我多久没有x生活了 [03:51.61]这是真的 还是只是回忆 [03:53.54]我住在一个叫new york的地方 [03:56.72]Sucka mc得等等 我在翻译 [03:59.22]我真的和那些有头脑的恐怖分子混在一起 [04:02.27]有梦想的人 和正直的音乐家 [04:04.83]尽管我们的生活被连根拔起了 [04:06.90]我把它包括你们给困住了 [04:09.08]分出krs-one的每一个字母 [04:11.45]意味着知识主宰了几乎所有人 [04:13.26]你对着我笑但这是你的课程 [04:16.88]这是关于白痴的全面论述我崩溃了 [04:20.74]然后现在你被我的音乐叫醒 [04:23.36]一直不可替代 同时也非常有教养 [04:26.05]不要因为没有生意而感郁郁寡欢 [04:28.67]只有先激活它才能有更多 [04:31.42]我没和我的dj分开 [04:33.29]你看见了我的嗓音现在变沧桑了 [04:35.23]江湖再见 [04:38.25]罪恶的念头 [04:43.69]罪恶的念头 [04:48.79]罪恶的念头 [04:54.16]罪恶的念头


