Dragon歌词 歌手KOTA The Friend-专辑Dragon-单曲《Dragon》LRC歌词下载

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导读:《Dragon》歌词 歌手KOTA The Friend的专辑Dragon单曲《Dragon》LRC歌词下载,《Dragon》歌词分享。…

Dragon歌词 歌手KOTA The Friend-专辑Dragon-单曲《Dragon》LRC歌词下载

歌手:KOTA The Friend

点击试听 → 《Dragon


[00:09.08]Yeah yeah yeah [00:11.62]People say there's more to life [00:14.45]Then getting rich and walking right [00:17.41]Graduate from nine to five [00:20.29]Sit and watch the time go by [00:23.25]I don't really know [00:25.54]That may be it all [00:27.62]It could be the whole thing [00:29.16]I do what I want [00:31.29]I go where I please [00:33.20]But still I want more things [00:35.00]I let lost people run my life [00:38.58]Sing these songs it's all I got [00:41.50]Lost myself to a part I play [00:44.37]Now I'm just sad and my head hurt [00:47.25]Ain't no wet foot I go head first [00:50.12]Hit the fork and I took a left turn [00:53.00]Learning that I had to do it my way [00:55.62]And before it gets bеtter it's gonna get worse [00:59.20]You bеtter live for the right now [01:01.91]And throw a smile on your face [01:04.79]The good things in your life now [01:07.83]Do not let them go to waste [01:10.62]If I could give you some advice now [01:13.50]Appreciate what you have [01:16.33]Cause if you lost it all right now [01:19.16]I betcha you'd be in your bag [01:21.91]Girl you better bask in that daylight [01:24.79]Momma told me "Boy, fix your face right [01:27.66]And if you keep whining [01:29.00]I promise I'll give you good reason to cry" [01:31.79]Life's short don't waste time [01:34.16]Got a good girl got to make time [01:37.08]Got to throw the ego to the wayside [01:39.95]Show love [01:40.58]You ain't got to say why (Nah) [01:43.66]Don't waste time [01:45.70]Got a good girl got to make time [01:48.62]Got to throw the ego to the wayside [01:51.54]Show love [01:52.25]You ain't got to say why (No No) [01:56.29]I used to want to be up on the music blogs [01:59.41]I used to want to sign a deal with Interscope [02:02.37]I used to want to be up in the illest cars [02:05.20]With the baddest women and the illest hoes [02:08.00]And the mad Benz on the car with the ceiling off [02:10.33]Looking at my ex-girl [02:11.75]Walking as I'm peeling off [02:13.25]Camera pan close up on her face and she's still in awe [02:16.87]I may not have a million but I'm chilling Dawg [02:19.66]And if I could go back and say to him [02:22.62]”Just focus on your spirit and you'll make it Kid [02:25.37]And do right by the women that you make it with [02:28.00]Taking her for granted [02:28.79]She's someone you should be patient with [02:30.70]Get your Momma flowers [02:31.83]Even when she get you mad-mad [02:33.41]And people backstab [02:34.66]Be careful and keep a trash bag [02:36.29]Skip the fast pass be knowledgable [02:38.29]That's the bag-bag [02:39.25]Polish all your skills set your price [02:41.45]Then you tax that [02:42.33]Even if you independent no man is an island [02:45.00]And do not put your stock in [02:46.41]Fresh trends and diamonds [02:48.04]And if you treat her good [02:49.00]She won't think about your wallet [02:50.79]You could put a rock on her finger don't make you solid" [02:55.00]You better live for the right now [02:57.58]And throw a smile on your face [03:00.45]The good things in your life now [03:03.41]Do not let them go to waste [03:06.37]If I could give you some advice now [03:09.20]Appreciate what you have [03:12.04]Cause if you lost it all right now [03:14.91]I betcha you'd be in your bag [03:17.66]Girl you better bask in that daylight [03:20.50]Momma told me "Boy fix your face right" [03:23.29]"And if you keep whining I promise [03:25.45]I’ll give you good reason to cry" [03:27.45]Life's short don't waste time [03:29.83]Got a good girl got to make time [03:32.75]Got to throw the ego to the wayside [03:35.62]Show love [03:36.37]You ain't got to say why (Nah) [03:39.66]Don't waste time [03:41.50]Got a good girl got to make time [03:44.37]Got to throw the ego to the wayside [03:47.25]Show love [03:48.29]You ain't got to say why (No No) [by:Zack_Chicago] [00:09.08] [00:11.62]人们常说 人生的意义不止赛车和泡吧 [00:14.45]玩够了 就收山 好好搞钱 别走弯路 [00:17.41]因此我毕业后 便朝九晚五地工作 [00:20.29]眼看着岁月在平淡中流逝 [00:23.25]可我却并未真正看清人生 [00:25.54]或许我的快乐也就止步于此了 [00:27.62]这就是我生活的全部 [00:29.16]随心所欲的自己 [00:31.29]一意孤行的自己 [00:33.20]可我并不心满意足 [00:35.00]平凡的生活 任人宰割 [00:38.58]唯有沉浸唱歌 才是我所有的快乐 [00:41.50]迷失在现实生活扮演的角色中 [00:44.37]而现在 我也只能坐在原地心烦意乱 [00:47.25]我依旧不想去接受新的事物 [00:50.12]人生的岔路口 我最终还是选择改变现状 [00:53.00]我开始学着如何去做自己 [00:55.62]起初的执念愈发变好 但后来又变得愈发糟糕 [00:59.20]你最好活在当下 [01:01.91]你需要面带微笑 [01:04.79]美好事物就在你的生活中 [01:07.83]趁着大好青春得好好珍惜 [01:10.62]如果我可以给你一些建议 [01:13.50]那就是要珍惜你所拥有的 [01:16.33]因为如果你现在还不珍惜 [01:19.16]我打赌你一定会后悔莫及 [01:21.91]女孩 你要尽情活在阳光下 [01:24.79]妈妈说我:"小子 好好给我摆正心态 [01:27.66]你如果再唠唠叨叨的 [01:29.00]我保证把你打得哭都哭不出来!" [01:31.79]人生苦短 及时行乐 [01:34.16]腾出时间找个好姑娘 [01:37.08]我得抛下自我的倔性 [01:39.95]大胆去爱 [01:40.58]你我心知肚明 [01:43.66]因为时间很宝贵 [01:45.70]腾出时间找个好姑娘 [01:48.62]我得抛下自我的倔性 [01:51.54]大胆去爱 [01:52.25]你我心知肚明 [01:56.29]我曾经想做音乐的博客 [01:59.41]我曾经也想和Interscope(唱片公司)签约 [02:02.37]我曾经还想有最炫酷的跑车 [02:05.20]身边有最性感的女人和她带来的妹子们 [02:08.00]开着满速奔驰敞篷车 [02:10.33]看着我的前女友 [02:11.75]边走边脱下衣服 [02:13.25]镜头拉近她的脸 她依然表现得令人振奋 [02:16.87]我虽然不是百万富翁 但我很满足了 [02:19.66]如果我能回到当初 我会对自己说 [02:22.62]"只要集中精神 你就会成功 孩子 [02:25.37]善待和你一起生活的女人 [02:28.00]不要觉得这些都理所当然 [02:28.79]她是你需要耐心倾听的人 [02:30.70]为你妈妈买束鲜花吧 [02:31.83]即使她在教育你时 你会很反感 [02:33.41]小心谨慎 身边人的背叛 [02:34.66]对于那些残花败柳 要留个心眼 [02:36.29]跳出舒适圈 多加学习 提升素养 [02:38.29]这就是人生真谛 [02:39.25]磨练所有的技能 设立你的人生价值 [02:41.45]为自己投资 [02:42.33]即便你迫切想独立 但最终也没有人是一座孤岛 [02:45.00]不要为了追求时尚和珠宝 [02:46.41]大把挥霍金钱 [02:48.04]倘若你待她好 [02:49.00]她也不会打你钱的主意 [02:50.79]能和她在一起 就别让自己显得不可靠” [02:55.00]你最好活在当下 [02:57.58]你需要面带微笑 [03:00.45]美好事物就在你的生活中 [03:03.41]趁着大好青春得好好珍惜 [03:06.37]如果我可以给你一些建议 [03:09.20]那就是要珍惜你所拥有的 [03:12.04]因为如果你现在还不珍惜 [03:14.91]我打赌你一定会后悔莫及 [03:17.66]女孩 你要尽情活在阳光下 [03:20.50]妈妈说我:"小子 好好给我摆正心态 [03:23.29]你如果再唠唠叨叨的 [03:25.45]我保证把你打得哭都哭不出来!" [03:27.45]人生苦短 及时行乐 [03:29.83]腾出时间找个好姑娘 [03:32.75]我得抛下自我的倔性 [03:35.62]大胆去爱 [03:36.37]你我心知肚明 [03:39.66]因为时间很宝贵 [03:41.50]腾出时间找个好姑娘 [03:44.37]我得抛下自我的倔性 [03:47.25]大胆去爱 [03:48.29]你我心知肚明

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