Honor to Us All歌词 歌手Marnie NixonBeth Fowler-专辑Mulan Original Soundtrack-单曲《Honor to Us All》LRC歌词下载

导读:《Honor to Us All》歌词 歌手Marnie NixonBeth Fowler的专辑Mulan Original Soundtrack单曲《Honor to Us All》LRC歌词下载,《Honor to Us All》…

Honor to Us All歌词 歌手Marnie Nixon / Beth Fowler-专辑Mulan Original Soundtrack-单曲《Honor to Us All》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Honor to Us All》
歌手:Marnie Nixon / Beth Fowler
专辑:Mulan Original Soundtrack

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《Honor to Us All》歌词:

[00:03.09]This is what you give me to work with [00:05.31]Well honey I've seen worse [00:07.56] [00:08.08]We're going to turn this sow's ear [00:10.71] [00:11.47]into a silk purse [00:13.38] [00:18.39]We'll have you washed and dried [00:21.20]Primped and polished [00:22.35]till you glow with pride [00:24.31]Trust my recipe for instant bride [00:26.94]You'll bring honor to us all [00:30.45] [00:38.50]Wait and see [00:39.83]When we're through [00:41.44]Boys will gladly go to war for you [00:43.89]With good fortune [00:44.89]And a great hairdo [00:47.06]You'll bring honor to us all [00:49.90] [00:51.02]A girl can bring her family [00:53.86]great honor in one way [00:56.73]By striking a good match [00:59.65]And this could be the day [01:02.71]Men want girls with good taste [01:05.62]Calm [01:06.32]Obediant [01:06.71]Who work fast-paced [01:08.58]With good breeding [01:09.83]And a tiny waist [01:11.27]You'll bring honor to us all [01:14.38] [01:15.37]We all must serve our Emperor [01:18.09]Who guards us from the Huns [01:20.95]A man by bearing arms [01:23.70]A girl by bearing sons [01:26.96]When we're through [01:28.30]You can't fail [01:29.65]Like a lotus blossom [01:32.16]Soft and pale [01:33.52]How could any fellow [01:36.52]Say No Sale [01:37.88]You'll bring honor to us all [01:40.76] [01:43.42]There - you're ready [01:45.68]Not yet [01:46.82]An apple for serenity [01:48.85]A pendant for balance [01:51.11] [01:51.73]Beads of jade for beauty [01:55.97] [01:57.35]You must proudly show it [02:02.06] [02:02.75]Now add a cricket just for luck [02:07.96] [02:08.73]And even you can't blow it [02:11.09] [02:11.72]Ancestors [02:13.12]Hear my plea [02:14.56]Help me not to make a [02:16.53]fool of me [02:17.52]And to not uproot [02:18.64]my family tree [02:20.39]Keep my father standing tall [02:23.54] [02:24.64]Scarier than the undertaker [02:26.12]We are meeting our matchmaker [02:30.40]Destiny [02:31.90]Guard our girls [02:33.30]And our future [02:34.26]as it fast unfurls [02:36.12]Please look kindly on [02:37.49]these cultured pearls [02:39.15]Each a perfect porcelain doll [02:42.36] [02:43.07]Please bring honor to us [02:44.64]Please bring honor to us [02:46.11]Please bring honor to us [02:47.62]Please bring honor to us [02:49.26]Please bring honor to us all [02:52.13]END [00:03.09]这就是你交给我捯饬的身体 [00:05.31]嗯,宝贝,这还算好 [00:07.56] [00:08.08]我们要把这猪耳朵 [00:10.71] [00:11.47]变成丝钱包 [00:13.38] [00:18.39]我们会把你洗干净 [00:21.20]化妆打扮 [00:22.35]叫你得意扬扬 [00:24.31]相信我的新娘速成配方 [00:26.94]你将为大家带来荣耀 [00:30.45] [00:38.50]等着瞧 [00:39.83]我们完事的时候 [00:41.44]男孩们会为了得到你而乐于去打仗 [00:43.89]有了好运 [00:44.89]和漂亮的发型 [00:47.06]你将为大家带来荣耀 [00:49.90] [00:51.02]女孩可以通过一种方式 [00:53.86]为她的家族带来无上荣光 [00:56.73]就是通过达成一门好亲事 [00:59.65]这会是家族最重要的一天 [01:02.71]男人们想要女孩有好品味 [01:05.62]文静 [01:06.32]顺从 [01:06.71]快节奏地干活 [01:08.58]有好的教养 [01:09.83]还有纤细的腰身 [01:11.27]你将为大家带来荣耀 [01:14.38] [01:15.37]大家必须为保护我们 [01:18.09]不受匈奴侵犯的皇帝服务 [01:20.95]男人通过带武器 [01:23.70]女孩通过生儿子 [01:26.96]我们完事的时候 [01:28.30]你不会失败 [01:29.65]就像荷花一样 [01:32.16]又软又白 [01:33.52]任何男人看了 [01:36.52]怎么可能会说没戏 [01:37.88]你将为大家带来荣耀 [01:40.76] [01:43.42]瞧——你已经好了 [01:45.68]还没有 [01:46.82]为了安宁吃一个苹果 [01:48.85]为了平衡带一个吊坠 [01:51.11] [01:51.73]为了美丽戴一串玉珠 [01:55.97] [01:57.35]你必须骄傲地露出它 [02:02.06] [02:02.75]为了好运加一只蟋蟀 [02:07.96] [02:08.73]就算是你也不会搞砸 [02:11.09] [02:11.72]祖先们 [02:13.12]请听我的请求 [02:14.56]助我一臂之力 [02:16.53]让我不要出丑 [02:17.52]不要让我的家谱 [02:18.64]名声扫地 [02:20.39]让我的父亲总能挺直腰杆 [02:23.54] [02:24.64]我们要去见媒人了 [02:26.12]这比送葬者还要可怕 [02:30.40]命运啊 [02:31.90]在结局即将揭晓之时 [02:33.30]保佑我们的女孩 [02:34.26]和我们的未来吧 [02:36.12]请赞赏这些 [02:37.49]人工养殖的珍珠 [02:39.15]每个都是完美的瓷娃娃 [02:42.36] [02:43.07]请为我们带来荣耀 [02:44.64]请为我们带来荣耀 [02:46.11]请为我们带来荣耀 [02:47.62]请为我们带来荣耀 [02:49.26]请为大家带来荣耀 [02:52.13]

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