Learn to Do It歌词 歌手John BoltonDerek KlenaChristy Altomare-专辑Anastasia (Original Broadway Cast Recording)-单曲《Learn to Do It》LRC歌词

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导读:《Learn to Do It》歌词 歌手John BoltonDerek KlenaChristy Altomare的专辑Anastasia (Original Broadway Cast Recording)单曲《Learn…

Learn to Do It歌词 歌手John Bolton / Derek Klena / Christy Altomare-专辑Anastasia (Original Broadway Cast Recording)-单曲《Learn to Do It》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Learn to Do It》
歌手:John Bolton / Derek Klena / Christy Altomare
专辑:Anastasia (Original Broadway Cast Recording)

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《Learn to Do It》歌词:

[00:00.83]How do you become the person you forgot and you ever were? [00:04.62]Take a deep breath [00:06.76]Close your eyes [00:08.54]And imagine another time, another world [00:14.80]You were born in a palace by the sea [00:18.48]A palace by the sea [00:20.47]Could it be? [00:21.49]Yes, it’s so [00:22.58]You rode horseback when you were only three [00:26.80] [00:28.48]Horse’s name [00:29.53]Romeo [00:30.46]You threw tantrums and terrorized the cook [00:33.96]Ha! [00:34.53]How the palace shook [00:36.39]Charming child [00:37.40]Wrote the book [00:38.45]But you’d behave when your father gave that look [00:42.31]Imagine how it was [00:43.96]Your long forgotten past [00:45.90]We’ve lots and lots to teach you and the time is going fast [00:50.90]Let’s see you walk [00:51.12]Head up [00:51.79]Regal bearing [00:53.23]Now shoulders back and stand up tall [00:55.10]And do not walk, but try to float [00:56.93]I feel a little foolish [00:58.57]Am I floating? [00:59.60]Like a sinking boat [01:00.83]You give a bow [01:01.49]What happens now? [01:02.48]Your hand receives a kiss [01:04.48]Most of all remember this [01:08.10]If I can learn to do it [01:09.85]You can learn to do it [01:12.20]Something in you knows it [01:13.65]There’s nothing to it [01:15.96]Follow in my footsteps [01:17.60]Shoe by shoe [01:19.55]You can learn to do it too [01:24.73]Now elbows in and sit up straight [01:26.95]And do not slurp the stroganoff [01:28.87]I never cared for stroganoff [01:30.84]She said that like a Romanov [01:32.62]The Samovar [01:34.69]Dessert and then goodnight? [01:34.70]The caviar [01:36.41]Not until you get this right [01:40.18]If I can learn to do it [01:41.47]If he can learn to do it [01:42.90]You can learn to do it [01:43.31]You can learn to do it [01:44.21]Pull yourself together [01:45.50]And you’ll pull through it [01:47.84]Tell yourself it’s easy [01:49.45]And it’s true [01:51.60]You can learn to do it too [01:54.96]Who is your great grandmother? [01:56.32]Queen Victoria. [01:57.17]Great-great grandmother? [01:58.79]Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld. [02:01.29]Your best friend is? [02:02.10]My little brother Alexei. [02:03.86]Wrong. Your best friend is - [02:05.47]I know who my best friend is. [02:06.85]What a temper. [02:08.38]I don’t like being contradicted. [02:09.76]That makes two of us. [02:10.90]Continuing on. [02:12.38]I’ve had it [02:13.45]And I hate you both [02:14.56]I’m sorry that we ever met [02:16.34]I’m hungry [02:17.23]And I’m frightened [02:18.27]And I’m only human [02:19.43]Don’t forget [02:20.25]I don’t remember anything [02:22.16]Get out and let me be [02:25.10]Anya, darling [02:28.10]Look at me [02:32.67]We're all frightened [02:34.71]Well, slightly, now and then [02:37.21]Shall we start again? [02:39.62]Take a breath [02:40.88]Count to ten [02:42.16]You have courage [02:44.26]And strength you barely know [02:46.50]So blow that little nose [02:48.44]And dry those pretty eyes [02:50.14]A princess like Your Majesty can do this if she tries [02:54.16]Ready? [02:55.50]Set [02:55.94]Go [03:00.22]Now here’s your great-aunt Olga [03:01.60]How she frolicked [03:02.27]On the Volga [03:03.24]Oh! [03:03.80]Your distant cousin Vanya [03:05.90]Loved his vodka [03:06.00]Got it, Anya? [03:06.75]No. [03:07.48]The Duke of Oldenburg was short [03:08.67]Louise of Baden [03:09.80]Had a [03:10.33]Wart [03:10.77]Count Sergei [03:11.27]Wore a feathered hat [03:12.43]I hear he’s gotten very fat [03:14.20]And I recall his yellow cat [03:18.70]I don’t believe we told her that [03:21.72]If you can learn to do it [03:22.98]If I can learn to do it [03:23.94]He can learn to do it [03:25.14]You can learn to do it [03:25.98]Pull yourself together [03:27.42]And we’ll pull through it [03:29.44]Tell yourself it’s easy [03:30.92]And it’s true [03:33.14]You can learn to do it [03:35.13]Nothing to it [03:36.76]You can learn to do it [03:41.26]The caviar [03:41.73]The stroganoff [03:42.41]The Samovar [03:43.12]The feathered hat [03:43.87]The cousin drank [03:44.50]The Duke was short [03:45.26]And here a wart [03:45.89]And there a cat [03:46.87]The horse’s name was Romeo [03:48.60]So tell me something new [03:49.46]Ha! [03:50.66]Ah! [03:51.27]You can learn to do it too [by:楼船夜雪天] [00:00.83]我要怎么变成这个连我自己都不曾记得的人呢? [00:04.62]深呼吸 [00:06.76]闭上眼 [00:08.54]想象你在另一个时空,另一片天 [00:14.80]你出生在海边的皇宫 [00:18.48]海边的皇宫 [00:20.47]真的吗 [00:21.49]那当然 [00:22.58]你三岁的时候就学会了骑马 [00:26.80]Horseback riding? Me?骑马?我? [00:28.48]那匹马叫 [00:29.53]罗密欧 [00:30.46]你耍脾气去吓唬厨师 [00:33.96]哈 [00:34.53]宫里闹得鸡飞狗跳 [00:36.39]多可爱的孩子 [00:37.40]都记在书里了 [00:38.45]但你父皇看你一眼你就乖乖听话 [00:42.31]想想看 [00:43.96]被你遗忘的漫漫过往,到底是什么样 [00:45.90]我们有大把大把的事情要教你,时间还很急 [00:50.90]看看公主该怎么走路 [00:51.12]抬头 [00:51.79]要有皇室风范 [00:53.23]肩膀向后,挺胸站直 [00:55.10]走路要有飘的感觉 [00:56.93]我感觉有点搞笑 [00:58.57]我飘起来了吗 [00:59.60]没,沉下去了 [01:00.83]现在你鞠一躬 [01:01.49]然后会怎样 [01:02.48]大家会轻吻你的手 [01:04.48]最重要的是记住这点 [01:08.10]如果我能学得会 [01:09.85]你也能学得会 [01:12.20]这些都在你骨子里 [01:13.65]没什么问题 [01:15.96]跟随我的脚步 [01:17.60]一步一步来 [01:19.55]你也肯定学得会 [01:24.73]手肘后收,挺身站直 [01:26.95]吃牛肉的时候嘴巴不要响 [01:28.87]这我才不管 [01:30.84]这一听就像罗曼诺夫家的人 [01:32.62]喝点茶 [01:34.69]然后吃完点心说晚安? [01:34.70]吃鱼子酱 [01:36.41]先把这些都学会再说 [01:40.18]如果我能学得会 [01:41.47]如果他能学得会 [01:42.90]你也能学得会 [01:43.31]你也能学得会 [01:44.21]打起精神来 [01:45.50]你一定能搞得定 [01:47.84]告诉自己,这没什么难的 [01:49.45]确实不难 [01:51.60]你也肯定能学得会 [01:54.96]你祖母是? [01:56.32]维多利亚女王 [01:57.17]曾祖母是? [01:58.79]萨克森-科堡-萨尔费尔德的维多利亚王妃 [02:01.29]你最好的朋友是 [02:02.10]我弟弟阿列克谢 [02:03.86]错,你最好的朋友是-? [02:05.47]我难道还不知道谁是我的好朋友? [02:06.85]哇,这公主脾气 [02:08.38]我不喜欢总是这样被人否定 [02:09.76]我也不想 [02:10.90]继续吧 [02:12.38]我受够了 [02:13.45]我讨厌你们俩 [02:14.56]也许我们就不应该遇见 [02:16.34]我又饿 [02:17.23]又害怕 [02:18.27]我只是个普通人 [02:19.43]别忘了 [02:20.25]我已经什么都记不起来了 [02:22.16]出去,让我静一会 [02:25.10]安雅,亲爱的 [02:28.10]看着我 [02:32.67]我们都很害怕 [02:34.71]嗯...一直以来都有点 [02:37.21]我们再来一遍吧? [02:39.62]深呼吸 [02:40.88]数到十 [02:42.16]你没发觉 [02:44.26]你身上有过人的勇气和毅力 [02:46.50]现在擤擤鼻子 [02:48.44]擦干眼泪 [02:50.14]像你这种公主殿下尽力肯定没问题 [02:54.16]准备好没? [02:55.50]预备 [02:55.94]开始 [03:00.22]这是你姑婆奥尔加 [03:01.60]你看她在伏尔加河上 [03:02.27]多开心 [03:03.24]噢 [03:03.80]这是你远房表哥万尼亚 [03:05.90]伏特加不离手 [03:06.00]想起来了吗安雅 [03:06.75]难说 [03:07.48]奥尔登堡公爵矮矮的 [03:08.67]巴登的路易丝 [03:09.80]长了个 [03:10.33]疣 [03:10.77]谢尔盖伯爵 [03:11.27]带着顶羽毛帽子 [03:12.43]我听说他最近发福了 [03:14.20]我还记得他养了只小黄猫 [03:18.70]我们好像没和她说过这个吧? [03:21.72]如果你能学得会 [03:22.98]如果我能学得会 [03:23.94]他也能学得会 [03:25.14]你也能学得会 [03:25.98]打起精神 [03:27.42]肯定没问题 [03:29.44]告诉自己,这很简单 [03:30.92]实际真的不难 [03:33.14]你就能学得会 [03:35.13]没什么能难住我 [03:36.76]你肯定能学得会 [03:41.26]鱼子酱 [03:41.73]奶油肉 [03:42.41]下午茶 [03:43.12]羽毛帽 [03:43.87]表哥醉 [03:44.50]公爵矮 [03:45.26]这里一颗疣 [03:45.89]那里一只猫 [03:46.87]还有我的马儿,罗密欧 [03:48.60]再来一点新鲜的 [03:49.46]哈 [03:50.66]啊 [03:51.27]你也肯定能学得会!

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