Evelyn Evelyn歌词 歌手Evelyn Evelyn-专辑Evelyn Evelyn-单曲《Evelyn Evelyn》LRC歌词下载

川水往事2021-12-14  102

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Evelyn Evelyn歌词 歌手Evelyn Evelyn-专辑Evelyn Evelyn-单曲《Evelyn Evelyn》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Evelyn Evelyn》
歌手:Evelyn Evelyn
专辑:Evelyn Evelyn

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《Evelyn Evelyn》歌词:

[00:00.000] 作曲 : Neville [00:17.25]Evelyn, Evelyn [00:19.18]why do we bother to stay? [00:21.58]why are you running away? [00:23.65]don't you feel like severing? [00:24.82]everything's just come together at last... [00:29.16]it's broken, I don't want to play! [00:33.30]we grew up, [00:36.26]closer than most... [00:37.71]closer than anything... [00:38.97]closer than anything... [00:41.14]shared our bed, [00:43.77]and wore the same clothes [00:45.65]talked about everything [00:47.10]spoke about so many things [00:49.41]what shall we wear tonight? [00:51.17]what shall we eat today? [00:53.18]can we go ice skating? [00:54.88]but we just did that yesterday... [00:57.13]should we be fireman? [00:59.19]can we be astronauts? [01:01.13]what if they find us? [01:02.81]they're not looking anyway... [01:05.38]Evelyn, Evelyn [01:07.13]why do we bother to stay? [01:09.06]why are you running away? [01:11.94]don't you feel like severing? [01:13.21]everything's just come together at last... [01:16.89]it's broken, I don't want to play! [01:21.58]fill my glass! [01:23.89]let's drink a toast! [01:25.96]this is our birthday... [01:27.18]so, why are we weeping? [01:29.18]at your side, I feel like a ghost... [01:32.11]I wake up first and I stare at you sleeping... [01:37.32]what shall we wear tonight? [01:39.18]what shall we eat today? [01:41.27]do you think I should marry him? [01:43.10]but we just met him yesterday... [01:45.06]should we be movie stars? [01:47.10]will we be millionaires? [01:49.23]I want to be famous! [01:50.75]they're watching us anyway... [01:53.34]Evelyn, Evelyn [01:55.16]why do we bother to stay? [01:57.18]why are you running away? [01:59.73]don't you feel like severing? [02:01.24]everything's just come together at last... [02:05.55]it's broken, I don't want to play! [02:09.10]we grew up, [02:12.22]so very close... [02:17.04]a parasite needs a host... [02:22.05]I'm only trying to do what is best for us! [02:24.87]well, I never asked for this! I never wanted this! [02:29.23]all that I want is some time to myself! [02:33.52]looking in your eyes, I'm coming home... [02:41.40]just get away from me! [02:43.12]please just stop touching me! [02:44.97]you're always trying to be somebody else! [02:49.05]now I realize I'm not alone... [02:57.23]well, you're only scared of me! [02:58.99]but you never cared for me! [03:00.95]why don't you let me breathe? [03:03.03]cause you never dare to be! [03:04.89]cause you never listen, [03:06.26]and you're always insisting on just reminiscing I feel something missing! [03:13.03]I just want my privacy... God why can't we just get along? [03:16.03]I just want you here with me,God won't you leave me alone? [03:29.89]Evelyn, Evelyn [03:31.35]Evelyn, Evelyn [03:33.29]Evelyn, Evelyn [03:35.15]Evelyn, Evelyn [03:37.02]Evelyn, Evelyn [03:39.11]Evelyn, Evelyn [by:Ari_L] [00:17.25]伊芙琳,伊芙琳 [00:19.18]我们的存在有什么意义? [00:21.58]你为什么总想要逃走呢? [00:23.65]难道你不想分开吗? [00:24.82]万物终将汇聚于一体... [00:29.16]而我已厌倦这破碎的游戏了 [00:33.30]我们一起长大 [00:36.26]亲密胜于常人 [00:37.71]亲密胜于一切 [00:38.97]亲密胜于一切 [00:41.14]分享同一张床铺 [00:43.77]穿着一模一样的衣服 [00:45.65]讨论着身边的事情 [00:47.10]如此多的琐事 [00:49.41]我们今夜该穿什么? [00:51.17]我们今天吃些什么? [00:53.18]我们能去滑冰吗? [00:54.88]可是我们昨天才刚刚去过... [00:57.13]我们能成为消防员吗? [00:59.19]或者是宇航员呢? [01:01.13]如果他们特意邀请我们呢? [01:02.81]反正他们也不会精挑细选的... [01:05.38]伊芙琳,伊芙琳 [01:07.13]我们的存在有什么意义? [01:09.06]你为什么总想要逃走呢? [01:11.94]难道你感受不到被分割的痛苦吗? [01:13.21]万物终将汇聚于一体... [01:16.89]而我不想再将就下去了 [01:21.58]填满我的酒杯 [01:23.89]让我们举杯庆祝吧! [01:25.96]今天是我们的生日... [01:27.18]可我们为什么要流泪呢? [01:29.18]在你身旁,我卑微的像个鬼魂一样... [01:32.11]每日早早醒来,凝视着睡梦中的你... [01:37.32]我们今夜该穿什么? [01:39.18]我们今天吃些什么? [01:41.27]你觉得我应该嫁给他吗? [01:43.10]可是我们昨天才刚刚相遇... [01:45.06]我们该去当电影明星吗? [01:47.10]可以成为百万富翁吗? [01:49.23]我想做万众瞩目的焦点! [01:50.75]反正大家也总是盯着我们看... [01:53.34]伊芙琳,伊芙琳 [01:55.16]我们的存在有什么意义? [01:57.18]你为什么总想要逃走呢? [01:59.73]难道你感受不到被分割的痛苦吗? [02:01.24]万物终将汇聚于一体... [02:05.55]这支离的人生,让它停下吧 [02:09.10]我们一同长大 [02:12.22]如此的亲密... [02:17.04]一个寄生虫需要一个宿主... [02:22.05]我只是想为我们争取到最好的东西! [02:24.87]可是我从没要求过这些!我不想要! [02:29.23]我渴望的只是一些独处的时间! [02:33.52]看向你双眸的深处,仿佛就能回家了... [02:41.40]拜托离我远一点吧! [02:43.12]把你的手收回去! [02:44.97]你永远都在妄想着成为其他人! [02:49.05]现在我意识到我并不孤单... [02:57.23]你只是害怕我罢了! [02:58.99]可你从没有喜欢过我! [03:00.95]为什么就不能给我一点喘息的空间呢? [03:03.03]因为你从来都不敢这么做! [03:04.89]因为你永远不懂得聆听 [03:06.26]执着于无谓的回忆 我缺失的那一部分 [03:13.03]我只是想拥有自己的隐私...你怎么就不能走开呢? [03:16.03]我只是想让你听见我的心...上帝啊,为什么就不能让我静一静呢? [03:29.89]伊芙琳,伊芙琳 [03:31.35]伊芙琳,伊芙琳 [03:33.29]伊芙琳,伊芙琳 [03:35.15]伊芙琳,伊芙琳 [03:37.02]伊芙琳,伊芙琳 [03:39.11]伊芙琳,伊芙琳

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