Dirty Paws歌词 歌手Of Monsters And Men-专辑The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty (Music From And Inspired By The Motion Picture)-单曲《Dirty Pa

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Dirty Paws歌词 歌手Of Monsters And Men-专辑The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty (Music From And Inspired By The Motion Picture)-单曲《Dirty Paws》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Dirty Paws》
歌手:Of Monsters And Men
专辑:The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty (Music From And Inspired By The Motion Picture)

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《Dirty Paws》歌词:

[00:17.99]Jumping up and down the floor, [00:22.02]my head is an animal. [00:26.66]And once there was an animal, [00:30.15]it had a son that mowed the lawn. [00:35.06]The son was an ok guy, [00:38.79]They had a pet dragonfly [00:43.77]The dragonfly it ran away [00:47.53]but it came back with a story to say. [01:11.78]Her dirty paws and furry coat, [01:15.50]she ran down the forest slope. [01:20.19]The forest of talking trees, [01:24.00]they used to sing about the birds and the bees. [01:28.90]The bees had declared a war, [01:32.14]the sky wasn't big enough for them all. [01:37.53]The birds, they got help from below, [01:41.30]from Dirty Paws and the creatures of snow. [02:23.86]And for a while things were cold, [02:27.64]they were scared down in their holes. [02:32.07]The forest that once was green [02:35.67]was colored black by those killing machines. [02:40.43]But she and her furry friends [02:44.13]took down the queen bee and her men. [02:48.88]And that's how the story goes, [02:51.95]the story of the beast with those four dirty paws. [by:小歪同学] [00:17.99]上蹿下跳大叫大吼 [00:22.02]我的脑袋里住着一头怪兽 [00:26.66]曾经有一头怪兽 [00:30.15]他的儿子修整草坪建造家园 [00:35.06]这孩子真是个不错的家伙 [00:38.79]还有只蜻蜓陪他们生活 [00:43.77]蜻蜓曾一度飞走不知去处 [00:47.53]然后又飞回来讲述了一个神奇的故事 [01:11.78]她的爪子很脏 全身毛茸茸 [01:15.50]她奔跑下森林坡地 [01:20.19]在林间悄然低语 [01:24.00]他们总唱着有关鸟儿和蜜蜂的歌 [01:28.90]蜜蜂已向鸟儿宣战 [01:32.14]整片天空再也不能和平生存 [01:37.53]鸟儿们得到了地面上朋友的支援 [01:41.30]来自黑爪子和雪中精灵们的帮助 [02:23.86]这段时间所有事物都凝滞在冰天雪地中 [02:27.64]生灵们满怀畏惧缩回洞里 [02:32.07]曾经这片生气盎然的森林 [02:35.67]如今被战火烧成了灰烬 [02:40.43]但她和她毛茸茸的伙伴 [02:44.13]战胜了蜂王和他的跟班 [02:48.88]这就是蜻蜓带回来的故事 [02:51.95]关于一头四爪野兽的传奇故事

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