Settle Down歌词 歌手Alec Benjamin-单曲《Settle Down》LRC歌词下载

部落玩家2021-12-19  92

导读:《Settle Down》歌词 歌手Alec Benjamin的单曲《Settle Down》LRC歌词下载,《Settle Down》歌词分享。…

Settle Down歌词 歌手Alec Benjamin-单曲《Settle Down》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Settle Down》
歌手:Alec Benjamin

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《Settle Down》歌词:

[00:00.306] He set out with a backpack [00:04.183] A compass in hand [00:08.520] To steal Mona Lisa [00:12.356] And that was his plan [00:16.512] A modern-day outlaw [00:20.437] He'll take what he can [00:23.939] And vanish before you [00:27.766] Like tracks in the sand [00:32.545] His pockets were full [00:34.104] But his heart was so heavy [00:36.203] And all these material things [00:38.959] Can be deadly [00:40.034] If no one is there who share [00:42.937] When your 71 [00:45.912] [00:47.824] If only someone [00:52.292] Filled the spaces [00:55.991] He might Settle down [01:02.797] He met her on Tuesday [01:06.724] On his way back from France [01:10.901] He rolled up the painting [01:14.519] He stole with his hands [01:18.647] And even Da Vinci [01:22.335] Couldn't have sketched [01:26.565] A more perfect woman [01:30.060] Than the one that he met [01:33.745] [01:34.832] His pockets were full [01:36.571] But his heart was so heavy [01:38.655] And all these material things [01:41.153] Can be deadly [01:42.213] If no one is there who share [01:45.232] When your 71 [01:48.702] [01:49.987] If only someone [01:54.773] Filled the spaces [01:58.349] He might Settle down [02:05.413] Settle down, Settle down [02:13.116] Settle down, Settle down [02:20.782] [02:22.333] He woke up in the morning [02:26.664] With nothing around [02:30.612] She left with the portrait [02:34.277] No trace of her found [02:38.621] She was the outlaw [02:42.131] She was the one [02:46.382] She took the bounty [02:50.097] And left him with none [02:54.300] His pockets aren't full [02:56.111] And his heart is still empty [02:58.052] And falling in love it can be [03:00.921] Just as deadly [03:02.148] And no one is there who will care [03:04.492] When He's 71 [03:08.696] [03:10.226] If only someone [03:14.145] Filled the spaces [03:18.226] He might Settle down [03:24.614] Settle down [by:维尔日记] [00:00.306]他就这样 肩挎背包 [00:04.183]手握指南针 [00:08.520]前去盗取 《蒙娜丽莎》画像 [00:12.356]这就是他的计划 [00:16.512]这名当代亡命之徒 [00:20.437]竭尽自己所能 四处拮取 [00:23.939]在你到来前 就消失得无影无踪 [00:27.766]犹如沙地上的脚印 [00:32.545]即便收获丰满 [00:34.104]他内心却愈发沉重 [00:36.203]物欲侵袭时 [00:38.959]他终难逃一死 [00:40.034]若是独身终老 也会落得此结局吧 [00:42.937]当你年至七十一 [00:47.824]要是能有人 [00:52.292]填补他内心的空缺 [00:55.991]他或许才会安顿下来 [01:02.797]周二在从法国回家的路上 [01:06.724]他们邂逅了 [01:10.901]他将画卷起 [01:14.519]盗窃走 [01:18.647]甚至连达芬奇 [01:22.335]都无法描绘出 [01:26.565]比他所遇见的 [01:30.060]更为完美的女人 [01:34.832]即便收获丰满 [01:36.571]他内心却愈发沉重 [01:38.655]物欲侵袭时 [01:41.153]他终难逃一死 [01:42.213]若是独身终老 也会落得此结局吧 [01:45.232]当你年至七十一 [01:49.987]要是能有人 [01:54.773]填补他内心的空缺 [01:58.349]他或许才会安顿下来 [02:05.413]心安顺意 [02:13.116]安置下来 [02:22.333]清晨时分 [02:26.664]他独自醒来 [02:30.612]女人早已带着画像离开 [02:34.277]消失得无影无踪 [02:38.621]她才是不法之徒 [02:42.131]她才是真正的罪犯 [02:46.382]可她却也得到了赏金 [02:50.097]留男人孤身一人 [02:54.300]他收获全无 [02:56.111]内心也空荡荡 [02:58.052]坠入情网 [03:00.921]终是置他于死地 [03:02.148]即便如此 也无人在乎他 [03:04.492]当他年至七十一 [03:10.226]要是能有人 [03:14.145]填补他内心的空缺 [03:18.226]他或许才会安顿下来 [03:24.614]心安顺意


