Batman歌词 歌手Jaden-专辑Batman-单曲《Batman》LRC歌词下载

暖南倾绿2021-12-19  130

导读:《Batman》歌词 歌手Jaden的专辑Batman单曲《Batman》LRC歌词下载,《Batman》歌词分享。…

Batman歌词 歌手Jaden-专辑Batman-单曲《Batman》LRC歌词下载


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[00:25.21]Yeah, yeah! [00:27.31] [00:28.23]Batman, Batman, Batman [00:29.52]Joker just put me on acid [00:31.29]Huh, you on the wave like a Maverick [00:33.00]You need to make something happen [00:35.15]Batman, Batman, Batman [00:36.37]Please put me on new fashion [00:38.13]Huh, I ain't learn nothing since last year [00:39.80]You got the renegade fabrics [00:41.98]Batman, Batman, Batman [00:43.25]Please put me up on a Tesla (skrrt!) [00:44.98]I'm tryna be hella extra [00:46.65]Please hand-me-down a new sweatshirt [00:48.83]Batman, Batman, Batman [00:50.70]Heard that you ain't got a mattress [00:51.78]Heard that you king of Manhattan (Queens) [00:53.56]So why you stay in the 'Basas? [00:55.73]Batman, Batman, Batman [00:56.91]We need to settle the scores [00:58.70]Jokers they still want a war [01:00.39]Watch out, I'm closing the doors [01:02.15]Batman, Batman, Batman [01:03.85]I heard you married a Porsche [01:05.56]That **** is all in the past [01:07.28]Plus, we got very divorced [01:08.96]You ain't ready for the war [01:10.66]Skywalker with the Force [01:12.38]1, 2, 3, 4—D'artiste is making noise [01:15.80]In the suburbs with the boys [01:17.56]On a roll, no Royce [01:19.25]Had to save the day, every single way [01:21.00]We don't really got a choice [01:22.78]Batman, Batman, Batman [01:24.36]Please save the day from the demons [01:26.60]I was sipping, he was leaning [01:27.77]We drove right into a precinct [01:29.50] [01:29.53]Batman, Batman, Batman [01:31.23]Why you look flyer than hell? [01:32.97]Don't think the album will sell [01:34.68]But this **** might fly off the shelf [01:36.40]Batman, Batman, Batman [01:37.67]So fly that you mad at yourself [01:39.83]You the one who got the juice [01:41.54]City crying for your help [01:42.79] [01:43.21]Shooting up on Skid Row [01:44.36]Out your window look and you could tell [01:46.66]Get it from under their spell [01:48.35]If I don't do it, then who else? [01:51.89]Need me to shoot up the signal [01:53.53]I'll be there to get the info [01:55.24]Skrrtin' through the residential (skrrt!) [01:58.66]I wish it wasn't plain and simple [02:00.38]Lemme pull up to the party [02:02.90]Need like 35 credentials [02:03.36] [02:03.83]Batman, Batman, Batman [02:05.54]Why you look flyer than hell? [02:07.25]Don't think the album will sell [02:08.98]But this **** might fly off the shelf [02:10.68]Batman, Batman, Batman [02:12.37]We need to settle the scores [02:14.80]Jokers they still want a war [02:15.82]Hold up, I'm closing the doors [02:17.54]Batman, Batman, Batman [02:18.77]So fly that you mad at yourself [02:20.96]You the one who got the juice [02:22.69]City crying for your help [02:24.40]Batman, Batman, Batman [02:26.90]That was not part of the deal [02:27.82]You was protecting the bank [02:29.52]And then you walked off with a mill' [by:Angusforyou] [00:25.21]没错! [00:28.23]蝙蝠侠,蝙蝠侠,蝙蝠侠 [00:29.52]小丑刚刚将我扔进浓酸之中 [00:31.29]嗯,你总是卷入各种风波,像一个特立独行的怪人 [00:33.00]你需要让某些要事提前发生了 [00:35.15]蝙蝠侠,蝙蝠侠,蝙蝠侠 [00:36.37]请给我一款新的披风 [00:38.13]嗯,自去年以来,我并非学无所成 [00:39.80]听说你得到了叛徒的衣服布料 [00:41.98]蝙蝠侠,蝙蝠侠,蝙蝠侠 [00:43.25]请让我舒舒服服地坐在特斯拉(美国汽车品牌)上,吱(刹车声)! [00:44.98]我正格外努力地想成为赫拉(宙斯妻子,奥林匹斯十二神之一)那样伟大的人 [00:46.65]请把我的新运动衫递给我 [00:48.83]蝙蝠侠,蝙蝠侠,蝙蝠侠 [00:50.70]我听说你连一个床垫都没抓到 [00:51.78]我听说你是曼哈顿区之王(还有很多王后) [00:53.56]所以,你为什么又一直待在巴扎斯镇呢? [00:55.73]蝙蝠侠,蝙蝠侠,蝙蝠侠 [00:56.91]我们需要解决那些目标人物了(反派) [00:58.70]小丑们依然想制造一场战争 [01:00.39]看看外面吧,我正关上所有的门窗 [01:02.15]蝙蝠侠,蝙蝠侠,蝙蝠侠 [01:03.85]我听说你买了一辆新的保时捷 [01:05.56]那种狗屎玩意应该成为过去时了 [01:07.28]还有,我们之间变得越发的天各一方了 [01:08.96]你是不是正为这一战而做着战前准备 [01:10.66]天行者带着他的超能力而来 [01:12.38]1,2,3,4—D大师正在制造噪音 [01:15.80]在郊区与男孩们打成一片 [01:17.56]其上有一个劳字,却并非劳斯莱斯(没有莱斯二字) [01:19.25]不得不去拯救这座城市,让白昼重现,照亮每一条无人问津的街道 [01:21.00]我们没有真正地得到一个选择权 [01:22.78]蝙蝠侠,蝙蝠侠,蝙蝠侠 [01:24.36]请从魔鬼手中夺回光芒(希望) [01:26.60]我在小口地啜饮杯中酒,他却在学习更强大的能力 [01:27.77]我们开车驶进了一个政府管辖区 [01:29.53]蝙蝠侠,蝙蝠侠,蝙蝠侠 [01:31.23]为什么你的穿着更像是一个地狱使者? [01:32.97]不要认为我这张唱片将会发售 [01:34.68]但这垃圾玩意也许会自己从书架上飞走 [01:36.40]蝙蝠侠,蝙蝠侠,蝙蝠侠 [01:37.67]你对你自己的所作所为感到愤怒以至于你想远走高飞 [01:39.83]但你却是唯一得到幸运果汁的那个人 [01:41.54]城市正在哭泣,它需要你的帮助 [01:43.21]在贫民窟开枪杀敌 [01:44.36]看看你窗户外的景象是什么并且告诉我吧 [01:46.66]在咒术师的低语之中得到它 [01:48.35]如果我不这样做,那还会有谁站出来? [01:51.89]需要我去发射出求救信号 [01:53.53]我将会在这等待只为得到回音 [01:55.24]车子漂移着穿过住宅区,吱(刹车声)! [01:58.66]我希望事情不会像平原一样如此直白简单 [02:00.38]让我去参加聚会吧 [02:02.90]我们需要35个聚会资格 [02:03.83]蝙蝠侠,蝙蝠侠,蝙蝠侠 [02:05.54]为什么你看起来更像是一个地狱使者? [02:07.25]不要认为我的专辑将会发行 [02:08.98]但这破烂玩意也许会自己从书架上飞走 [02:10.68]蝙蝠侠,蝙蝠侠,蝙蝠侠 [02:12.37]我们需要解决目标了(各路反派) [02:14.80]小丑们依然想制造一场战争 [02:15.82]你要撑住,我正在关上所有门窗 [02:17.54]蝙蝠侠,蝙蝠侠,蝙蝠侠 [02:18.77]你对你自己的所作所为感到愤怒以至于你想逃避现实 [02:20.96]但你却是唯一得到幸运果汁的那个人 [02:22.69]城市正在哭泣,它需要你的出手相助 [02:24.40]嘿,蝙蝠侠,嘿,布鲁斯韦恩 [02:26.90]那可不是你所得待遇里的一部分 [02:27.82]你正在竭力保护着银行(与上句待遇相照应) [02:29.52]随后又马不停蹄地前去解救工厂(结尾三句暗示蝙蝠侠的无私伟大)


