Alexander Hamilton歌词 歌手Lin-Manuel MirandaLeslie Odom, Jr.Original Broadway Cast of HamiltonChristopher Jackson-专辑Hamilton (Origi

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导读:《Alexander Hamilton》歌词 歌手Lin-Manuel MirandaLeslie Odom, Jr.Original Broadway Cast of HamiltonChristopher Jackso…

Alexander Hamilton歌词 歌手Lin-Manuel Miranda / Leslie Odom, Jr. / Original Broadway Cast of Hamilton / Christopher Jackson-专辑Hamilton (Original Broadway Cast Recording)-单曲《Alexander Hamilton》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Alexander Hamilton》
歌手:Lin-Manuel Miranda / Leslie Odom, Jr. / Original Broadway Cast of Hamilton / Christopher Jackson
专辑:Hamilton (Original Broadway Cast Recording)

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《Alexander Hamilton》歌词:

[00:02.87] [00:03.79]How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a [00:07.93]Scotsman, dropped in the middle of a [00:10.76]Forgotten spot in the Caribbean by providence [00:14.30]Impoverished, in squalor [00:16.46]Grow up to be a hero and a scholar? [00:18.64] [00:19.25]The ten-dollar founding father without a father [00:22.53]Got a lot farther by working a lot harder [00:25.90]By being a lot smarter [00:27.73]By being a self-starter [00:29.55]By fourteen, they placed him in charge of a [00:32.83]Trading charter [00:34.04] [00:34.60]And every day while slaves were being slaughtered and carted [00:37.58]Away across the waves, he struggled and kept his guard up [00:41.46]Inside, he was longing for something to be a part of [00:44.98]The brother was ready to beg, steal, borrow, or barter [00:48.37] [00:49.03]Then a hurricane came, and devastation reigned [00:52.32]Our man saw his future drip, dripping down the drain [00:56.37]Put a pencil to his temple, connected it to his brain [00:59.97]And he wrote his first refrain, a testament to his pain [01:03.06] [01:03.86]Well, the word got around, they said, “This kid is insane, man” [01:07.65]Took up a collection just to send him to the mainland [01:11.39]“Get your education, don’t forget from whence you came, and [01:15.22]The world is gonna know your name. What’s your name, man?” [01:17.95] [01:18.90]Alexander Hamilton [01:22.66]My name is Alexander Hamilton [01:26.44]And there’s a million things I haven’t done [01:29.48]But just you wait, just you wait... [01:33.63] [01:34.02] [01:34.38]When he was ten his father split, full of it, debt-ridden [01:37.99]Two years later, see Alex and his mother bed-ridden [01:41.30]Half-dead sittin in their own sick, the scent thick [01:44.86] [01:45.12]And Alex got better but his mother went quick [01:49.25] [01:49.46]Moved in with a cousin, the cousin committed suicide [01:52.80]Left him with nothin’ but ruined pride, something new inside [01:56.43]A voice saying [01:57.23] [01:57.48]“You gotta fend for yourself.”(“Alex, you gotta fend for yourself.”) [01:59.85] [02:00.20]He started retreatin’ and readin’ every treatise on the shelf [02:03.73] [02:03.92]There would have been nothin’ left to do [02:05.52]For someone less astute [02:06.87]He woulda been dead or destitute [02:08.49]Without a cent of restitution [02:10.26]Started workin’, clerkin’ for his late mother’s landlord [02:14.24]Tradin’ sugar cane and rum and all the things he can’t afford [02:17.69]Scannin’ for every book he can get his hands on [02:21.22]Plannin’ for the future see him now as he stands on [02:24.72]The bow of a ship headed for a new land [02:28.30]In New York you can be a new man [02:31.23] [02:31.65]In New York you can [02:34.21]Be a new man— (Just you wait!) [02:34.99]In New York you can [02:37.05]Be a new man— (Just you wait!) [02:38.72]In New York you can be a new man— [02:42.30]In New York— [02:43.52]New York— [02:44.22] [02:44.52] [02:44.94]Just you wait! [02:46.14] [02:46.36]Alexander Hamilton(Alexander Hamilton) [02:49.33]We are waiting in the wings for you(Waiting in the wings for you) [02:52.91]You could never back down [02:54.63]You never learned to take your time! [02:58.88] [02:59.89]Oh, Alexander Hamilton [03:03.48]When America sings for you [03:06.97]Will they know what you overcame? [03:10.38]Will they know you rewrote the game? [03:13.68]The world will never be the same, oh [03:21.01] [03:21.21]The ship is in the harbor now [03:22.93]See if you can spot him [03:24.13](Just you wait) [03:24.85]Another immigrant [03:26.30]Comin’ up from the bottom [03:27.58](Just you wait) [03:28.23]His enemies destroyed his rep [03:29.81]America forgot him [03:32.01] [03:32.43]We fought with him [03:33.33] [03:33.69]Me? I died for him [03:35.05] [03:35.36]Me? I trusted him [03:36.46] [03:37.01]Me? I loved him [03:38.38] [03:38.74]And me? I’m the damn fool that shot him [03:42.27] [03:43.08]There’s a million things I haven’t done [03:45.69]But just you wait! [03:49.39] [03:49.74]What’s your name, man? [03:51.27]Alexander Hamilton! [BURR] [LAURENS] [JEFFERSON] [MADISON] [BURR] [HAMILTON] [ELIZA] [COMPANY] [WASHINGTON] [WASHINGTON] [WASHINGTON] [BURR] [COMPANY] [HAMILTON] [COMPANY] [BURR] [MULLIGAN/MADISON & LAFAYETTE/JEFFERSON] [LAURENS/PHILIP] [WASHINGTON] [ELIZA & ANGELICA & PEGGY/MARIA] [BURR] [COMPANY] [BURR] [COMPANY] [00:02.87] [00:03.79]为何一个私生子、孤儿、妓女和 [00:07.93]苏格兰佬的儿子 [00:10.76]降生于加勒比海的一片荒芜 [00:14.30]家徒四壁,潦倒困苦 [00:16.46]最终能够成为一个伟人与学界巨富? [00:18.64] [00:19.25]十美元上丧父的国父 [00:22.53]以己之力求索人生之路 [00:25.90]凭借禀异天赋 [00:27.73]依靠自学以塑 [00:29.55]在十四岁,众人请他掌管 [00:32.83]贸易财务 [00:34.04] [00:34.60]每一日目睹黑奴惨遭屠戮,运进船库,远渡海陆 [00:37.58]他时刻饱受挣扎,警惕如临深谷 [00:41.46]内心中却在寻找一种信仰来守护 [00:44.98]这小子已经准备去讨去偷去借或乖乖做一个商户 [00:48.37] [00:49.03]此时一场飓风袭来,留下遍地尸骸 [00:52.32]这兄弟眼望自己的未来,似要坠入阴霾 [00:56.37]于是提笔抵着太阳穴,连接向他的脑海 [00:59.97]写下了他第一首诗篇,自己苦难的颂赞 [01:03.06] [01:03.86]作品传颂开来,人道这孩子真挺不赖 [01:07.65]快送他到本土大陆,为他筹笔钱财 [01:11.39]去上学吧,别忘了自己从何处而来 [01:15.22]这世界将会听闻你的名字, 你叫什么,现在登台—— [01:17.95] [01:18.90]亚历山大·汉密尔顿 [01:22.66]我叫亚历山大·汉密尔顿 [01:26.44]这里还有千万未竟之事为我等待 [01:29.48]只请你们等着看,你们等着看... [01:33.63] [01:34.02] [01:34.38]十岁时,父亲出走,留下累累负债 [01:37.99]二年后,母亲重病,与他共卧病榻 [01:41.30]在病房中忍受污浊空气与病害 [01:44.86] [01:45.12]亚历山大痊愈了,他的母亲却走得很快…… [01:49.25] [01:49.46]过继到了表兄家,表兄却又自我了结 [01:52.80]没留任何东西给他,除了傲骨上新添的伤疤 [01:56.43]一个声音浮现 [01:57.23] [01:57.48]「你只能依靠自己!」(「亚历山大,你只能依靠自己!」) [01:59.85] [02:00.20]他忍住哭泣,开始贪婪地笃学古今 [02:03.73] [02:03.92]也许他的生命将混混而度 [02:05.52]若无他这种才赋 [02:06.87]他或将死去或活于困苦 [02:08.49]承受不住一分的债务 [02:10.26]但他却自力更生,为已故母亲的房东记账做工 [02:14.24]打理着他付不起的甘蔗和朗姆酒的买卖来谋生 [02:17.69]嗜读着他所能碰到的每一本书 [02:21.22]憧憬着未来,现在他终于站上 [02:24.72]一艘航船,驶向新大陆的海港 [02:28.30]在纽约,你将脱胎换骨大不一样 [02:31.23] [02:31.65]在纽约,你将 [02:34.21]脱胎换骨大不一样——(你们等着看!) [02:34.99]在纽约,你将 [02:37.05]脱胎换骨大不一样——(你们等着看!) [02:38.72]在纽约,你将脱胎换骨大不一样—— [02:42.30]在纽约—— [02:43.52]纽约—— [02:44.22] [02:44.52] [02:44.94]你们等着看! [02:46.14] [02:46.36]亚历山大·汉密尔顿 (亚历山大·汉密尔顿) [02:49.33]我们在岸上等你到来 (在岸上等你到来 ) [02:52.91]你永远都停不下自己的脚步 [02:54.63]你永远都学不会别再把自己催促! [02:58.88] [02:59.89]哦,亚历山大·汉密尔顿 [03:03.48]当美利坚为你颂唱 [03:06.97]他们可知你所经历的这些? [03:10.38]他们可知是你重写了一切? [03:13.68]这世界将改变得轰轰烈烈,哦 [03:21.01] [03:21.21]船已经驶进港 [03:22.93]看聚光灯是否已落于他身上 [03:24.13](你们等着看) [03:24.85]一个移民小子 [03:26.30]从底层攀爬而上 [03:27.58](你们等着看) [03:28.23]他被敌人搞得臭不可当 [03:29.81]美利坚又将他遗忘 [03:32.01] [03:32.43]我们与他并肩厮杀 [03:33.33] [03:33.69]我?我殉命正为了他 [03:35.05] [03:35.36]我?我信任他 [03:36.46] [03:37.01]我?我爱他 [03:38.38] [03:38.74]而我?我就是那个蠢货,一枪崩了他 [03:42.27] [03:43.08]这里还有千万未竟之事为我等待 [03:45.69]只请你们等着看 [03:49.39] [03:49.74]你叫什么,小子 —— [03:51.27]亚历山大·汉密尔顿!


