Believe In Us歌词 歌手AwonThomas Prime-专辑Love Supersedes II-单曲《Believe In Us》LRC歌词下载

这季悲凉2021-12-27  86

导读:《Believe In Us》歌词 歌手AwonThomas Prime的专辑Love Supersedes II单曲《Believe In Us》LRC歌词下载,《Believe In Us》歌词分享。…

Believe In Us歌词 歌手Awon / Thomas Prime-专辑Love Supersedes II-单曲《Believe In Us》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Believe In Us》
歌手:Awon / Thomas Prime
专辑:Love Supersedes II

点击试听 → 《Believe In Us

《Believe In Us》歌词:

[00:10]In the beginning it was fat blunts, a whole lot of laughs [00:13]Pursuit of happiness, so we spent a lot of cash [00:16]Grew in company, not even trying to get the ass [00:18]Best summer in my life, I wish it could last [00:21]But that was the past, baggage chasing me [00:24]On both of us, we weathered the storm faithfully [00:27]I don’t know where maturity is taking me [00:29]My heart been aching me, it feel like lately we been [00:32]Growing apart, I wanted to stay the same [00:34]Can’t let old age, come in and change the game [00:36]Even change your name, acknowledge all my claims [00:39]But who put out the flames, they say true love is pain [00:41]I’m ignorant to your feelings, you need ***ual healing but [00:44]I’m numb inside, I can’t figure out the void [00:46]So I laid here annoyed, and oi, have I destroyed the only one I trust [00:50]There’s only one of us [01:11]I ain’t been the same since the day Karim died [01:13]For seven days and nights I cried, inside [01:16]Cause I prophesize, still got love, I feel guilt [01:18]But that’s spoilt milk and I’m boyish built [01:21]I feel bad when you think I’m mad for no reason [01:24]Feel like I’m making a path for you leaving [01:26]Cause my attitude’s without gratitude, I ain’t mad at you [01:29]I just wish I could afford us a pad or two [01:32]See I’m Kate Black for you, I’m Ronald Ardley [01:34]Cause even if I die, I will always come back for you [01:36]I’m the lesser half of you, you the backbone [01:39]That keep the tracks warm, proud to be, Mrs. Antwan [01:42]I respect that, I just can’t show it in the ways I want to [01:45]So I hope I don’t blow it [01:46]That’s the life of a poet, a chess game or stress made [01:49]Baby I want to give you less pain [02:11]I’ll admit responsibility is a bit much, fatherhood [02:14]Being a provider when you ****** up [02:16]Want to give my kids everything, you a bigger wedding ring [02:19]I’m looking at collections in cut-off notices [02:21]The reason I’m exposing this is anxiety [02:24]If I don’t express it, my soul will just die in me [02:26]Even though I murder these microphones I’m still past due [02:29]So I’m taking out a title loan [02:31]My black thoughts are rooted in harmony [02:34]You got a part of me for all of my brutal honesty [02:36]It bothers me, to see us drifting [02:39]So I had to spit you something uplifting [02:41]The night’s getting darker, the day’s getting brighter [02:44]Reminiscing on the times when we were much tighter [02:46]Love supersedes you, everything I need [02:49]Together we achieve, hold my hand if you believe [by:GODSPLAN_-] [00:10]刚开始大家都无忧无虑 [00:13]为了追寻快乐我们花了不少现金 [00:16]在社会里摸爬滚打就是不想被人欺 [00:18]人生的高光时刻希望能一直持有 [00:21]但那已成往事,现实捆绑了我的灵魂 [00:24]我们带着忠贞之志经受狂风暴雨的洗礼 [00:27]我不知道我的老练成熟会把我带去哪里 [00:29]心碎的感觉如同我们最近一样 [00:32]各自渐行渐远,而我却还留在原地 [00:34]不能任由年华逝去,快来扭转这个局面 [00:36]就把你的名字也改掉,认可我所有的要求 [00:39]是谁扑灭了希望的火焰还信誓旦旦爱情就应该滚蛋 [00:41]我不了解你的感情,你需要云雨之欢来慰藉但 [00:44]我内心已然麻木,摸不透空虚感从何而来 [00:46]我只能气愤地躺下,思考难道是我毁了我最信赖的人 [00:50]全世界只剩下我 [01:11]自从Karim离世后我就变了 [01:13]七个日日夜夜我的内心在痛哭流涕 [01:16]我内疚曾玩弄着说我还爱 [01:18]若非那已变质我将变得更加男人 [01:21]你认为我无理取闹的时候我感觉糟透了 [01:24]就像是我在逼你离开 [01:26]就因为我的态度不太好,但我也没有对你发脾气啊 [01:29]我只是希望能有个属于我俩的容身之处 [01:32]看着吧我会是Kate Black,也能是Ronald Ardley [01:34]即使我不幸死去,我的魂魄也会寻觅你的踪迹 [01:36]我是你的另一半,家里的顶梁柱 [01:39]能驱散严寒,你应该为我感到自豪,Antwan太太 [01:42]我尊重,所以不能随心所欲地表露 [01:45]希望我不会搞砸 [01:46]这就是浪子的人生啊,我已习惯漂泊在外居无定所 [01:49]但亲爱的我不想再让你受伤了 [02:11]我承认父亲的责任十分重大 [02:14]当你无能为力的时候我要支撑起这个家 [02:16]竭尽所能给孩子最好的,还有承诺过你的更大的钻戒 [02:19]我在查看结单通知里的托收 [02:21]因为焦虑过度而情绪爆发 [02:24]如果我不表达出来,灵魂将会在我的内心深处长眠 [02:26]即使我统统毁掉这些麦克风也于事无补 [02:29]所以我借了笔贷款 [02:31]我的黑人思想植根在家庭和睦中 [02:34]你已是我冷血坦诚的一部分 [02:36]眼睁睁看着我们逐渐远离真让我心烦 [02:39]所以我要向你吐露一些振奋人心的事情 [02:41]日出日落循规蹈矩 [02:44]追忆那些我们紧紧相拥的时光 [02:46]现在我需要的只有你的爱 [02:49]真是自作自受,但如果你还信我,我绝不放手


