WhereTheTreesMeetTheFreeway歌词 歌手Bones-专辑Skinny-单曲《WhereTheTreesMeetTheFreeway》LRC歌词下载

若水咿2022-01-05  126

导读:《WhereTheTreesMeetTheFreeway》歌词 歌手Bones的专辑Skinny单曲《WhereTheTreesMeetTheFreeway》LRC歌词下载,《WhereTheTreesMeetTheFreeway》歌词分享…

WhereTheTreesMeetTheFreeway歌词 歌手Bones-专辑Skinny-单曲《WhereTheTreesMeetTheFreeway》LRC歌词下载


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[00:38.08]What? [00:39.67]Lightin' up the blunt while I'm thinking of you [00:41.81]Walking down the block [00:43.05]I ain’t whippin' the coup [00:44.50]Take another drag while I look at the moon [00:46.75]Young GPS I come equip with the route [00:49.14]I don't have to wonder cause I see the truth [00:51.59]I don't need love you can hear the proof [00:54.13]Break another bag while I feel the ruins [00:56.58]Start to look my way but I ain't in the mood [00:59.27]My closet's nothing but Harley [01:01.21]I ride hard without fallin' [01:03.85]Good wrench on this deadboy [01:06.39]I rev the wheels now they foggy [01:08.68]Sponsors floodin' my inbox but there's one thing that they don't know [01:13.58]I stuff thick money in my thin socks [01:16.27]And not yet to sign for no **** [01:39.05]You don't wanna die with a guy like me [01:41.14]I know that you [01:43.89]Got another plan [01:44.93]No you got another dream [01:45.93]So why can't you? [01:48.51]Breathe in [01:53.75]Exhale [01:58.09]SESH [01:58.74]**** you and your team [01:59.79]**** you and your dreams [02:00.69]You look like the rest and you signin' like me [02:02.93]Gotta co-sign now you think you a beast [02:05.57]**** that and **** this I put that up on me [02:09.06]Act like you hard but in person you sweet [02:10.55]Yet to meet you but I heard from the streets [02:13.44]You couldn't breathe if you stepped up to me [02:15.94]Look at my eyes and I'll show you the creep [02:18.47]Blade on my **** ain't a ******' thing changed [02:20.92]These baby boys rappin [02:22.07]I feel like they ranged [02:23.31]***** keep it down you got nothing to say [02:25.60]Watch how you walk [02:26.85]And don't walk in my way [by:初级说唱翻译] [00:38.08]怎么? [00:39.67]当我想着你的时候点燃了烟头 [00:41.81]漫步走下街口 [00:43.05]并没有开车兜风 [00:44.50]看向月亮的时候又抽多了一根烟 [00:46.75]无需GPS我带着就上路 [00:49.14]用不着多想因为我看到了真相 [00:51.59]我不需要同情,你听得一清二楚 [00:54.13]当我感到心情不快时就花点钱 [00:56.58]开始正视我的路,但是我没什么情绪 [00:59.27]衣柜里只有哈雷戴维森衣服 [01:01.21]飞驰人生路上从不失手 [01:03.85]一流的引擎装在这辆亡命车上【Bones的雪佛兰车】 [01:06.39]我擦好了车轮它们现在变得锃亮 [01:08.68]唱片公司寄来成堆的邀请邮件,但是他们根本就不知道 [01:13.58]我有的是钱在袋子里【引用:街区小孩用袜子存零钱】 [01:16.27]到现在还没签约因为我不差钱 [01:39.05]你不想陪着我这样的人耗费生命 [01:41.14]我知道你 [01:43.89]另有打算 [01:44.93]不对 你是有别的梦想 [01:45.93]那你为何不能 [01:48.51]好好吸烟 [01:53.75]慢慢吐露 [01:58.09]SESH【Bones团队】 [01:58.74]去你们的团队 [01:59.79]滚你们的梦想 [02:00.69]你们看起来有模有样倒来学我的嗓音 [02:02.93]不就是签了约你以为你有多牛逼 [02:05.57]去那些学我的人,我实在忍不住 [02:09.06]装得那么凶狠然而你就是个键盘侠 [02:10.55]没见到你真人我就在外面听说你有多怂 [02:13.44]你要是敢走近我,你会被吓到窒息 [02:15.94]盯着我的双眼 我会让你感到毛骨悚然 [02:18.47]藏在我的口袋里这点没有改变 [02:20.92]这些小屁孩搞说唱【双关电影《Baby Boy》】 [02:22.07]我就像是他们的爸爸【Ving Rhames- 电影《Baby Boy》里饰演父亲角色的演员】 [02:23.31]给我注意点,你不会有什么想对我说 [02:25.60]你走路时得注意 [02:26.85]别来挡我的道惹上我

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