Nikes歌词 歌手Frank Ocean-专辑Blonde-单曲《Nikes》LRC歌词下载

荒魂散2022-01-05  132

导读:《Nikes》歌词 歌手Frank Ocean的专辑Blonde单曲《Nikes》LRC歌词下载,《Nikes》歌词分享。…

Nikes歌词 歌手Frank Ocean-专辑Blonde-单曲《Nikes》LRC歌词下载

歌手:Frank Ocean

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[00:27.58]These ******* want Nikes [00:33.14]They looking for a check [00:36.52]Tell em it ain't likely [00:41.42]Said she need a ring like Carmelo [00:47.65]Must be on that white like Othello [00:55.34]All you want is Nikes [00:59.30]But the real ones just like you [01:05.96]Just like me [01:08.87]I don't play, I don't make time [01:16.25]But if you need **** I got you and I yam from the line [01:22.92]Pour up for A$AP [01:26.59]RIP Pimp C [01:29.83]RIP Trayvon, a ***** look just like me [01:37.50]Woo, ******' buzzin', woo! [01:46.14]That my little cousin, he got a little trade [01:51.45]His girl keep the scales, a little mermaid [01:54.23]We out by the pool, some little mermaids [01:57.70]Me and them gel [01:59.29]Like twigs with them bangs [02:01.84]Now that's a real mermaid [02:04.98]You been holding your breath [02:07.66]Weighted down [02:11.45]Punk madre, punk papa [02:18.74]He don't care for me [02:21.98]But who cares for me [02:25.69]And that's good enough [02:32.33]We don't talk much or nothin' [02:36.45]But when we talkin' about something [02:39.89]We have good discussion [02:46.57]I met his friends last week, feels like they're up to something [02:54.31]That's good for us [03:00.70]We’ll let you guys prophesy [03:07.60]We’ll let you guys prophesy [03:09.24]We gon' see the future first [03:13.83]We’ll let you guys prophesy [03:16.27]We gon' see the future first [03:17.86]Living so the last night feels like a past life [03:21.39]Speaking of the, don’t know what got into people [03:23.57]Devil be possessin homies [03:24.31]Demons try to body jump [03:25.44]Why you think I'm in this ***** wearing a ******* Yarmulke [03:28.24]Acid on me like the rain [03:29.73]**** crumbles in the glitter [03:31.47]Rain, glitter [03:35.83]We laid out on this wet floor [03:37.00]Away turf, no Astro [03:38.48]Mesmerized how the strobes glow [03:40.33]Look at all the people feet dance [03:42.43]I know that your ***** came with you [03:45.76]But he ain't with you [03:49.38]The only human in this humid in these Balmains [03:51.29]I mean my balls sticking in my jeans [03:52.97]We breathin pheremones, Amber Rose [03:54.90]Sippin' pink-gold lemonades [03:56.58]Feelin' [03:58.28]I may be younger but I'll look after you [04:03.95]We're not in love, but I'll make love to you [04:12.06]When you're not here I'll save some for you [04:18.00]I'm not him but I'll mean something to you [04:25.11]I'll mean something to you [04:31.40]I'll mean something to you [04:38.66]You got a roommate he’ll hear what we do [04:46.48]It’s only awkward if you’re ******* him too [00:27.58]那些女人们眼里只有钱 [00:33.14]她们只想跟支票过日子 [00:36.52]这条路在我这可行不通 [00:41.42]她也想要个Carmelo Anthony(NBA球员)一样的总冠军(结婚)戒指来巩固与我的关系 [00:47.65]就如沉迷白人(ke卡因)的奥赛罗 [00:55.34]而你只想得到真耐克鞋般珍贵的感情 [00:59.30]你只想来真的 [01:05.96]我也一样 [01:08.87]我不挥霍时间,我也不会花时间玩乐 [01:16.25]如果你想玩乐一番 我恰有你所需 [01:22.92]致敬A$AP [01:26.59]安息吧 Pimp C(与A$AP一样吸毒过度死亡) [01:29.83]安息吧 Trayvon 那家伙看起来跟我差不多 [01:37.50]该死的嗡嗡声 [01:46.14]我的小表弟,他也有笔小小交易 [01:51.45]他的女友还留着她的鳞片,跟美人鱼一样 [01:54.23]我们远离了水源地,那些美人鱼们 [01:57.70]我跟他们一起 [01:59.29]就像枝子(FKA twigs)那帮人一样 [02:01.84]这才是真美人鱼 [02:04.98]你一直屏息凝气 [02:07.66]不断下沉 [02:11.45]朋克老妈,朋克老爸 [02:18.74]他不关心我 [02:21.98]但谁又真正关心过我 [02:25.69]那倒好 [02:32.33]我们不怎么说话抑或绝口不谈 [02:36.45]但当我们认真讨论问题 [02:39.89]那商讨会很有成效 [02:46.57]上周我见过了他的朋友,感觉他们背地里在谋划些什么 [02:54.31]那对我们倒是有利 [03:00.70]我们会让你们继续揣测预言 [03:07.60]我们会让你们继续揣测预言 [03:09.24]我们预见未来总是先人一步 [03:13.83]我们会让你们继续揣测预言 [03:16.27]我们预见未来总是先人一步 [03:17.86]活在当下 夜晚过去就像旧日生活已逝 [03:21.39]说到这,不知道什么更深入人心(钱还是情) [03:23.57]魔鬼盘踞在昔日旧友心上 [03:24.31]魔鬼不断交换着肉身 [03:25.44]你怎么会认为我潜伏在戴着圆顶小帽的人身上? [03:28.24]内心的酸楚像雨一样扑面而来 [03:29.73]草草的残留物闪着光 [03:31.47]雨,闪着光 [03:35.83]我们躺在湿漉漉的地板上 [03:37.00]尼龙草皮消失了(吸毒幻觉) [03:38.48]困惑着闪光灯为何发光 [03:40.33]盯着众人双脚起舞 [03:42.43]我知道你的情人跟你一起来了 [03:45.76]但他此刻不在你身边 [03:49.38]浑身是汗 穿着一身巴尔曼 [03:51.29]我的蛋蛋紧贴着我的牛仔裤 [03:52.97]我们一呼一吸间散发着费洛蒙, Amber Rose [03:54.90]嘬一口混合柠檬鸡尾酒 [03:56.58]感觉 [03:58.28]我或许还年轻了点 但我会照顾好你 [04:03.95]我们还没恋爱 但我会给你所有的爱 [04:12.06]当你不在的时候 我会为你有所保留 [04:18.00]我不是他 但我会关心你 [04:25.11]但我会关心你 [04:31.40]但我会关心你 [04:38.66]你有个室友 他会听见我们在做什么的声音 [04:46.48]但只有你也跟他上过 才会在碰面的时候难为情


