旺旺旺歌词 歌手钟逸伦Dylan李毅杰PISSY-专辑旺旺旺-单曲《旺旺旺》LRC歌词下载

不变的活力2022-01-06  133

导读:《旺旺旺》歌词 歌手钟逸伦Dylan李毅杰PISSY的专辑旺旺旺单曲《旺旺旺》LRC歌词下载,《旺旺旺》歌词分享。…

旺旺旺歌词 歌手钟逸伦Dylan / 李毅杰PISSY-专辑旺旺旺-单曲《旺旺旺》LRC歌词下载

歌手:钟逸伦Dylan / 李毅杰PISSY

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[00:00.000] 作词 : 钟逸伦Dylan/李毅杰PISSY [00:00.523] 作曲 : 钟逸伦Dylan/李毅杰PISSY [00:01.47] [00:02.62] [00:13.84]Dylan: [00:14.22]Looks like all of China is getting in the mood [00:15.95]and I got a few questions, don’t wanna be rude [00:17.70]There are a few things I don’t really get as a foreigner [00:19.62]so let me put this out in my lyrics and my flow and I [00:21.37]I dont really understand the coins in the jiaozi [00:23.10] [00:24.98]I dont really understand the dragons everywhere, the red couplets, or the lunar calendar [00:28.59]If I give you a hongbao and you give me a hongbao [00:30.30]aren’t we just exchanging money [00:32.15]and another thing I think is kinda funny [00:34.35]the Chinese Zodiac [00:35.80]where does it come from? [00:36.78]what was it made for? [00:37.59]a kid born in January 2018, is he a rooster or a dog? [00:41.29] [00:41.71]PISSY: [00:42.15]Check it [00:42.65]Now let me tell you something about Chinese New Year [00:44.68]I don’t know if I can make it all clear [00:46.71]First things first [00:47.78]It’s the first day in the lunar calendar [00:49.71]Celebrate! [00:50.46]We’re descendants of “The Dragon”-Loong [00:52.21]And you can see that symbol in the form of 9 living creatures [00:54.79]Now you see the reason [00:55.50]There are a lot of different traditions in the regions [00:57.38]Yeah, in the north, people got coins in the jiaozi for the luck of makin money in that year like Da Call [01:02.59]In the south, some people light a candle [01:04.31]and burn an incense in a temple [01:05.60] [01:06.20]early in the morning, at dawn [01:07.86]so many ways to make our wishes [01:09.74]for ourselves and for other people [01:11.48] [01:11.98] [01:12.31]祝你 新年快乐 [01:14.98]团圆 万事如意 [01:18.58]恭喜恭喜恭喜你 [01:23.25]发大财 红包快拿来~ [01:25.47] [01:25.76]祝你 新年快乐 [01:29.27]健康 富贵吉祥 [01:32.86]恭喜恭喜恭喜你 [01:37.87]汪汪汪 旺旺旺 [01:39.79] [01:40.05]PISSY: [01:40.38]Red underwear [01:41.53]Red socks and red everything [01:43.75]This year is a dog year [01:45.44]My big year [01:46.31]Know what I mean [01:47.34]But nowadays I feel like [01:49.04]tired to pay a new year call [01:50.74]Cuz my aunties always ask me questions, something personal [01:53.96]Wait [01:54.34]I don’t know [01:54.81]I don’t know [01:55.19]don’t wanna talk about this [01:56.42]We should be happy [01:57.46]Why did you mention it? [01:58.19]And why do people always play with their phones [01:59.87]It’s hard to get a ticket to come back home now [02:01.63]Reminiscing old times when family gathered around a table [02:05.42]We ate and laughed a whole night [02:06.91]The atmosphere held us tight together [02:08.87] [02:09.10]Dylan: [02:09.57]Aye man thanks [02:10.84]the picture is clearer now [02:12.02]it’s clear and loud [02:12.99]it sounds like a good time [02:14.29]but Beijing is clearing out [02:15.33]a people drought [02:16.14]with everyone back to their hometowns [02:17.61]train station is a full crowd [02:19.32]got the invite to spend the new year with my friend’s fam at their house [02:22.92](I’ll be) given out them hongbao [02:24.38]yeah brother I know now [02:25.01]different place dif amount [02:26.14]yeah we couldn’t do without [02:26.85]away from my home, apart from fam yeah a bit of a pity [02:30.37]but when the fireworks and crackers illuminate the city [02:33.78]I think that somehow [02:35.75]I feel at home now [02:37.55] [02:38.00]祝你 新年快乐 [02:40.96]团圆 万事如意 [02:44.61]恭喜恭喜恭喜你 [02:49.59]发大财 红包快拿来~ [02:51.42] [02:51.70]祝你 新年快乐 [02:55.21]健康 富贵吉祥 [02:58.81]恭喜恭喜恭喜你 [03:03.71]汪汪汪 旺旺旺 [03:05.86] [03:06.38]音乐制作:天府事变 [03:07.06]录音师:艾四两 [03:07.74]后期混缩/母带:PISSY,鹤仙问鹿仙 [00:01.47]编曲:鹤仙问鹿仙 [00:02.62] [00:13.84] [00:14.22]看起来,中国已经慢慢进入了过年的氛围 [00:15.95]可我有一些疑惑,不知会不会不礼貌 [00:17.70]但作为一个歪果仁,有些事我真的不太懂 [00:19.62]所以就把它们写进了这首歌 [00:21.37]我不太懂为什么饺子里会包着硬币 [00:23.10]I dont really understand the fu(福) upside down-a我不太懂为什么要把福字倒着贴 [00:24.98]我也不太懂为什么到处都有龙,还有红色的对联,以及中国的农历是什么意思? [00:28.59]如果我们互送红包 [00:30.30]那不就像是在换钱吗? [00:32.15]还有件事也很有趣 [00:34.35]中国的十二生肖 [00:35.80]它起源何方 [00:36.78]它有何作用 [00:37.59]生在2018年一月的小孩到底是属鸡还是属狗呢? [00:41.29] [00:41.71] [00:42.15]看过来 [00:42.65]现在让我来给你说说中国的新年 [00:44.68]我不知道我是否能全说个明白 [00:46.71]首先第一件事 [00:47.78]中国的新年就是农历的第一天 [00:49.71]大家都会庆祝! [00:50.46]我们都是中国龙的传人 [00:52.21]你可以瞧瞧这龙之九子形状的标志 [00:54.79]现在你就明白了缘由 [00:55.50]各地传统不同 [00:57.38]人们在北方把硬币包进饺子是为了求财运,就像在给自己打call [01:02.59]而一些南方的人则会点燃蜡烛 [01:04.31]在寺庙里焚香 [01:05.60](pray)(祈愿) [01:06.20]在清晨,在黎明 [01:07.86]那么多祈愿的方式 [01:09.74]都是为了祝福自己和身边的人 [01:11.48](happy)(幸福) [01:11.98] [01:12.31]Wish you a happy new year [01:14.98]Reunion with your love ones and all the best [01:18.58]Congratulations congratulations and congratulations to you [01:23.25]Make a fortune now gimme some red packets [01:25.47] [01:25.76]Wish you a happy new year [01:29.27]Be healthy rich and lucky [01:32.86]Congratulations congratulations and congratulations to you [01:37.87]Luck and fortune surround you woof woof woof [01:39.79] [01:40.05] [01:40.38]红内衣 [01:41.53]红袜子,一切都是红色的 [01:43.75]今年是狗年 [01:45.44]是我的本命年 [01:46.31]你懂的 [01:47.34]但是我渐渐觉得 [01:49.04]拜年真是太累了 [01:50.74]因为七姑八婆老是问我各种问题,尤其是私人问题 [01:53.96]等等 [01:54.34]我不知道 [01:54.81]我不知道 [01:55.19]我不想聊这些了 [01:56.42]我们应该开开心心过年 [01:57.46]为什么非哪壶不开提哪壶呢? [01:58.19]还有为什么大家拜年也总是玩手机呢 [01:59.87]现在买票回家多不容易啊! [02:01.63]回想以前全家人团聚在桌前 [02:05.42]整晚吃吃喝喝,说说笑笑,其乐融融 [02:06.91]那时热闹的气氛让我们紧紧相连 [02:08.87] [02:09.10] [02:09.57]兄弟谢谢了 [02:10.84]现在我更明白了 [02:12.02]心里也更清楚了 [02:12.99]中国新年听上去是个好日子! [02:14.29]但北京却越来越空了 [02:15.33]一股巨大的人潮 [02:16.14]大家都回到了自己的家乡 [02:17.61]火车站挤挤攘攘 [02:19.32]朋友邀我去他家和他的家人们一起过年 [02:22.92]我得给他们红包 [02:24.38]朋友我现在知道了 [02:25.01]每个地方都有不一样的民俗 [02:26.14]我们要尊重这些老规矩 [02:26.85]现在的我背井离乡,有点伤感 [02:30.37]但是当烟花炮竹将城市点亮 [02:33.78]不知为何,我能感觉到 [02:35.75]这里像家一样 [02:37.55] [02:38.00]Wish you a happy new year [02:40.96]Reunion with your love ones and all the best [02:44.61]Congratulations congratulations and congratulations to you [02:49.59]Make a fortune now gimme some red packets [02:51.42] [02:51.70]Wish you a happy new year [02:55.21]Be healthy rich and lucky [02:58.81]Congratulations congratulations and congratulations to you [03:03.71]Luck and fortune surround you woof woof woof [03:05.86]

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