(The Legend Of) Miss Baltimore Crabs歌词 歌手Michelle Pfeiffer-专辑Hairspray-单曲《(The Legend Of) Miss Baltimore Crabs》LRC歌词下载

活出高调2022-01-08  103

导读:《(The Legend Of) Miss Baltimore Crabs》歌词 歌手Michelle Pfeiffer的专辑Hairspray单曲《(The Legend Of) Miss Baltimore Crabs》LRC歌词下载,…

(The Legend Of) Miss Baltimore Crabs歌词 歌手Michelle Pfeiffer-专辑Hairspray-单曲《(The Legend Of) Miss Baltimore Crabs》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《(The Legend Of) Miss Baltimore Crabs》
歌手:Michelle Pfeiffer

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《(The Legend Of) Miss Baltimore Crabs》歌词:

[00:03.880]Front step, cha-cha-cha, back step cha-cha-cha, side step, front step, back, and turn [00:11.080]Oh my god, Penny, there's Link, Link! I can't believe I'm really here auditioning! [00:16.240]I can't believe I'm really here watching you audition! [00:19.070]Front step,cha-cha-cha [00:20.110]Back step,cha-cha-cha [00:21.920]side step,front step [00:27.910]oh!this town sure has gone downhill since I was crowned miss baltimore crabs [00:30.680]Oh, mother not more ancient history! [00:32.650]oh my god.how times have changed [00:35.920]these girls must be blind or completely deranged [00:39.420]but time seemed to halt [00:40.490]when I was miss baltimore crabs [00:44.570]amber, that move is far too dirty~ [00:46.730]Mother, wake up from that dream of yours, this isn't 1930! [00:50.570]You can laugh, but life's a test! [00:53.750]Don’t do this, don't do that! [00:55.480]Remember, Mother knows best! [00:57.640]And the crowns in the vault from [00:59.710]when I won Miss Baltimore Crabs [01:02.690]these steps are perfect ammunition. [01:04.710]Let me show you how you Mommy dear took out the competition [01:08.390]Girls, go get them, boys lets rumba! [01:11.850]1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 [01:15.500]Those poor runner ups [01:17.390]might still hold some grudges [01:19.240]They padded their cups [01:21.290]But I screwed the judges! those broads thought they'd win if a plate they would spin in their dance..hahaha..not a chance [01:30.390]boys, put me down! [1:32.490]Oh, good morning ladies, lets see what you got! [01:36.180]Twist, twist, twist, twist, mashed potato, mambo! [01:40.140] [01:40.500]On my show you'll never find a thrusting hip or bump and grind! [01:44.860]Whats that, a dance for flees and tics? [01:46.600]Oh, you should have seen my bag of tricks! [01:48.560]I hit the stage [01:50.270] [01:52.290]While belting Aida [01:54.010]and preparing SOUFLEES! [01:54.530]But that triple somersault [01:56.530]is how I clinched Miss Baltimore Crabs! [02:29.780]Proceed. [02:30.630]Are you scared we're on live? [02:32.340]No, I'm sure I can cope. [02:34.100]Well, this show isn't broadcast in [02:36.480]Cinema scope! [02:37.740]I never drink one chocolate malt [02:39.570]no deserts for Miss Baltimore Crabs! [02:44.860]This one will never get a date in those hand-me-down clothes! [02:48.460]Ha kid, she'll never get a date till daddy buy her a new nose! [02:52.190]I would say [02:52.910]Oh! guvilut [02:54.090]if I wasn't miss Baltimore crabs [02:59.120]Do you dance like you dress? [03:01.010]Amber, theres no need to be cruel [03:02.810]would u swim in an integrated pool? [03:06.380]I sure would! im all 4 integration! its the new frontier! [03:10.960]Not in Baltimore, it isn't! [03:13.080]and may i be frank [03:14.800]first impressions can be tough [03:16.660]and when i saw you i knew [03:18.510]if your size weren't enough ,your last answer just blew it! [03:22.210]and so my dear ,so short and stout [03:25.640]you’ll never be in [03:27.450]so were kicking you out! [03:29.330]with your form and your fate [03:31.450]oh, it isn't your fault! [03:33.070]just down with a case of Miss Baltimore crabs [03:43.700]ugh you may go [03:45.120] [03:47.480]I think they secretly liked u! [03:51.740]May I please audition? [03:52.920]Of course not [03:54.570]but u can bow and exalt [03:56.770]for i am miss Baltimore crabs! [04:02.990]crabs, crabs, crabs [00:03.880]前面,恰恰恰,后退,恰恰恰,前面,旁边儿,后退,转身 [00:11.080]噢我的天啦!佩尼,林克在那里!我不敢相信我在这儿面试 [00:16.240]我真不敢相信我真在这里看你面试 [00:19.070]前进,恰恰恰 [00:20.110]后退,恰恰恰 [00:21.920]前面,旁边 [00.26.230]回来,然后,呕,艾贝尔,你看这个小丑团惹 [00:27.910]噢,这个城市自从我成为爱挑剔的巴尔的摩小姐之后,质量明显下降了 [00:30.680]呕妈妈别再说历史了 [00:32.650]噢我的上帝惹,这个时代变了 [00:35.920]这些可儿们一定是瞎了,或者完全疯掉了 [00:39.420]但是当时间停止了 [00:40.490]就在我成为爱挑剔的巴尔的摩小姐后 [00:44.570]艾贝尔,你那个动作真是太下流了~ [00:46.730]妈咪,从你的梦里回来吧,这才不是1930年呢 [00:50.570]你们可以笑,但生活是一场试炼 [00:53.750]不要这样,不要那样 [00:55.480]记住,妈咪我才知道什么是最好的 [00:57.640]后冠一直在保险柜里 [00:59.710]自从我呀成为了爱挑剔的巴尔的摩小姐之后 [01:02.690]这个舞步真是极具大女子作风的呢~ [01:04.710]让你妈咪我教你怎样在比赛中赢那些野鸡们 [01:08.390]可儿们,带她们过来 ,男孩们,我们来桑巴! [01:11.850] [01:15.500]那些可怜的亚军们 [01:17.390]可能还在埋怨 [01:19.240]她们往胸部垫了东西 [01:21.290]但本可搞定了评审,那些野鸡们以为她们可以靠跳舞时转碟子夺冠呕,不存在的 [01:30.390]嗷男孩儿们,放我下来 [1:32.490]噢早安宝贝儿们,让我来见识一下你们的实力 [01:36.180]扭扭扭扭,捣碎土豆,曼波 [01:40.140]ready, begin 准备,开始! [01:40.500]在本可的节目上你永远都不会看见一只胖河马在顿地 [01:44.860]呕那是啥?一个抽搐的舞步吗? [01:46.600]噢宝贝儿,你该看看我的法宝惹 [01:48.560]当本可走上舞台 [01:50.270]Batons ablaze 指挥棒buling buling [01:52.290]准备好高音c [01:54.010]准备好气声 [01:54.530]但是那三个翻筋斗 [01:56.530]让本可得以拥吻“爱挑剔的巴尔的摩小姐” [02:29.780]继续 [02:30.630]你是不是怕怕啦~我们可是现场直播呢 [02:32.340]不,我肯定能应付 [02:34.100]惹,不过我们的节目并不是 [02:36.480]宽荧屏格式的播出呀 [02:37.740]本可从来不喝热巧克力 [02:39.570]爱挑剔的巴尔的摩小姐是没有甜点的呢 [02:44.860]厚,这个人穿着这样的烂衣服永远不会有约会 [02:48.460]哈哈宝贝儿,你如果是有她那样的鼻子,也别想有约了 [02:52.190]我会说 [02:52.910]噢我的太上老君呀~ [02:54.090]如果我不是爱挑剔的巴尔的摩小姐 [02:59.120]呕你跳得和你穿的也一样烂吗? [03:01.010]艾贝尔,你没有必要那么残忍啊 [03:02.810]你会在不分种族的游泳池里游泳吗? [03:06.380]当然啦!我支持民族融合呢!这可是新的趋势! [03:10.960]呵,在巴尔的摩可不是 [03:13.080]恕本可直言 [03:14.800]给人的第一印象可能是很苛刻的 [03:16.660]但本可第一眼见到你就知道 [03:18.510]就算你的体型勉强过关了,你的答案也搞砸一切惹 [03:22.210]我的宝贝儿你又肥又矮 [03:25.640]你永远都不能入围 [03:27.450]所以可人儿我们,就要把你踢出去惹 [03:29.330]你的身材和你的脸蛋儿 [03:31.450]呕这些都不是你的错 [03:33.070]你没有机会来亲吻爱挑剔的巴尔的摩小姐的后冠 [03:43.700]呕,你可以走了 [03:45.120]umm…Thank you 唔..谢谢? [03:47.480]我觉得她们挺喜欢你的呢! [03:51.740]请问我可以试试吗? [03:52.920]当然不可以 [03:54.570]但是你可以鞠躬赞美 [03:56.770]因为本可可是爱挑剔的巴尔的摩小姐 [04:02.990]螃蟹螃蟹螃蟹舞~

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