The Scarecrow歌词 歌手AvantasiaJorn LandeMichael Kiske-专辑The Scarecrow-单曲《The Scarecrow》LRC歌词下载

晨光万丈2022-01-08  66

导读:《The Scarecrow》歌词 歌手AvantasiaJorn LandeMichael Kiske的专辑The Scarecrow单曲《The Scarecrow》LRC歌词下载,《The Scarecrow》歌词分享。…

The Scarecrow歌词 歌手Avantasia / Jorn Lande / Michael Kiske-专辑The Scarecrow-单曲《The Scarecrow》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《The Scarecrow》
歌手:Avantasia / Jorn Lande / Michael Kiske
专辑:The Scarecrow

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《The Scarecrow》歌词:

[00:00.000] 作曲 : Sammet [01:05.570]I'm just a loser in the game of love [01:10.710]I'm just a stray boy in the shade [01:15.840]And how I Wish to know what love is like [01:21.100]To find someone to contemplate [01:26.290]There's a voice and a million answers [01:28.830]To the questions I don't ask a demon-I've got to contain [01:31.240]When I'm walking through the fen [01:39.850]Gonna deep into the black [01:41.710]There are whispers that I can't restrain [01:45.430]Don't give in [01:55.640]Rise to fame [02:00.630]Time will come [02:05.840]Make your claim [02:10.770]Time has come [02:16.060]For the crow who fly away [02:41.060]So you're an angel meant to walk down here [02:46.140]And you believe it's all divine [02:51.220]And you don't play by all those temporal rules [02:57.240]Watch the world begin to die [03:00.750]Alright-when the lamb's been torn to pieces, [03:04.480]I've been crashing from the sky [03:06.870]Fallen to care for the pray [03:11.220]They put a spoke right in your wheel [03:14.050]I'm the one to dare the weak [03:16.770]To push you all over the pain [03:21.640]You give in [03:25.870]Oh... [03:31.280]Rise to fame [03:36.140]Time will come [03:41.490]Make your claim [03:46.400]Time has come [03:51.500]For the crow who fly away [07:24.430]I close my eyes and I see what's coming my way [07:36.040]He's got treasure in his eyes that he gonna turn to clay [07:45.570]Hm,I'm a stranger [07:49.950]I'm a changer and I'm a danger [07:55.050]Maybe... [07:57.830]Fallen angel-waiting for the prey [07:59.800]The devil has come to take a mainmed away [08:02.300]Penetration of the twisted mind [08:04.710]The evil is out for the weak and blind [08:08.100]I can feel it in your voice [08:11.460]Ever so sweet [08:17.000]No [08:18.470]Do I really have a choice? [08:21.730]No,no,no! [08:27.200]Oh,you burn your feet n unholy ground [08:30.520]You roam the barren wicked plains abound [08:33.200]In evil eyes and evil speak [08:35.640]About it all your evil freaks [08:39.350]When you say it's all divine and meant to be [08:47.950]What about your flesh and blood and defire like me? [08:53.330]Their evil eyes are looking down on you [09:00.210]And those who don't are losing sight of you [09:04.250]Face the rage to chase away [09:06.710]The specter of disgrace and shame [09:09.660]Withered roses dying on the ledge [09:11.880]A withered dreamer standing on the edge [09:14.430]You dream of love but you wake up to pain [09:17.030]You're better off to join in my game [09:21.260]Then she'll better off to cry contrite tears [09:30.860]One day she'll wonder why she had to let you disappear [09:39.720]Rise to fame [09:43.200](your time has come) [09:44.660]Time will come [09:47.050](to take the sun) [09:49.650]Make your claim-you're drawn to the sound [09:54.730]Time has come-you're leaving ground [09:59.850]Rise to fame-the flight of the crow [10:05.130]Time will come-cross the line [10:10.480]Your time has come [10:18.090]For the crow to fly away [10:23.360]It's a flight to hell [10:26.300]Can you hear the bell [10:28.810]The devil has come [10:31.620]To take your soul away [10:36.040]A flight to hell [10:41.940]Alright [10:43.520]I'm a stranger [10:45.600]I'm a changer [10:48.410]And I'm danger [10:53.620]Fallen angel [10:56.970]Waiting for the prey [by:SMELING_THE_FRAGRANCE_OF_BLOOD] [01:05.570]在爱情的游戏中我一无是处 [01:10.710]只是个名不见经传的流浪者 [01:15.840]内心深处渴望知道情问何物 [01:21.100]渴望寻找到自己的梦中情人 [01:26.290]只有一个声音响起 有成千上万个答案 [01:28.830]我不会去与恶魔交易 我必须对其加以制止 [01:31.240]当我穿越沼泽 [01:39.850]堕入烟海之中 [01:41.710]凭空传来我无法抑制的窃窃私语 [01:45.430]誓死不屈 [01:55.640]名震天下 [02:00.630]终有一日 [02:05.840]提出所求 [02:10.770]时机已到 [02:16.060]乌鸦也已高飞远走 [02:41.060]所以你生而为天使 注定会出现于此地 [02:46.140]冥冥之中已成定局 [02:51.220]永不拘泥于世俗的枷锁 [02:57.240]望眼万物灰飞烟灭 [03:00.750]当羔羊都已被撕碎 [03:04.480]我将从天而降 [03:06.870]只为保护我的猎物 [03:11.220]他们将一张辐条放入你的轮子中 [03:14.050]我是唯一激将弱者的人 [03:16.770]让那无间地狱远离于你 [03:21.640]你却甘愿折服 [03:25.870] [03:31.280]终有一日 [03:36.140]名震天下 [03:41.490]提出所求 [03:46.400]时机已到 [03:51.500]乌鸦也已高飞远走 [07:24.430]合上眼帘 预知未来 [07:36.040]他拥有在他看来的财富 但他将命染黄沙 [07:45.570]我是界外之人 [07:49.950]变故之人 危险之人 [07:55.050]也许 大概 可能 好像 估计 约莫 [07:57.830]堕落天使坐以待食 [07:59.800]恶魔带走苟且之人 [08:02.300]扭曲思想疯狂渗透 [08:04.710]谋求软弱盲目之人 [08:08.100]灵魂深处传来声音 [08:11.460]曾经是那么的美好 [08:17.000]不可置辩 [08:18.470]别无选择 [08:21.730]身无择行 [08:27.200]你的双足在邪恶之地上燃烧 [08:30.520]游荡于罪恶而贫瘠的土地上 [08:33.200]拥有青瞳魔眼说着恶言恶语 [08:35.640]对着所有的邪恶的怪物 [08:39.350]你坚信这一切都是神的旨意 [08:47.950]那么像我一样的血肉欲望呢 [08:53.330]他们正用着狠毒的眼神看你 [09:00.210]那些不把你放在眼里的 [09:04.250]直对愤怒的情感驱逐那 [09:06.710]带来耻辱和羞愧的精灵 [09:09.660]凋零玫瑰在壁架上消逝 [09:11.880]憔悴的梦中人站在边缘 [09:14.430]梦见爱情却被痛苦惊醒 [09:17.030]加入我的游戏才是出路 [09:21.260]她将会留下悔恨的泪水 [09:30.860]终有一日她将自责为何让你离她而去 [09:39.720]一举成名天下皆知 [09:43.200]你的时代已然到来 [09:44.660]终有一日 [09:47.050]如日中天 [09:49.650]提出你的诉求 [09:54.730]时机已到 飞向天空 [09:59.850]一举成名 乌鸦环绕 [10:05.130]终有一日 超越极限 [10:10.480]你的时代已然到来 [10:18.090]乌鸦也已高飞远走 [10:23.360]这是一场将通往地狱的飞行之旅 [10:26.300]你能否听到这钟声 [10:28.810]恶魔已然现身于此 [10:31.620]前来索取你的灵魂 [10:36.040]将你带往血海地狱 [10:41.940] [10:43.520]我是界外之人 [10:45.600]我将变故易常 [10:48.410]我将摧毁一切 [10:53.620]堕落天使 [10:56.970]坐等猎物


