White Pearl, Black Oceans...歌词 歌手Sonata Arctica-专辑Reckoning Night-单曲《White Pearl, Black Oceans...》LRC歌词下载

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导读:《White Pearl, Black Oceans...》歌词 歌手Sonata Arctica的专辑Reckoning Night单曲《White Pearl, Black Oceans...》LRC歌词下载,《White Pearl,…

White Pearl, Black Oceans...歌词 歌手Sonata Arctica-专辑Reckoning Night-单曲《White Pearl, Black Oceans...》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《White Pearl, Black Oceans...》
歌手:Sonata Arctica
专辑:Reckoning Night

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《White Pearl, Black Oceans...》歌词:

[00:00.00] [00:03.010]I was born and raised by the sea, shy yet proud, [00:12.900]Learned to stay away from the crowd [00:16.720]In my home, my lighthouse... [00:20.750]101 steps round and round [00:24.810]New Years Eve, one night on the town [00:28.640]Can change one life into eternity... [00:36.280] [01:10.340]All I could see, her eyes, [01:15.980]We got caught in the moment, all of the night [01:20.970]Taken beyond all lines, [01:24.689]In silence leaving ’em all behind [01:28.379] [01:28.930]She had found the sails, for the following night [01:32.569]The town, for her, was getting way too small [01:36.430]She promised to be mine [01:41.239]Forever, ...for that one night... [01:45.239] [01:46.530]Moments, passion, small defeats [01:50.519]Concealed emotions, found in me [01:54.650]"You gave life to a brand new me..."“ [01:58.190] [01:58.640]Crossing the wintry fields, [02:00.879]The first hour of morning light [02:06.379]Warmed by the flame inside, [02:10.780]The lasting memory of the ending night [02:14.669] [02:15.530]I never had a chance to stop what hit me... [02:18.960]What broke my bones and mauled me... [02:22.639]After hours of deep, unwilling sleep... in a cold shelter [02:27.979]Fell back in the dark, and the hours of the day passed... [02:33.050] [02:33.440]A nightmare awakes me, blinking light! [02:36.750]There’s no guide, blind ships in the night [02:40.319]Oh blood red moon, eat away the night [02:45.050] [02:46.889]Darkness covers my lonely soul, [02:49.629]No one to feed the dying light... [02:53.319] [03:13.110]Good morn’, oh dreadful day, [03:15.560]I prayed the moon had lit the sea instead of me... [03:19.389]For the sails of night, [03:22.460]"Please tell me everything’s alright..."“ [03:25.349] [03:25.939]My voice in the room broke the silence, [03:28.580]Everybody killed me with their eyes... [03:31.729]What I was to hear made the people cry, [03:35.120]Impossible for me to keep the tears inside [03:38.830] [03:40.330]"All on the board White Pearl have died,“ [03:43.169]Coastal reef has tolled their lives [03:46.169]And you are the light of the night..." [03:50.949] [03:51.349]One thing, I remember, before I fell on the ground... [03:55.849]Although I never saw the face, [03:58.530]A name was inked in his arm... [04:02.099] [04:02.370]Love can be like poetry of demons, or maybe [04:05.539]God loves complex irony? [04:08.550]The family name stated I had seen before... [04:13.699]Written on her front door... [04:15.110] [04:15.409]"Silence in the courthouse!" [04:16.379]A presence in the room, we both could feel [04:24.420]The father of her unborn child and me [04:27.730] [04:28.079]All on the board White Pearl have died,“ [04:30.379]Coastal reef have tolled their lives [04:33.600]While I was the guide light... [04:36.430]Back in my tower, run, run, run [04:39.459]Light is out, I hope to see [04:43.029]Black oceans beneath rise and swallow me [04:49.069] [05:27.399]One step will take me back inside, another sees my end [05:32.610]No one can love a man who guarded the light [05:36.680]That died one faithful night, so many lives... [05:41.639]Flaming eyes I must confront before I’m stated free [05:45.170] [05:45.910]Defining innocence is hell, after all that has past... [05:51.649]Building new walls inside my eternal night... [05:56.350]Although they took my heart and dried me up [06:02.000]Sometimes I still bleed... [06:03.689] [06:06.600]Show me the way [06:09.660]The light will show me a way on the grisly reefs [06:15.259]Too many dead ends I see [06:20.509]No soul can save me [06:23.189]The respect I lost, the measure of a man... [06:30.209] [06:50.199]10000 steps down, round and round [06:53.610]One night at the town and I’m hell bound [06:57.329]Black oceans beneath come and swallow me [07:00.920]All on the board White Pearl had died, [07:02.740]Coastal reef come claim my life [07:05.410]Black oceans beneath come and swallow me [07:09.730] [07:10.410]My little tower, seal my fate [07:12.370]Help me pay back, end their hate [07:15.379]Black oceans beneath come and swallow me [07:18.680]One direction, down, down, down [07:21.860]Pitch black night for my old town [07:24.329]Black oceans beneath shall now swallow me [07:31.550] [08:16.120]I hereby commit thy body to the deep [08:20.389]To be turned into corruption [08:22.889]Looking for a resurrection of the body [08:25.660]When the sea shall give up her dead [08:29.709]And the life of the world to come, through our Lord [08:34.570]Amen [00:00.00] [00:03.010]我生在海边,海洋将我抚养成人 [00:12.900]孤独地成长 远离人群 [00:16.720]我的家 就是那座灯塔.... [00:20.750]新年前夜 我走下101级回旋阶梯 [00:24.810]参加小镇上的派对 [00:28.640]那夜彻底改变了我的命运 [00:36.280] [01:10.340]我凝视着她的双眸 [01:15.980]我们沉醉此刻 [01:20.970]越过界限 [01:24.689]在寂静中 忘记了其他的一切 [01:28.379] [01:28.930]她告诉我 明晚就要远航 [01:32.569]这个小镇容不下她的梦 [01:36.430]她承诺一定会回来 [01:41.239]然后我们永不分开 [01:45.239] [01:46.530]一夜欢宵尽 [01:50.519]我产生了从未有过的情感 [01:54.650]正是你赋予了我新生...” [01:58.190] [01:58.640]次日 我离开小镇 走在冰原中 [02:00.879]朝阳刚刚升起 [02:06.379]心中的火苗温暖着我 [02:10.780]昨夜发生的一切我今生难忘 [02:14.669] [02:15.530]忽然一不留神我被袭击了 [02:18.960]我受了重伤 头骨粉碎 [02:22.639]经过几个小时的极度不情愿的睡眠…在寒冷的庇护所里 [02:27.979]我渐渐失去知觉 在昏迷之中 一天就这么过去了 [02:33.050] [02:33.440]噩梦将我惊醒 梦里是闪烁的灯光 [02:36.750]航船没有灯光的指引 在黑暗中航行 [02:40.319]噢 血红色的月亮 请吞噬那黑暗 [02:45.050] [02:46.889]黑暗掩盖了我寂寞的灵魂 [02:49.629]仅存的一点光亮正逐渐消退 [02:53.319] [03:13.110]新的一天 被恐惧笼罩着 [03:15.560]我祈祷月光照亮了那无尽的黑海 [03:19.389]昨夜的那艘航船 [03:22.460]请告诉我一切安好” [03:25.349] [03:25.939]我的声音打破了教堂的寂静 [03:28.580]所有人都转过身 用憎恨的眼光看着我 [03:31.729]我依稀听到人们在啜泣 [03:35.120]我意识到了什么 泪水喷涌而出 [03:38.830] [03:40.330]白珍珠号上 乘客全体丧生 [03:43.169]岸边的礁石夺走了他们的生命 [03:46.169]而你本应是夜里的明灯...” [03:50.949] [03:51.349]在我被打倒之前 我依稀记得一件事 [03:55.849]虽然我没看到袭击者的脸孔 [03:58.530]但他的名字印在他的手臂上 [04:02.099] [04:02.370]爱情就像是魔鬼的诗篇 [04:05.539]或是上帝在故意捉弄我? [04:08.550]这个姓氏 我之前见过 [04:13.699]就在那个女人的家门上 [04:15.110] [04:15.409]“法庭肃静!” [04:16.379]在我身后不远处 [04:24.420]就坐着那个女人未出生孩子的父亲 [04:27.730] [04:28.079]白珍珠号上 乘客全体丧生 [04:30.379]岸边的礁石夺走了他们的生命 [04:33.600]而我本是夜里的明灯” [04:36.430]焦急地飞奔回我的灯塔 [04:39.459]灯确实是灭的 [04:43.029]绝望的黑潮涌上我心头 [04:49.069] [05:27.399]站在塔顶的边缘 后退一步我就能继续活下去 [05:32.610]而前方则是一片汪洋 [05:36.680]但这个守塔人再也不会得到任何关爱 [05:41.639]在所有人的怒视之下 我被无罪释放了 [05:45.170] [05:45.910]然而被证明清白 对我来说就是地狱 回想那难忘的一夜 [05:51.649]发生过的一切 都是我自己的错 [05:56.350]虽然他们已经带走了我的心 我的泪水 [06:02.000] [06:03.689] [06:06.600]照亮我的道路 [06:09.660]只有灯塔能照亮我今后的道路 [06:15.259]我仍看不到任何希望 [06:20.509]没有人能拯救我 [06:23.189]我失去了一切 即使是最基本的尊敬 [06:30.209] [06:50.199]身后是一万级阶梯 迂回曲折 (此处用一万级阶梯表示没有后路) [06:53.610]在小镇上度过的那晚 让我坠入了地狱 [06:57.329]我纵身跃下 漆黑的海水 请将我吞噬 [07:00.920]白珍珠号上 乘客全体丧生 [07:02.740]岸边的礁石 请夺走我的生命 [07:05.410]眼前的无尽黑海 [07:09.730] [07:10.410]灯塔照出了我的命运 [07:12.370]请帮我赎罪 抹去他们的仇恨 [07:15.379]眼前的无尽黑海 [07:18.680]垂直坠落 没有退路 [07:21.860]我最后瞥一眼那个被黑暗笼罩的小镇 [07:24.329]漆黑的海水 请吞噬我的生命 [07:31.550] [08:16.120]我将我的生命献给这无尽的深海 [08:20.389]身体逐渐腐烂 [08:22.889]寻找着救赎与重生 [08:25.660]海洋放逐丧生者的灵魂 [08:29.709]死人的复活 及来世的永生 [08:34.570]阿门

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