夕暮れの鳥歌词 歌手神聖かまってちゃん-专辑幼さを入院させて-单曲《夕暮れの鳥》LRC歌词下载

归途的路2022-01-15  69

导读:《夕暮れの鳥》歌词 歌手神聖かまってちゃん的专辑幼さを入院させて单曲《夕暮れの鳥》LRC歌词下载,《夕暮れの鳥》歌词分享。…

夕暮れの鳥歌词 歌手神聖かまってちゃん-专辑幼さを入院させて-单曲《夕暮れの鳥》LRC歌词下载


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[00:02.70] [00:24.39]Song in the bird cage [00:27.05]Should I sing if I sing [00:29.87]Sky look wind tomorrow [00:32.56]Blow today [00:33.73]Blow today [00:35.27]Morning in the bird [00:37.85]Spend with me [00:39.25]Blow tomorrow [00:40.67]Every single day [00:43.10]It is next to you [00:45.55]Surely come in the morning one day say hello [00:50.02]To expand the hand to [00:52.51] [00:53.08]The side of other town [00:56.18]Surely not accustomed divert alone [01:01.13]Come morning everyone laugh again with me [01:08.23] [01:18.68]Because anyway every night every night [01:23.74]Sing a song so on in the picture [01:27.91]Sky a look wind tomorrow [01:30.66]Blow to the side of you [01:33.26]Blow today [01:34.56]Morning in the bird [01:37.15]It is next to you [01:39.48]I can sing again like a bird in the sky [01:44.00]I have heard innocent voice [01:46.85]I'll sing out with my girl [01:50.02]Go to the meeting place sing alone rolling stone [01:54.88]Come morning everyone laugh again with me [02:01.08]Surely come in the morning one day say hello [02:05.49]To expand the hand to [02:08.48]The side of other town [02:11.56]Surely not accustomed divert alone [02:16.46]Come morning everyone laugh again [02:20.46]With me [02:23.12] [02:44.73]Song in the bird cage [02:47.55]Should I sing if I sing [02:50.06]Sky look wind tomorrow [02:52.72]Blow today [02:54.00]Blow today [02:55.48]Morning in the bird [02:58.03]Spend with me [02:59.48]Blow tomorrow [03:00.82]Every single day [03:03.27]It is next to you [03:06.00]I can sing again like a bird in the sky [03:10.34]I have heard innocent voice [03:13.15]I'll sing out with my girl [03:16.32]Go to the meeting place sing alone rolling stone [03:21.26]Come morning everyone laugh again with me [03:27.26]Surely come in the morning one day say hello [03:31.80]To expand the hand to [03:34.81]The side of other town [03:37.82]Surely not accustomed divert alone [03:42.74]Come morning everyone laugh again [03:46.70]With me [by:卜兀不] [00:24.39]如果还能将那笼中的歌谣 [00:27.05]再一次轻声吟唱出来 [00:29.87]就让她吹向明日的天空 [00:32.56]拂过当下 [00:33.73]吹拂到此 [00:35.27]晨曦中拂过的鸟儿 [00:37.85]紧紧依偎在我的身旁 [00:39.25]歌声又飘向远方 [00:40.67]即使时光荏苒 [00:43.10]也始终跟随着你 [00:45.55]但却在某个清晨对你轻声问安 [00:50.02]转眼飞向了 [00:53.08]别处的城镇 [00:56.18]不会就这样迷失了方向 [01:01.13]第一缕阳光又一次照耀着欢聚在一起的我们 [01:18.68]在每个夜晚反复吟唱着这首歌 [01:23.74]只是为了将这一切 [01:27.91]让风吹向远方 [01:30.66]带到你的身旁 [01:33.26]吹拂到此的时候 [01:34.56]晨曦中拂过的鸟儿 [01:37.15]又紧紧依偎在你的身旁 [01:39.48]我的歌声就像鸟儿一样飞向远方 [01:44.00]有人向我传达最美好的祝愿 [01:46.85]我将与孩子们一起放声高歌 [01:50.02]再独自哼着熟悉的调子祝福游荡的人们 [01:54.88]第一缕阳光又一次照耀着欢聚在一起的我们 [02:01.08]在某个清晨对你轻声问安 [02:05.49]转眼飞向了 [02:08.48]别处的城镇 [02:11.56]几经迷茫找到故乡的方向 [02:16.46]我们还会相聚在 [02:20.46]那个熟悉的地方 [02:44.73]如果还能将那熟悉的歌谣 [02:47.55]再一次哼唱出来 [02:50.06]就让她吹向明日的天空 [02:52.72]拂过当下 [02:54.00]吹拂到此 [02:55.48]晨曦中拂过的鸟儿 [02:58.03]紧紧依偎在我的身旁 [02:59.48]歌声又飘向远方 [03:00.82]即使时光荏苒 [03:03.27]也始终跟随着你 [03:06.00]我的歌声就像鸟儿一样飞向远方 [03:10.34]有人向我传达最美好的祝愿 [03:13.15]我将与孩子们一起放声高歌 [03:16.32]独自哼着熟悉的调子祝福游荡的人们 [03:21.26]第一缕阳光再一次照耀着欢聚在一起的我们 [03:27.26]再一次于清晨向你告别 [03:31.80]转眼飞向了 [03:34.81]别处的城镇 [03:37.82]但最终还会回到这里 [03:42.74]而我们还会相聚在那个地方 [03:46.70]阳光仍会照耀着欢笑的我们

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