Spiral歌词 歌手Jason Kramer-专辑Spiral-单曲《Spiral》LRC歌词下载

南独酌酒2022-01-16  183

导读:《Spiral》歌词 歌手Jason Kramer的专辑Spiral单曲《Spiral》LRC歌词下载,《Spiral》歌词分享。…

Spiral歌词 歌手Jason Kramer-专辑Spiral-单曲《Spiral》LRC歌词下载

歌手:Jason Kramer

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[00:00.000] 作词 : Jason Kramer [00:01.000] 作曲 : Jason Kramer [00:02.000] 编曲 : Starbeats [00:31.533]Sometimes I feel like I grew up in rote [00:34.532]Me outta circles and mazed in my own spiral [00:38.779]I put everything down on my notes [00:42.041]I used to learn nothing from what I’ve been lost [00:45.530] [00:46.284]Sometimes I feel like I grew up in rote [00:49.289]Me outta circles and mazed in my own spiral [00:53.529]I put everything down on my notes [00:56.779]I used to learn nothing from what I’ve been lost [01:00.281] [01:01.279]Tired of waiting for get things happen [01:03.030]Nobody controls how it’s done [01:04.724]Man, no one could get me shut [01:06.223]I can’t run fast so I’m jogging in a foggy forest [01:08.973]Don’t care when Day of Judgement land [01:10.973]Prolly can’t face who I am, my equity can’t be defamed [01:13.474]But I wanna claim, my generation wants to grow [01:15.974]And they always drag the ropes, they tryna make them live in lies [01:18.725]Nobody can not make it fall, no service to open that door [01:21.845]Realized that I found out the truths of the world, not cool enough to me [01:24.846]I prayed to lord, only way for me it’s painting a draw [01:27.091]I was the one stopped me chasing my goals and... [01:29.341]My world should be better [01:30.341]Not everybody depressed then get liquor [01:32.093]I feel like I’m drip in the water got flow within river [01:34.597]My flow got no feeder, it can’t be in container [01:36.341]Not rough for now but it’s tough [01:38.343]We here for living but numb [01:40.281]Soul and spirit, they gone [01:41.534]Hope they alive and could be still young [01:43.281]It wouldn’t become, If they gone [01:44.783] [01:45.540]There is no coffin if they gone, don’t tryna drown [02:11.533] [02:14.969]Sometimes I feel like I grew up in rote [02:17.971]Me outta circles and mazed in my own spiral [02:22.223]I put everything down on my notes [02:25.470]I used to learn nothing from what I’ve been lost [02:29.232] [02:29.719]Sometimes I feel like I grew up in rote [02:32.727]Me outta circles and mazed in my own spiral [02:36.968]I put everything down on my notes [02:40.219]I used to learn nothing from what I’ve been lost [02:43.221] [02:43.733]Wanna get into the circle, u got no codes, why don’t decipher [02:46.468]I meant by another way to earn the honor, why not be ur own designer [02:49.968]Let’s see how it’s done, directing myself for got me an ending (Got me a... got me a...) [02:52.718]But it will be done with the drums [02:53.968]Punish will come, u won’t keep on avenging, moods been ruined [02:56.468]Find another way outta predicaments [02:58.218]Imagination to illusion [02:59.469]Seeking to update the engine [03:00.719]Foundation of version depends on ur vision [03:02.470]I’m building my mansion with patience I can not deny [03:05.219]Deficiency lies [03:06.719]Lonely but peaceful when no one besides [03:08.968]Decision of mine [03:10.468]I’m tryna erase the stereotypes [03:12.905]I feel like I grew up in rote [03:14.167]Circle with lines, combined the Spiral (Sometimes I feel like I grew up in rote) [03:16.105]Everything down on my notes (Me outta circles and mazed in my own spiral) [03:17.345]Magnification then proud of myself [03:19.107]Reality taught me how to be an adult [03:21.095]Then I learned humble when in front of my stove(I put everything down on my notes) [03:23.095]I don’t do vote [03:23.845]This journey and fam becoming a home [03:25.846]Learned to be quiet, I’m taking them both (I used to learn nothing from what I’ve been lost) [03:26.845]Taking them both [03:28.096] [03:28.845]Sometimes I feel like I grew up in rote [03:31.846]Me outta circles and mazed in my own spiral [00:31.533]有时感到自己从“制度”中成长 [00:34.532]走出一个又一个圈子选择迷失在自己的漩涡中 [00:38.779]我会把一切记在笔记上... [00:42.041]提醒自己今后要在失去中得到启迪 [00:45.530] [00:46.284]有时感到自己从“制度”中成长 [00:49.289]走出一个又一个圈子选择迷失在自己的漩涡中 [00:53.529]我会把一切记在笔记上... [00:56.779]提醒自己今后要在失去中得到启迪 [01:00.281] [01:01.279]厌倦了等待事情发生 [01:03.030]没有人能控制结果 [01:04.724]更没人能阻止我说话的权利 [01:06.223]深知自己跑的不快, 所以我开始在这遍布迷雾的森林里慢慢寻找 [01:08.973]不在乎审判日将何时降临 [01:10.973]也许会无法正视自己, 但属于我的那份平等不能被污蔑 [01:13.474]在此我想说的是, 我们这一代人其实更渴望“成长” [01:15.974]但有股力量至今拽着这根牢牢的绳索, 让人们无法在谎言中获息 [01:18.725]我们的力量不足以让它倒下... [01:21.845]在我意识到这世界上的许多真相对我来说并不是光明的时候 [01:24.846]我也祈求过上帝, 但唯一适合我的方法就是画这幅画 [01:27.091]我也是那其中一个阻止我达到目标的人 [01:29.341]我所身处的这个世界应该更美好 [01:30.341]而不是让每个抑郁的人都沉迷于酒精之中 [01:32.093]河里的水流也是由每一滴水滴构成 [01:34.597]至今没有人教过我如何提升能力, 它们也更不该被困在这“容器”中 [01:36.341]不怎么粗糙不是一件容易的事 [01:38.343]我在这里活着却身心麻木 [01:40.281]当初的灵魂和精神都离开了 [01:41.534]希望它们还能继续依靠自己活下去 [01:43.281]一去不复返 [01:44.783] [01:45.540]经验决定正确的道路 [02:11.533] [02:14.969]有时感到自己从“制度”中成长 [02:17.971]走出一个又一个圈子选择迷失在自己的漩涡中 [02:22.223]我会把一切记在笔记上... [02:25.470]提醒自己今后要在失去中得到启迪 [02:29.232] [02:29.719]有时感到自己从“制度”中成长 [02:32.727]走出一个又一个圈子选择迷失在自己的漩涡中 [02:36.968]我会把一切记在笔记上... [02:40.219]提醒自己今后要在失去中得到启迪 [02:43.221] [02:43.733]在没有“暗号”的情况下为什么不以“破译”的方式突破你想要的圈子 [02:46.468]我的意思是可以通过另一种方式去获得属于自己的荣耀, 变成自己的“设计师” [02:49.968]也许我们可以等着瞧 [02:52.718]导演自己直到过完一生 [02:53.968]情绪被毁了? 报应自然会到 [02:56.468]摆脱困境的另一种方式 [02:58.218]是从幻想到幻觉后 [02:59.469]寻找新的动力 [03:00.719]版本的基础取决于愿景 [03:02.470]我不否认用耐心来建成我的心宅 [03:05.219]不要被自己的缺点所骗 [03:06.719]也许旁无他人, 但心灵平静 [03:08.968]我的决定是 [03:10.468]想抹除一些“刻板印象” [03:12.905]有时感到自己从“制度”中成长 [03:14.167]每句歌词构成线条与思维循环便为漩涡 [03:16.105]一切都在笔记之中 [03:17.345]我也曾得到一点成绩就夸大自我 [03:19.107]但现实教会我如何慢慢的蜕变成一个成年人 [03:21.095]之后我坐在火炉前冥想并学到了低调 [03:23.095]也学会了如何保持“安静” [03:23.845]这趟“旅程”和家人并行组成了我新的“家” [03:25.846]因为我不喜欢二选一, 这趟旅程的门票和我的家人, 我要一起带走 [03:26.845]将他们一起带走 [03:28.096] [03:28.845]有时感到自己从制度中成长 [03:31.846]走出一个又一个圈子选择迷失在自己的漩涡中

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