Ex-Wives歌词 歌手Six-专辑Six: The Musical (Studio Cast Recording)-单曲《Ex-Wives》LRC歌词下载

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导读:《Ex-Wives》歌词 歌手Six的专辑Six: The Musical (Studio Cast Recording)单曲《Ex-Wives》LRC歌词下载,《Ex-Wives》歌词分享。…

Ex-Wives歌词 歌手Six-专辑Six: The Musical (Studio Cast Recording)-单曲《Ex-Wives》LRC歌词下载

专辑:Six: The Musical (Studio Cast Recording)

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[00:06.212]Divorced [00:09.818]Beheaded [00:13.335]Died [00:18.473]Divorced [00:22.127]Beheaded [00:25.340]Survived [00:29.756]And tonight we are... Live! [00:39.994]Listen up let me tell you a story [00:43.273]A story that you think you've heard before [00:46.522]We know you know our names and our fame and our faces [00:50.107]Know all about the glories and the disgraces [00:54.130]I'm done 'cause all this time, [00:56.769]I've been just one word in a stupid rhyme [01:00.267]So I picked up a pen and a microphone [01:04.086]Histories about to get overthrown. [01:07.509]Divorced [01:08.478]Beheaded [01:09.506]Died [01:11.220]Divorced [01:11.942]Beheaded [01:12.805]Survived [01:14.577]But just for you tonight [01:17.893]We're divorced, beheaded, live [01:21.581]Welcome to the show to the historemix [01:24.977]Switching up the flow as we add the prefix [01:28.658]Everybody knows that we used to be six wives [01:35.551]Raising up the roof 'till we hit the ceiling [01:39.302]Get ready for the truth that we'll be revealing [01:42.629]Everybody knows that we used to be six wives [01:50.811]But now we're... [01:52.488]Ex-wives. [02:00.935]All you ever hear and read about [02:03.643]Is our ex, and the way it ended [02:06.936]But a pair doesn't beat a royal flush [02:10.313]You're gonna find out how we got unfriended [02:14.600]Tonight, we're gonna do ourselves justice, [02:17.980]'cause we're taking you to court [02:21.428]And every Tudor rose has it's thorns [02:24.682]and you're gonna hear 'em live, in consort. [02:28.214]Divorced [02:29.140]Beheaded [02:29.978]Died [02:31.638]Divorced [02:32.598]Beheaded [02:33.467]Survived [02:35.072]But just for you tonight [02:38.485]We're divorced, beheaded, live [02:42.294]Welcome to the show to the historemix [02:45.645]Switching up the flow as we add the prefix [02:49.210]Everybody knows that we used to be six wives [02:56.196]Dancing to the beat, 'till the break of day [02:59.769]Once we're done, we'll start again, like it's the renaissance [03:03.161]Everybody knows that we used to be six wives [03:11.402]But now we're... [03:12.307]Ex-wives [03:13.809]Divorced [03:14.403]My name is Catherine of Aragon [03:16.771]Was married 24 years, [03:18.802]I'm a paragon, of royalty [03:22.139]My loyalty is to the Vatican [03:24.294]So if you try to dump me, [03:26.648]you won't try that again [03:27.931]Beheaded [03:28.745]I'm that Boleyn girl, and I'm up next see [03:32.183]I broke England from the church [03:34.129]Yeah, I'm that ***y [03:36.034]Why did I lose my head? [03:38.165]Well my sleeves may be green but my lipstick's red [03:42.321]Died [03:43.564]Jane Seymour the only one he truly loved [03:46.469]Rude! [03:47.458]When my son was newly born, I died [03:50.964]But I'm not what I seem or am [03:52.973]I stick around and you'll suddenly see more. [03:56.457]Divorced [03:57.434]Ich bin Anna of Cleves, Ja? [04:00.048]When he saw my portrait he was like, Ja [04:03.402]But I didn't look as good as I did in my pic [04:07.067]Funny how we all discus [04:09.107]that but never Henry's little... [04:10.696]Prick up your ears I'm the Katherine, who lost her head [04:13.701]Beheaded [04:14.491]For my promiscuity outside of wed [04:17.751]Lock up your husbands [04:19.454]Lock up your sons [04:21.029]K-Howard is here and the fun's begun [04:24.739]Survived [04:25.588]Five down I'm the final wife [04:28.482]I saw him to the end of his life [04:32.109]I'm the survivor, Catherine Parr [04:36.053]I bet you wanna know how I got this far [04:38.778]I said, I bet you wanna know how we got this far [04:42.771]Do you wanna know how we got this far then... [04:46.187]Welcome to the show to the historemix [04:49.637]Switching up the flow as we add the prefix [04:53.194]Everybody knows that we used to be six wives [05:00.178]Get your hands up get this party buzzing [05:03.744]You wanna queen bee well there's half a dozen [05:07.168]Everybody knows that we used to be six wives [05:22.486]But now we're ex-wives [05:39.033]One, two, three, four, five...1,2,3,4,5…… [05:41.879]Six.6 [00:06.212]离婚 [00:09.818]斩首 [00:13.335]死亡 [00:18.473]离婚 [00:22.127]斩首 [00:25.340]幸存 [00:29.756]今夜我们演唱会走起! [00:39.994]听着我给你讲个故事 [00:43.273]一个你觉得你听过的故事 [00:46.522]你了解我们的姓名、盛名、容貌 [00:50.107]了解我们的所有光荣与耻辱 [00:54.130]我受够了, [00:56.769]因为我一直充当一个愚蠢的韵脚 [01:00.267]所以我拿起笔和麦克风 [01:04.086]历史一直处于颠覆的边缘 [01:07.509]离婚 [01:08.478]斩首 [01:09.506]死亡 [01:11.220]离婚 [01:11.942]斩首 [01:12.805]幸存 [01:14.577]但今夜在此只为你 [01:17.893]在“我们的结局”演唱会 [01:21.581]欢迎观赏这重新编辑的历史 [01:24.977]正如我们添加了前缀那样,我们焕发新生 [01:28.658]人人都知道我们曾是六个妻子 [01:35.551]纵情狂欢,恣意取乐 [01:39.302]准备迎接我们将要揭露的真相 [01:42.629]人人都知道我们曾是六个妻子 [01:50.811]但现在我们是 [01:52.488]前妻 [02:00.935]你曾听到读到的一切 [02:03.643]都有关于我们的前夫以及婚姻的结束 [02:06.936]但一副对子赢不过同花大顺 [02:10.313]你会发现我们是如何变得孤立无援 [02:14.600]今夜我们要自我审判 [02:17.980]我们正将你带上法庭 [02:21.428]每一朵都铎玫瑰都有自己的刺 [02:24.682]你将听到她们作为王后如何生存 [02:28.214]离婚 [02:29.140]斩首 [02:29.978]死亡 [02:31.638]离婚 [02:32.598]斩首 [02:33.467]幸存 [02:35.072]但今夜在此只为你 [02:38.485]在“我们的结局”演唱会 [02:42.294]欢迎观赏这重新编辑的历史 [02:45.645]正如我们添加的前缀那样,我们焕发新生 [02:49.210]人人都知道我们曾是六个妻子 [02:56.196]踏着节拍起舞,直到破晓 [02:59.769]那时我们将重新开始,如同复活 [03:03.161]人人都知道我们曾是六个妻子 [03:11.402]但现在我们是 [03:12.307]前妻 [03:13.809]离婚 [03:14.403]我是阿拉贡的凯瑟琳 [03:16.771]结婚24年 [03:18.802]我是皇室典范 [03:22.139]我忠于梵蒂冈教廷 [03:24.294]所以如果你试着抛弃我, [03:26.648]你不会再试的 [03:27.931]斩首 [03:28.745]我是博林家的女孩,我是下一位王后 [03:32.183]我让英格兰脱离天主教会 [03:34.129]对,我就是这么性感 [03:36.034]我为什么丢了头颅 [03:38.165]我的袖子是绿色的,但我的唇膏是红色的 [03:42.321]死亡 [03:43.564]简·西摩尔,他唯一的挚爱 [03:46.469]无礼! [03:47.458]我的儿子刚出生不久我就死了 [03:50.964]但我并没有 [03:52.973]我徘徊不去,你会突然看见的 [03:56.457]离婚 [03:57.434]我是克里维夫的安娜,是吧? [04:00.048]当他见到我的肖像他就……嗯~~ [04:03.402]但我并不像肖像上那样好看 [04:07.067]可笑的是我们总谈论我的外表 [04:09.107]而从不谈亨利的小…… [04:10.696]听好了,我是无头的凯瑟琳 [04:13.701]被斩首了 [04:14.491]因为通奸 [04:17.751]将你们的丈夫锁起来 [04:19.454]将你们的儿子锁起来 [04:21.029]霍华德在此,有趣的事情已经开始 [04:24.739]幸存 [04:25.588]走了五个我是最后一任妻子 [04:28.482]我看着他走向生命的终点 [04:32.109]我是幸存者,凯瑟琳·帕尔 [04:36.053]你一定想知道我是如何走过来的 [04:38.778]你一定想知道我们是如何一路走来的 [04:42.771]那么,你想知道我们是如何一路走来的吗 [04:46.187]欢迎观赏这重新编辑的历史 [04:49.637]正如我们添加的前缀那样,我们焕发新生 [04:53.194]人人都知道我们曾是六个妻子 [05:00.178]举起你的双手噪起来 [05:03.744]你想找的御姐这里可有半打 [05:07.168]人人都知道我们曾是六个妻子 [05:22.486]但现在我们是前妻 [05:39.033] [05:41.879]

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