The Best Of EDM 2010 - 2020 Megamashup歌词 歌手DJs From Mars-单曲《The Best Of EDM 2010 - 2020 Megamashup》LRC歌词下载

酒醉人不归2022-01-27  67

导读:《The Best Of EDM 2010 - 2020 Megamashup》歌词 歌手DJs From Mars的单曲《The Best Of EDM 2010 - 2020 Megamashup》LRC歌词下载,《The Best O…

The Best Of EDM 2010 - 2020 Megamashup歌词 歌手DJs From Mars-单曲《The Best Of EDM 2010 - 2020 Megamashup》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《The Best Of EDM 2010 - 2020 Megamashup》
歌手:DJs From Mars

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《The Best Of EDM 2010 - 2020 Megamashup》歌词:

[00:14.32]I feel so close to you right now [00:17.85]It's a force field [00:21.87]And there's no stopping us right now [00:25.37]I feel so close to you right now [00:29.03]I got this feeling on the summer day when you were gone. [00:32.71]I crashed my car into the bridge. I watched, I let it burn. [00:36.40]I threw your **** into a bag and pushed it down the stairs. [00:40.24]I crashed my car into the bridge. [00:42.94]I dont care, I love it. I dont care. [00:51.32]I want you to take over control [00:55.00]Take over control, ta-ta-take, take over control [00:58.27]Oh, oh, oh, I want you to take over control [01:03.47]Plug it in and turn me on [01:06.55]I could be the one to make you feel that way [01:10.00]I could be the one to set you free [01:21.24]All alone [01:23.16]where the beat is un-controlled. [01:25.05]I know what it feels like [01:26.90]Come on make me feel alive [01:39.70]I'll take you on a ride [01:41.04]If you can keep our secrets [01:56.21]BOMB, BOMB, BOMB A DROP! [02:14.74]You are my cinema [02:17.99]I could watch you forever [02:24.50]Turn down for what? [02:32.17]I say why does it feel so good? [02:34.99]So good to be bad [02:44.01]Shout to all my lost boys [02:44.98]Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shout to all my lost boys [02:46.82]We rowdy [02:47.70]Shout to all my lost boys [02:48.92]Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shout to all my lost boys [02:55.41]Bangarang Bangarang [03:04.96]And now you're going to die [03:06.82]But first [03:07.37]LET ME TAKE A SELFIE [03:14.12]Kick out the epic motherf**ker [03:31.26]I'm so alone [03:34.40]Try to find my way back home to you [03:49.44]Baby I'm wasted [03:53.24]All I wanna do is drive home to you [03:56.92]Baby I'm faded [03:59.18]We're the f**king animals We're the f**king animals [04:08.27]Wakan Tanka, Hunkaschila [04:10.06]Wohitika Oyate [04:11.91]Heyyy... ayy... hee... ooh! [04:19.35]So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your Rover [04:22.69]That I know you can't afford [04:24.46]Bite that tattoo on your shoulder [04:26.40]From your roommate back in Boulder [04:28.30]We ain't ever getting older [04:34.40]Deep down low, deep down low, deep down low [04:38.20]all we ever hear from you is blah blah balh,so [04:41.86]all we ever do is go ja ja ja [04:45.51]and we don't even care about what they say [04:48.96]cause it's ja ja ja [04:51.28]blah blah blah blah [04:59.76]I just need to get it off my chest [05:03.05]Yeah, more than you know [05:04.84]Yeah, more than you know [05:06.75]Yeah, more than you know [05:08.89]If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy? [05:20.35]In my mind [05:22.11]In my head [05:23.99]This is where [05:25.48]We all came from [05:27.73]The dreams we have [05:29.40]The love we share [05:31.46]This is what [05:32.48]We're waiting for [05:41.08]We’re all chemicals, cals, cals [05:45.63]We are, are, are [05:50.86]Don't you worry, don't you worry, child. [05:54.71]See heaven's got a plan for you. [05:57.85]I 'm bulletproof, nothing to lose [06:01.48]Fire away, fire away [06:05.45]You shoot me down but I won't fall [06:09.05]I am titanium [06:12.79]You shoot me down but I won't fall [06:16.56]I am titanium [06:24.12]I am titanium [06:26.51]so wake me up when its all over [06:30.16]When I'm wiser and I'm older [06:33.98]All this time I was finding myself [06:39.09]And I didn't know I was lost. [06:57.53]It's getting hey now hey now [06:59.29]Enough for the arguments [07:01.23]She sips the Coca-Cola [07:02.97]She can't tell the difference yet [07:10.87]I wanna run away [07:14.68]Anywhere out this place [07:18.02]Just U and I I I I I [07:22.21]U and I I I I I [07:26.02]U and I I I I I [07:28.11]There ain't no reason to stay [07:32.10]We'll be light years away [07:35.40]We could just run them red lights [07:39.10]We could just run them red lights [07:42.39]I can feel your love pulling me up from the underground [07:46.13]I don't need my drugs [07:47.68]We could be more than just part time lovers [07:49.42]Uh, da, da, da, uh, uh [07:51.34]Da, da, da, uh, uh [07:52.67]Uh, da, da, da, uh, uh [07:54.95]Down, down, down ↘↘↘ [07:56.46]I'm losing it [08:03.72]I'm losing it [08:09.31]Do you recall, not long ago [08:11.67]We would walk on the sidewalk [08:14.09]Innocent, remember? [08:16.50]All we did was care for each other [08:19.48]But the night was warm [08:20.76]We were bold and young [08:23.74]All around the wind blows [08:24.85]We would only hold on to let go [08:28.57]Blow a kiss, fire a gun [08:30.71]We need someone to lean on [08:33.22]Blow a kiss, fire a gun [08:35.48]All we need is somebody to lean on [08:37.98]Blow a kiss, fire a gun [08:40.21]We need someone to lean on [08:42.77]Blow a kiss, fire a gun [08:44.99]All we need is somebody to lean on [by:派哒丶猩] [00:14.32]和你靠的太近 [00:17.85]就像地心引力 [00:21.87]停不下来 被你牵引 [00:25.37]因为彼此 靠的太近 [00:29.03]那年夏天 你离开以后 我什么都不在乎了 [00:32.71]我开着车往桥上狠狠地撞 然后我就这样看着那车被大火吞噬 [00:36.40]我把你留下的破玩意儿都扔到垃圾袋里 再爽快地丢到楼下去 [00:40.24]我开着车不顾一切地往桥上乱撞 [00:42.94]我无所谓 我就爱这么活着 [00:51.32]我要你接管控制 [00:55.00]接管控制,助教,接管控制 [00:58.27]哦,哦,哦,我想让你接管控制 [01:03.47]插上它,把我打开 [01:06.55]我就是那一个让你有感觉的人 [01:10.00]我就是那一个让你自由的人 [01:21.24]孤身一人 [01:23.16]非常领域 节奏已经无法控制 [01:25.05]我知道那种感觉 [01:26.90]快来让我起死回生 [01:39.70]我会带你去兜风 [01:41.04]只要你保守我们的秘密 [01:56.21]轰炸,轰炸,鼓点轰炸! [02:14.74]你是我的电影 [02:17.99]我能永远看着你 [02:24.50]为什么要拒绝 [02:32.17]我说,我为什么感觉 [02:34.99]做个坏蛋这么爽呢? [02:44.01]召唤我所有迷茫的拥趸们! [02:44.98]召唤我所有迷茫的拥趸们! [02:46.82]让我们躁起来! [02:47.70]召唤我所有迷茫的拥趸们! [02:48.92]召唤我所有迷茫的拥趸们! [02:55.41] [03:04.96]那么现在你给我 [03:06.82]不过 [03:07.37]先让我来张自拍~ [03:14.12]踢走这个大混蛋 [03:31.26]我孑然一身 [03:34.40]寻觅着一条通向你的路 [03:49.44]宝贝我已醉倒 [03:53.24]我只想开车回家找你 [03:56.92]宝贝我好嗨 [03:59.18] [04:08.27]大神 小伙子们 [04:10.06]强悍的民族 [04:11.91] [04:19.35]宝贝 同我咫尺之遥 在你后座上耳语呢喃 如胶似漆 [04:22.69]缠绵于这辆永远付不起的罗孚车上 [04:24.46]让我的舌尖滑过你肩上的纹身 [04:26.40]那张你从伯兰德的室友那偷来的床垫 [04:28.30]今夜我们激情永葆 [04:34.40] 在深处,低,深,低,深,低 [04:38.20]我们所听到的都是你的胡言乱语 [04:41.86]我们只能做的就是JA JA JA地回怼你 [04:45.51]我们甚至可以不在乎局外人的闲话 [04:48.96]因为那也都是在怼你像个傻缺一样 [04:51.28]你说每一句话的都是废话 [04:59.76]我只是想说出我心里的话 [05:03.05]那些你不知道的情 [05:04.84]那些你不了解的怨 [05:06.75]那些你不了解的怨 [05:08.89]旧爱成伤,为何独你可给我救疗? [05:20.35]在我思绪里 [05:22.11]在我脑海中 [05:23.99]这个地方 [05:25.48]便是我们一同来自的地方 [05:27.73]梦境中的我们 [05:29.40]一同分享爱意 [05:31.46]这便是 [05:32.48]我们所等待的东西 [05:41.08]我们产生了化学反应 [05:45.63] [05:50.86]别忧心忡忡, 别再担心孩子 [05:54.71]抬起头, 一切老天自有安排 [05:57.85]我全副武装,再无可失 [06:01.48]开火吧,开火吧 [06:05.45]你将我击倒,但我不会放弃 [06:09.05]我是钢筋铁骨之人 [06:12.79]你将我击倒,但我不会放弃 [06:16.56]我是钢筋铁骨之人 [06:24.12]我是钢筋铁骨之人 [06:26.51]当一切都结束的时候再叫醒我吧! [06:30.16]当我更睿智,更年迈的时候 [06:33.98]我曾经一直在寻找我自己 [06:39.09]而我竟在不知不觉中迷失了自我 [06:57.53]事已至此你猜得到的 [06:59.29]足以让你懊悔到跳脚 [07:01.23]她轻呷一口可口可乐 [07:02.97]她不关心其中差别 [07:10.87]我却只想逃离 [07:14.68]远离这里的任何地方 [07:18.02]只是你和我 [07:22.21]你和我 [07:26.02]你和我 [07:28.11]没有理由停留 [07:32.10]我们将超越光年 [07:35.40]我们只需给他们亮红灯禁行 [07:39.10]我们只需给他们亮红灯禁行 [07:42.39]我能感受到你的爱意将我从无底深渊挽救 [07:46.13]我无需药物麻醉自己 [07:47.68]我们可以相伴永远 不只是逢场作戏 [07:49.42]哦 哒 哒 哒 [07:51.34] 哒 哒 哒 [07:52.67] 哦 哒 哒 哒 [07:54.95] [07:56.46]我要失去它了 [08:03.72]我要失去它了 [08:09.31]你曾记得那不久前 [08:11.67]我们曾于人行道上行走 [08:14.09]天真无邪,可曾记起? [08:16.50]我们仅是互相关心 [08:19.48]夜如此温暖 [08:20.76]我们年轻无畏 [08:23.74]风环绕轻抚过 [08:24.85]我们将风抓住后放走 [08:28.57]接个吻,开一枪 [08:30.71]我们需要一个可以依靠的人 [08:33.22]接个吻,开一枪 [08:35.48]我们需要一个可以依靠的人 [08:37.98]接个吻,开一枪 [08:40.21]我们需要一个可以依靠的人 [08:42.77]接个吻,开一枪 [08:44.99]我们需要一个可以依靠的人


