What I'm Here 4歌词 歌手Gang Starr-专辑Moment Of Truth-单曲《What I'm Here 4》LRC歌词下载

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导读:《What I'm Here 4》歌词 歌手Gang Starr的专辑Moment Of Truth单曲《What I'm Here 4》LRC歌词下载,《What I'm Here 4》歌词分享。…

What I'm Here 4歌词 歌手Gang Starr-专辑Moment Of Truth-单曲《What I'm Here 4》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《What I'm Here 4》
歌手:Gang Starr
专辑:Moment Of Truth

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《What I'm Here 4》歌词:

[00:00.000] 作词 : Elam, Martin [00:01.00]Tell the people what you're here for [00:13.18]Intro/chorus:guru [00:13.19]It's the message in the song that makes you rock on [00:15.78]Some people go to places where they don't belong [00:18.11]Whether wrong or right, a lot of people fight [00:20.53]But i'm here to bless this mic, aight? [00:23.00]Verse one: guru [00:23.41]I take action the minute that the crowd gets hype [00:26.22]I'm type crashin, down like a meteorite [00:28.00]I'm bogart-ing, mics and whole stages [00:31.23]Destroying mc's dreams, from words to whole pages [00:34.18]Their rapbooks, look more like scrapbooks [00:36.50]With their fictional fairytales and frail ass hooks [00:39.30]A lot of **** has happened, since I started rappin [00:41.83]There's been enough beef, and enough gat clappin [00:44.37]There's been mad signs, for this brother to heed [00:47.00]And while some choose greed, I choose to plant seeds [00:49.63]For your mental, spirit and physical temple [00:52.37]Bob your head to it, there's the water you've been lead to it [00:55.21]Bathe in it, a long time you've been cravin it [00:57.80]Prance to it, use your third eye and glance through it [01:00.70]Your state of being, becoming advanced through it [01:03.44]While others rhyme with no reason I be breezin [01:05.30]Their mics I seize them, then I try em for treason [01:08.45]I used to always like to hang out [01:10.00]Now I lounge in the rest writin bombs while tracks bang out [01:13.92]I know you peeped me in the club then [01:16.14]But now i'm in your speaker, with the voice that you're lovin [01:29.30]Chorus [01:30.30]Verse two: guru [01:31.92]Peace to the young ladies, who wanna bone me much [01:34.70]And peace to my ***** premier, with the golden touch [01:37.62]I never fall off point, like deniro in casino [01:40.56]Peace to black gambinos and all my peoples [01:43.04]Dig the steelo -- i'm fightin wars you know [01:45.08]As in the jihad, most humble, most merciful [01:47.40]That's because I be god, I trog through fogs, puffing logs [01:50.64]Mc's muttering menial madness, they get mobbed [01:52.72]Scarred and barred, and then, banished from my ****** kingdom [01:56.05]You got a fly one bring one, or else I come to fling some [01:58.83]Exquisite exotic exciting type **** [02:01.07]Enough to make the real heads wake up and get hype quick [02:03.70]I'm type slick, known as the god universal [02:06.38]Kick rhymes without rehearsal, I cross the burnin sands [02:09.00]Now I stand here with virtue, of course I could hurt you [02:11.80]Simply with my point of view, and I knew [02:13.81]That many would come, that's why i've chosen [02:16.93]To cut off pathways, and there's no runways or doorways open [02:20.13]For the jokers who ain't focused [02:21.75]And all the fake mercenaries get buried by the tongue of terrifying fury [02:25.44]Nothing's blurry, **** it I got no worries [02:27.61]Hearts and minds, shine bright light with insight [02:30.04]Yeah sense my birthright to set up cyphers with power [02:32.30]Cause mad **** ain't right, like punks in the spotlight [02:35.45]Who can't freestyle, sometimes I make my peeps smile [02:38.19]By sayin somethin crazy wild [02:39.90]Like some **** off my dome, that be soundin [02:41.88]Better than the next man's whole album... [by:Kelsenz] [00:01.00]告诉人们你来这里是为了什么 [00:13.18]Hook:guru [00:13.19]这首歌所传达的信息让你继续奋斗 [00:15.78]有些人去不属于他们的地方 [00:18.11]不论对或错,有很多人会为此斗争 [00:20.53]但我是来保佑这个麦克风的,不是吗? [00:23.00] [00:23.41]我在群众大肆宣传的那一刻采取行动 [00:26.22]我的风格在碰撞,像陨石落下 [00:28.00]我像Humphrey Bogart正在表演,从说再到整个舞台(Humphrey Bogart美国经典电影界最伟大的男明星之一) [00:31.23]毁了他们说唱梦,从字到整个片段 [00:34.18]他们的说唱书,看起来更像剪贴簿 [00:36.50]带有虚构的童话故事和蠢蠢的副歌 [00:39.30]自从我开始说唱以来,发生了很多事 [00:41.83]太多的矛盾和枪战 [00:44.37]太多疯狂的事件,为这兄弟更加注意 [00:47.00]虽然有些人选择贪婪,但我选择种下种子 [00:49.63]为了你的精神,志气和信仰 [00:52.37]把头伸过来看(过来听),这就是你找到的水(滋养种子) [00:55.21]沐浴其中,你已经渴望它很久了 [00:57.80]走向其中,用你的第三只眼睛扫视它(第三只眼指的是松果体,宗教中松果体是天灵之源,Guru认为认识松果体和自身思想会使人处于更高的意识状态) [01:00.70]您的状态,通过它而变得先进 [01:03.44]当别人无缘无故地押韵时 [01:05.30]他们的麦被我抓住,然后我让他们违心 [01:08.45]我以前总是喜欢闲逛 [01:10.00]现在我躺在休息室写着爆点追踪爆炸 [01:13.92]我知道你那时在俱乐部里偷窥过我 [01:16.14]但我现在在你的扬声器里,用你正喜欢的声音唱着 [01:29.30]Hook [01:30.30] [01:31.92]愿年轻姑娘安息,她们想榨取我 [01:34.70]愿我的黑人总理和平 ,与黄金触摸(希腊神话狄俄尼索斯给迈达斯触碰任何东西都能变成金子的能力,这里指事物有两面性不要只想着好的一面需要多考虑) [01:37.62]我技术从未下降,像deniro一样(电影《赌城风云》里的deniro经营赌场,高超的经营手段令人印象深刻 这里指guru高超的说唱技巧令人印象深刻) [01:40.56]愿黑人Gambinos(纽约知名黑手党)和我正在反抗的人民和平 [01:43.04]我正在战争中斗争(这里指的是上文我的非美裔黑人民反抗种族歧视) [01:45.08]就像在圣战中一样,最卑微,最仁慈(绿教认为不应该无缘无故地战斗,如果你要激怒Guru,你会很危险) [01:47.40]那是因为我是上帝,我在雾中跋涉,写着记录 [01:50.64]玩家们愚蠢的喃喃自语,他们受到了围攻 [01:52.72]伤痕累累后被禁止说唱,然后被逐出我的圈子 [01:56.05]你的苍蝇(指作品)一只又一只,不然我就来扔一些 [01:58.83]高雅的异国情调令人兴奋的音乐类型 [02:01.07]足以使真实的头脑醒来并迅速得到炒作 [02:03.70]我熟练的风格,被称为万能上帝 [02:06.38]韵脚随便来,我穿过正在燃烧的土地 [02:09.00]现在我凭借美德站在这里当然可以伤害你 [02:11.80]仅凭我的观点,我就知道 [02:13.81]会有很多人来听,这就是为什么我选择了 [02:16.93]去切断后路,把门关上 [02:20.13]对那些不专心的小丑 [02:21.75]所有假玩家被令人可怕的愤怒之声埋葬 [02:25.44]毋庸置疑,我没有担心 [02:27.61]心灵和思想因洞察力而发出明亮的光芒 [02:30.04]我天生的权力带着力量去让麦克风接力 [02:32.30]那些失去理智的人不对,就像台上的朋克 [02:35.45]他们不能freestyle,有时让我微微笑 [02:38.19]他们说一些弱智话 [02:39.90]我脑袋里的烂词听起来 [02:41.88]都比下一个人的整张专辑都要好...

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