Alkatraz歌词 歌手DEMONDICE-专辑Alkatraz-单曲《Alkatraz》LRC歌词下载

软的要命2022-01-29  121

导读:《Alkatraz》歌词 歌手DEMONDICE的专辑Alkatraz单曲《Alkatraz》LRC歌词下载,《Alkatraz》歌词分享。…

Alkatraz歌词 歌手DEMONDICE-专辑Alkatraz-单曲《Alkatraz》LRC歌词下载


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[00:00.00] - A DEMONDICE PRODUCTION - [00:05.00]RAP/LYRICS/ANIMATION/MOVIE by DEMONDICE [00:07.00]TRACK by DYES IWASAKI [00:09.00]MIX/MASTER by DEMONDICE and DAVID SWOPE [00:12.00](Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls) [00:13.92](Welcome to the show!) [00:15.14](Are you ready?) [00:16.00]ALKATRAZ / アルカトラズ [00:29.76] (3, 2, 1, Okay!) [00:31.27]Kncok-knock, howdy fellas! Here comes the trouble! [00:32.94]We're by night the devil's half-time ragtime rustlers [00:35.00]Untouchable charisma and spifflicated muscle [00:36.78]Split the difference, ya get the real "Honky-Tonk Hustle" [00:38.67]Hell's unbroken stallions, valiant swing rapscallions [00:40.84]Bringing back the "oki-doki, **** OFF" mentality! [00:42.66]An advantageous place of our own, where "having fun" wins, so [00:44.64]Uncourageous fakers best be knowing their onions, okay? [00:46.70]So much for tryna' keep the record "clean and stainless..." [00:48.78]“え、そんな事ないと思った。” [00:50.58]But there's a line between "defying the law" and "acting brainless" [00:52.35]“え、なんて言った?死ぬほどワロタ。” [00:53.83]やれやれ... [00:54.45]We got the real sockdolager sounds [00:55.98]And everybody wants a piece, but all I want is to peace out! [00:58.03]An off-the-beat town of scoffing clowns who act tough [00:59.71]Show'em what hell is! Only jealous cuz they can't catch up [01:01.64]So COME ON! (Let's keep it movin') [01:03.64]I'll break these iron chains they've got me locked in [01:07.38]Raise hell myself cuz all you're doin' is talkin' [01:11.10]So don't tell me how to break the law [01:13.12]I don't buy what you're selling [01:15:21]You say you're gonna "set me free" [01:16.47]Well, you take too long! [01:19.00] [01:32.30]Hey, what's the hold up? [01:33.05]I'm sick of being holed up, and told what [01:34.44]To say and what to stand for by the man that's in control but [01:36.33]Off-handed and unplanned escape's a ticket to "goodnight" [01:38.27]But the animal's need to be freed's a stick of dynamite [01:40.19]So welcome one and welcome all, to Satan's hell in jail-cell walls [01:42.40]Regard the riotous lunacy till opportunity calls [01:44.31]A demon's "game of chance", or poker for souls [01:45.74]But here the Warden plays a hand wherein the Joker is the one in control! [01:48.08]"I guess that you could say the devil's off my shoulder!" [01:49.93]HA HA! Hilarious! Despair upon the worthless! [01:52.06]Behind the slick, sophisticated composure [01:53.60]He who runs a circus tends to be nefariously merciless [01:55.89]But if I had your soul, we could make a break for it... [01:57.58]Give and takin', given what's at stake, don't gotta hate me for it! [01:59.59]Hide our claws, obey their ridiculous laws and mimic their dance [02:01.33]Be reverential soldiers 'till we get that chance! [02:03.07]So COME ON! (Let's keep it movin') [02:05.07]I'll break these iron chains they've got me locked in [02:08.76]Raise hell myself cuz all you're doin's talkin'! [02:12.54]So don't tell me how to break the law [02:14.53]I don't buy what you're selling [02:16.64]You say you're gonna "set me free" [02:17.84]Well, you take too long! [02:18.83]1, 2, 3, 4 [02:20.66]Countin' down the seconds 'till we aim for the door [02:22.20]We gotta sneak out the back, stop overthinking [02:24.37]And peak through the cracks, take out the kingpin! [02:26.30]This moment determines if we're swimmin' or sinkin' [02:28.23]An unforeseen deterrent could arise, so no blinkin'! [02:30.06]A wink of the eye, a minor slight of the hand [02:31.88]I'm gonna make it out alive with or without 'cha, man! [02:33.76]So are you in or you out? Don't complicate this [02:35.96]You hurry up, you'll enter right in time for the great TWIST [02:37.85]Of fate, it's the grande finale, so take a bow! [02:39.88]Curtains down, ding-dong [02:40.75]Sorry, you take too long [02:41.95]Man, you take too long [02:42.79]I can't wait, so COME ON! (Let's keep it movin') [02:45.34]I'll break these iron chains they've got me locked in [02:49.13]Raise hell myself cuz all you're doin's talkin'! [02:52.91]So don't tell me how to break the law [02:54.86]I don't buy what you're selling [02:57.01]You say you're gonna "set me free" [02:58.21]Well, you take too long! [03:02.80](You say you're gonna,say you're gonna set me free) [03:04.39](Yeah, you say you're gonna set me free) [03:06.03]Well, you take too long! [03:10.00] - A DEMONDICE PRODUCTION - [03:12.00]ALKATRAZ / アルカトラズ [03:15.00] [03:26.17](Gonna "set me free", huh?) [by:逍九] [00:00.00] [00:05.00] [00:07.00] [00:09.00] [00:12.00]女士先生们 孩子们 [00:13.92]欢迎来到表演! [00:15.14]准备好了吗? [00:16.00] [00:29.76] [00:31.27]打扰了兄弟们 有个麻烦事要处理下 [00:32.94]我们是在夜里给恶魔做拉格泰姆音乐的盗贼 [00:35.00]拥有着不可抗拒的魅力和发达的肌肉 [00:36.78]退一步说 你可以欣赏纯正“喧闹之音” [00:38.67]地狱中坚不可摧的骏马是勇敢而自信的恶棍 [00:40.84]带回“没问题 滚开吧”的心态 [00:42.66]一个能尽情享乐的地盘属于我们这儿 [00:44.64]没胆子的伪装者最好还是了解一下现实 行吗? [00:46.70]“我们努力不就是为了洁身自好吗” [00:48.78]“啥,我可不这么想” [00:50.58]“但是“故意犯法”与“无脑行事”之间是有区别的啊” [00:52.35]“抱歉你再说一遍 快要笑死我了” [00:53.83]算了算了... [00:54.45]我们得到了真正的天籁之声 [00:55.98]所有人都想亲耳听听但是我想要的只是让他们闭嘴 [00:58.03]在一个充斥着嘲笑小丑的异域小镇 [00:59.71]给他们点颜色看看 只不过因为嫉妒他们也追不上罢了 [01:01.64]来吧(一起继续前行) [01:03.64]我会打断这曾经把我囚禁的铁链 [01:07.38]我引起骚乱只是因为你在空谈 [01:11.10]所以别告诉我如何去犯法 [01:13.12]我可不吃你这套 [01:15:21]你说你会给我自由 [01:16.47]但是这也太久了吧! [01:32.30]嘿,怎么了? [01:33.05]我受够了被监禁的生活 [01:34.44]说什么做什么都要受别人的掌控 [01:36.33]但是无计划的逃跑只是一张通向晚安的车票 [01:38.27]但是动物的欲望就像即将被点燃的炸药 [01:40.19]所以欢迎所有人 来到监狱墙后撒旦的地狱 [01:42.40]注视着暴乱的疯狂行为直到机会来临 [01:44.31]一场恶魔的关于运气的游戏 或是灵魂的纸牌游戏 [01:45.74]但在这里看管者只是扮演了一个由小丑掌控的角色 [01:48.08]“我猜你会说恶魔离开了我的肩膀!” [01:49.93]哈哈 笑死了 对废物感到绝望吧 [01:52.06]在狡猾 老练 沉稳之下的他 [01:53.60]就是邪恶无情经营马戏团的人 [01:55.89]但是如果你把灵魂交付与我 我就能带你逃跑... [01:57.58]这就是代价与回报 既然是利害关系 就不要因此恨我了 [01:59.59]藏起我们的爪子 假装遵循他们荒诞的法律模 仿着他们的动作 [02:01.33]在我们有见机会之前 一直都要做个恭敬的士兵 [02:03.07]来吧(一起继续前行) [02:05.07]我会打断这曾经把我囚禁的铁链 [02:08.76]我引起骚乱只是因为你在空谈 [02:12.54]所以别告诉我如何去犯法 [02:14.53]我可不吃你这套 [02:16.64]你说你会给我自由 [02:17.84]但是这也太久了吧! [02:18.83] [02:20.66]时间在流动 我们的目标就是那扇门 [02:22.20]别再想了 我们得从后面溜出去 [02:24.37]见缝插针 干掉他们的领袖 [02:26.30]这一刻决定你是一无所有或是满载而归 [02:28.23]也许会出现无法预测的因素 所以不要眨眼 [02:30.06]眨一眨眼 挥一挥手 [02:31.88]无论有没有你 我都会活下来的 兄弟 [02:33.76]那你到底谁加入还是退出?别搞得太复杂了 [02:35.96]快点吧你 你即将进入伟大的转折点 [02:37.85]这一刻命运是最终结局了 请认真对待 [02:39.88]窗帘拉上 [02:40.75]抱歉 太迟了 [02:41.95]兄弟 已经晚了 [02:42.79]我已经等不及了 来吧(一起继续前行) [02:45.34]我会打断这曾经把我囚禁的铁链 [02:49.13]我引起骚乱只是因为你在空谈 [02:52.91]所以别告诉我如何去犯法 [02:54.86]我可不吃你这套 [02:57.01]你说你会放我自由 [02:58.21]但是这也太久了吧! [03:02.80]你说过你要给我自由 [03:04.39]你说过你要给我自由 [03:06.03]但是这也太久了吧! [03:10.00] [03:12.00] [03:26.17]哼 “给你自由”是吗?


