Close to the Edge (I. The Solid Time of Change, II. Total Mass Retain, III. I Get up I Get Down, IV. Seasons of Man)歌词 歌手Yes-专辑C

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Close to the Edge (I. The Solid Time of Change, II. Total Mass Retain, III. I Get up I Get Down, IV. Seasons of Man)歌词 歌手Yes-专辑Close to the Edge-单曲《Close to the Edge (I. The Solid Time of Change, II. Total Mass Retain, III. I Get up I Get Down, IV. Seasons of Man)》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Close to the Edge (I. The Solid Time of Change, II. Total Mass Retain, III. I Get up I Get Down, IV. Seasons of Man)》
专辑:Close to the Edge

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《Close to the Edge (I. The Solid Time of Change, II. Total Mass Retain, III. I Get up I Get Down, IV. Seasons of Man)》歌词:

[00:00.000] 作词 : Steve Howe/Jon Anderson [00:01.000] 作曲 : Steve Howe/Jon Anderson [03:59.62]A seasoned witch could call you from the depths of your disgrace [04:03.76]And rearrange your liver to the solid mental grace [04:07.88]And achieve it all with music that came quickly from afar [04:12.07]And taste the fruit of man recorded losing all against the hour [04:21.02]And assessing points to nowhere, leading every single one [04:25.46]A dewdrop can exalt us like the music of the sun [04:29.56]And take away the plain in which we move [04:33.37]And choose the course you're running [04:34.93]Down at the end, round by the corner [04:39.59]Not right away, not right away [04:43.94]Close to the edge, down by a river [04:48.20]Not right away, not right away [05:08.83]Crossed the line around the changes of the summer [05:13.43]Reaching out to call the color of the sky [05:17.62]Passed around a moment clothed in mornings faster than we see [05:24.09]Getting over all the time I had to worry [05:28.50]Leaving all the changes far from far behind [05:32.51]We relieve the tension only to find out the master's name [05:39.36]Down at the end, round by the corner [05:44.37]Close to the edge, just by a river [05:49.64]Seasons will pass you by [05:52.88]I get up, I get down [05:58.44]Now that it's all over and done [06:00.72]Now that you find, now that you're whole [06:11.83]My eyes convinced, eclipsed with the younger moon attained with love [06:15.62]It changed as almost strained amidst clear manna from above [06:19.81]I crucified my hate and held the word within my hand [06:24.21]There's you, the time, the logic, or the reasons we don't understand [06:32.75]Sad courage claimed the victims standing still for all to see [06:37.01]As armoured movers took approached to overlook the sea [06:41.37]There since the cord, the license, or the reasons we understood will be [06:50.39]Down at the edge, close by a river [06:52.56]Close to the edge, round by the corner [06:58.78]Close to the end, down by the corner [07:00.66]Down at the edge, round by the river [07:09.71]Sudden cause shouldn't take away the startled memory [07:14.16]All in all, the journey takes you all the way [07:18.40]As apart from any reality that you've ever seen and known [07:24.93]Guessing problems only to deceive the mention [07:28.76]Passing paths that climb halfway into the void [07:33.51]As we cross from side to side, we hear the total mass retain [07:39.18]Down at the edge, round by the corner [07:44.33]Close to the end, down by a river [07:49.39]Seasons will pass you by [07:52.93]I get up, I get down [10:06.75]In her white lace, you could clearly see the lady sadly looking [10:15.80]Saying that she'd take the blame [10:18.79]For the crucifixion of her own domain [10:22.27]I get up, I get down [10:28.34]I get up, I get down [10:36.08]Two million people barely satisfy [10:42.34]Two hundred women watch one woman cry, too late [10:52.00]The eyes of honesty can achieve [10:55.64](She would gladly say it amazement of her story) [10:58.27]How many millions do we deceive each day? [11:00.74](Asking only interest could be layed upon the children of her domain) [11:06.55]I get up, I get down [11:13.22]I get up, I get down [11:20.80]In charge of who is there in charge of me [11:24.50](She could clearly see the lady sadly looking) [11:27.39]Do I look on blindly and say I see the way? [11:29.55](Saying that she'd take the blame [11:32.48]For the crucifixion of her own domain) [11:36.74]The truth is written all along the page [11:40.08](She would gladly say it amazement of her story) [11:42.86]How old will I be before I come of age for you? [11:45.25](Asking only interest could be layed upon the children of her domain) [11:51.22]I get up, I get down [11:57.49]I get up, I get down [12:03.82]I get up, I get down [12:48.13]I get up, I get down [12:55.46]I get up, I get down [15:53.68]The time between the notes relates the color to the scenes [15:57.94]A constant vogue of triumphs dislocate man, so it seems [16:02.49]And space between the focus shape ascend knowledge of love [16:06.90]As song and chance develop time, lost social temp'rance rules above [16:12.97]Ah, ah [16:18.06]Then according to the man who showed his outstretched arm to space [16:22.62]He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race [16:27.08]I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place [16:34.18]On the hill we viewed the silence of the valley [16:38.24]Called to witness cycles only of the past [16:42.61]And we reach all this with movements in between the said remark [16:48.64]Close to the edge, down by the river [16:53.67]Down at the end, round by the corner [16:58.68]Seasons will pass you by [17:01.42]Now that it's all over and done [17:04.28]Called to the seed, right to the sun [17:07.06]Now that you find, now that you're whole [17:12.06]Seasons will pass you by [17:15.52]I get up, I get down [17:23.84]I get up, I get down [17:31.86]I get up, I get down [by:是时候煮小面包了] [03:59.62]老道的女巫能够施展技法,将身陷羞耻底渊的人们唤起 [04:03.76]而后我们的生命历程被安排进这场不可逆转的心灵启蒙当中 [04:07.88]伴随着由远方迅捷临至的音符,这场仪式将要被彻底地完成 [04:12.07]重拾人类在抵御时光洪流后,遗失于记录中的美好品行 [04:21.02]费心估价过后留下的结论,迫使人们前往不存在的归所 [04:25.46]一颗露珠,堪比来自烈日的乐章,能够高举起我们 [04:29.56]随后移去那些我们僵化生活中的束缚 [04:33.37]为盲目奔走着的你,挑选出清晰的道路 [04:34.93]前往世界的边际,寻访遗留的神迹 [04:39.59]但不是现在,需要岁月的沉积 [04:43.94]接近总体的边缘,抵达河流的岸角 [04:48.20]还不是此刻,静待启蒙的完成 [05:08.83]跨出那道变革之线,转变即将发生在这个夏季 [05:13.43]将手臂探向高处,口中唤出天空的色彩 [05:17.62]那些我们不及反应的瞬间,构造出一个个的清晨 [05:24.09]结束那些终日被迫彷徨不安的生活 [05:28.50]凭借充分的转变,残缺的过往被远远地甩在身后 [05:32.51]我们奋力挣脱生活设下的枷锁,最终发觉出造物主的真名 [05:39.36]到达宇宙的尽头,踏入神明的居所 [05:44.37]接近俗世的边缘,借助圣河的力量 [05:49.64]四季正与你们擦肩而过 [05:52.88]我随波而起,又缓缓落下 [05:58.44]现在,世间万物得以完全 [06:00.72]正如你所见的那样,此刻的你完整无缺 [06:11.83]我的双眼为真理折服,自爱造就出的新月隐去了太阳的光辉 [06:15.62]无罪的食粮由天堂降下,月球遭受张力,被拉扯至几近扭曲 [06:19.81]将我所憎恨的钉入十字架,紧握手间的唯有那至上的训词 [06:24.21]同行的有你,时间,逻辑,或是那些我们无从知晓的缘由 [06:32.75]悲壮无畏的遇难者们直面暴徒,将这场碾压性的屠宰公诸于众 [06:37.01]那时披甲的载具正驶出内陆,逼至他们故土的海岸线 [06:41.37]恪守内心的约束,准则,还有那些我们终将获悉的真理 [06:50.39]跟寻上帝的脚步,前往河流的角岸 [06:52.56]接近表象的边缘,追逐太阳的光辉 [06:58.78]探求事物的尽头,转过思维的拐角 [07:00.66]抵达尘世的边缘,获取圣河的力量 [07:09.71]那声意外的召唤也无法抹去这些骇人的记忆 [07:14.16]总而言之,这场旅程自始至终都将引领着你们 [07:18.40]途中的事物将远超出你们在现世中的所见所闻 [07:24.93]而凭空臆想出的问题只会曲解那些训词的原意 [07:28.76]在众多道路间穿行爬升,最终踏入那片浩瀚的空 [07:33.51]我们摇摆于世间阴阳二象之际,耳边回响着故步自封的大多数 [07:39.18]临至世界的边缘,追寻太阳的光辉 [07:44.33]抵达旅途的终程,迈向河流的角岸 [07:49.39]四季正与你们擦肩而过 [07:52.93]生命之潮涨落,终将归回原处 [10:06.75]在她的素白面纱下,你可以清楚地看见那位夫人悲伤的面容 [10:15.80]自语道,她应该承担下所有的过错 [10:18.79]对于那些发生在她领地内的苦难 [10:22.27]逾越顶峰,下落谷底 [10:28.34]掠过天际,坠入河海 [10:36.08]两百万民众的欲求难以得到满足 [10:42.34]两百名妇人旁观一位女子哭泣,为时已晚 [10:52.00]保持目光的澄澈便可达成目标 [10:55.64](她将会情愿地道出这个故事的惊人之处) [10:58.27]一天之内,我们究竟要蒙骗几千万的群众? [11:00.74](但其间的原因仅仅关乎她领地内的子嗣) [11:06.55]升腾溅落,奔流不息 [11:13.22]此消彼长,往复不止 [11:20.80]难道只因处在你们这些监管者的管控之下 [11:24.50](她可以清楚地看见那位夫人悲伤的面容) [11:27.39]就应该盲目地观望,并声称自己看清了前路吗? [11:29.55](自语道,她应该承担下所有的过错 [11:32.48]对于那些发生在她领地内的苦难) [11:36.74]由始至终,真理都被记录在那些书籍上 [11:40.08](她将会情愿地道出这个故事的惊人之处) [11:42.86]在你们心中,究竟多大的年纪才能算得上"成年"呢? [11:45.25](但其间的原因仅仅关乎她领地内的子嗣) [11:51.22]升腾,坠落 [11:57.49]升腾,坠落 [12:03.82]升腾,坠落 [12:48.13]升腾,坠落 [12:55.46]升腾,坠落... [15:53.68]我们察觉到的时间中,杂糅着色彩与景象 [15:57.94]看上去,这场永恒的凯旋挪移了人们的位置 [16:02.49]历史的波波浪潮之间,我们领悟了爱的真谛 [16:06.90]欢歌与满目的机遇之间,久违的节律再度降临 [16:12.97]Ah, ah [16:18.06]而后那个男人将手臂举向空中 [16:22.62]他转过身去,在空中指点着,揭示出人类的本质 [16:27.08]我摇了摇头,微笑着低语,知晓了关于那个地方的一切 [16:34.18]站在山丘上,我们眺望溪谷间的缄默 [16:38.24]他呼唤我们目睹那些周而复始的过往 [16:42.61]应声望去时,回想起先前的话语,我们明悟了这一切 [16:48.64]抵达旅途的终程,获取圣河的力量 [16:53.67]越过世界的边际,追随太阳的光辉 [16:58.68]四季正与你们擦肩而过 [17:01.42]此刻,心灵启蒙得以完全 [17:04.28]响应感召,动身开拓,归正太阳的轨迹 [17:07.06]正如你发觉的那样,世界与你浑为一体 [17:12.06]四季正与你们擦肩而过 [17:15.52]升腾,溅落 [17:23.84]升腾,溅落 [17:31.86]生命之潮涨落,终将归回原处


