Thick as a Brick (Pt. 1) [1997 Remaster]歌词 歌手Jethro Tull-专辑Thick As A Brick-单曲《Thick as a Brick (Pt. 1) [1997 Remaster]》LRC歌词下载

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导读:《Thick as a Brick (Pt. 1) [1997 Remaster]》歌词 歌手Jethro Tull的专辑Thick As A Brick单曲《Thick as a Brick (Pt. 1) [1997 Remaster]…

Thick as a Brick (Pt. 1) [1997 Remaster]歌词 歌手Jethro Tull-专辑Thick As A Brick-单曲《Thick as a Brick (Pt. 1) [1997 Remaster]》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Thick as a Brick (Pt. 1) [1997 Remaster]》
歌手:Jethro Tull
专辑:Thick As A Brick

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《Thick as a Brick (Pt. 1) [1997 Remaster]》歌词:

[00:00.000] 作曲 : Ian Anderson [00:10.14]Really don't mind if you sit this one out. [00:16.97]My words but a whisper your deafness a SHOUT. [00:24.37]I may make you feel but I can't make you think. [00:31.78]Your sperm's in the gutter your love's in the sink. [00:39.14]So you ride yourselves over the fields and [00:43.57]you make all your animal deals and [00:48.05]your wise men don't know how it feels to be thick as a brick. [01:05.49]And the sand-castle virtues are all swept away [01:12.81]in the tidal destruction the moral melee. [01:20.43]The elastic retreat rings the close of play [01:27.89]as the last wave uncovers the newfangled way. [01:35.35]But your new shoes are worn at the heels [01:39.72]and your suntan does rapidly peel [01:44.04]and your wise men don't know how it feels [01:51.54]to be thick as a brick. [02:02.45]And the love that I feel is so far away: [02:11.09]I'm a bad dream that I just had today [02:20.18]and you shake your head and say it's a shame. [02:32.90]Spin me back down the years and the days of my youth. [02:41.57]Draw the lace and black curtains and shut out the whole truth. [02:49.63]Spin me down the long ages: let them sing the song. [03:09.56]See there! A son is born and we pronounce him fit to fight. [03:16.40]There are black-heads on his shoulders, and he pees himself in the night. [03:25.48]We'll make a man of him, put him to trade [03:31.47]teach him to play Monopoly and how to sing in the rain. [06:10.05]The Poet and the Painter casting shadows on the water [06:15.25]as the sun plays on the infantry returning from the sea. [06:21.25]The do-er and the thinker: no allowance for the other [06:26.58]as the failing light illuminates the mercenary's creed. [06:32.36]The home fire burning: the kettle almost boiling [06:37.87]but the master of the house is far away. [06:43.64]The horses stamping, their warm breath clouding [06:49.07]in the sharp and frosty morning of the day. [06:54.65]And the poet lifts his pen while the soldier sheaths his sword. [07:01.38]And the youngest of the family is moving with authority. [07:09.92]Building castles by the sea, he dares the tardy tide to wash them all aside. [09:22.11]The cattle quietly grazing at the grass down by the river [09:27.52]where the swelling mountain water moves onward to the sea: [09:33.40]the builder of the castles renews the age-old purpose [09:38.99]and contemplates the milking girl whose offer is his need. [09:44.58]The young men of the household have all gone into service [09:50.00]and are not to be expected for a year. [09:55.64]The innocent young master - thoughts moving ever faster - [10:01.10]has formed the plan to change the man he seems. [10:06.55]And the poet sheaths his pen while the soldier lifts his sword. [10:13.59]And the oldest of the family is moving with authority. [10:18.82]Coming from across the sea, he challenges the son who puts him to the run. [11:22.06]What do you do when the old man's gone - do you want to be him? [11:29.97]And your real self sings the song. Do you want to free him? [11:38.88]No one to help you get up steam [11:46.57]and the whirlpool turns you `way off-beam. [13:17.79]I've come down from the upper class to mend your rotten ways. [13:24.72]My father was a man-of-power whom everyone obeyed. [13:46.21]So come on all you criminals! I've got to put you straight [13:53.29]just like I did with my old man twenty years too late. [15:27.47]Your bread and water's going cold. [15:30.73]Your hair is too short and neat. [15:34.62]I'll judge you all and make damn sure that no-one judges me. [16:36.56]You curl your toes in fun as you smile at everyone, [16:40.00]you meet the stares, you're unaware that your doings aren't done. [16:43.90]And you laugh most ruthlessly as you tell us what not to be. [16:48.35]But how are we supposed to see where we should run? [17:42.05]I see you shuffle in the courtroom with [17:44.83]your rings upon your fingers [17:47.31]and your downy little sidies [17:49.29]and your silver-buckle shoes. [17:55.73]Playing at the hard case, [17:58.15]you follow the example of the comic-paper idol [18:03.27]who lets you bend the rules. [18:40.07]Come on ye childhood heroes! [18:42.45]Won't you rise up from the pages of your comic-books [18:46.40]your super crooks [18:47.96]and show us all the way. [18:52.88]Well! Make your will and testament. [18:55.36]Won't you? Join your local government. [18:58.15]We'll have Superman for president [19:00.67]let Robin save the day. [19:06.44]You put your bet on number one and it comes up every time. [19:11.46]The other kids have all backed down and they put you first in line. [19:16.74]And so you finally ask yourself just how big you are [19:21.65]and take your place in a wiser world of bigger motor cars. [19:27.00]And you wonder who to call on. [20:00.23]So! Where the hell was Biggles when you needed him last Saturday? [20:05.39]And where were all the sportsmen who always pulled you though? [20:12.83]They're all resting down in Cornwall [20:15.66]writing up their memoirs for a paper-back edition [20:20.66]of the Boy Scout Manual. [by:云雀舌] [00:10.14]虽然看官你已经到场,然而还请别多做期望 [00:16.97]因为我是在对牛弹琴,仅仅能为你隔靴搔痒 [00:24.37]我也许让你听得入味,可我没办法让你思想 [00:31.78]毕竟你已经真情不再,如今只知道放纵欲望 [00:39.14]你放任自流,驾驭着浮光掠影穿越彼方 [00:43.57]你所有的所作所为,仅为了畜牲的勾当 [00:48.05]你这聪明人并不知道蠢笨如砖的感受怎样 [01:05.49]面对不停变更的风尚,美德的沙堡溃不及防 [01:12.81]面对不停变更的风尚,美德的沙堡溃不及防 [01:20.43]落伍的潮流好似橡皮筋,临退场也阴魂难散 [01:27.89]当下的潮流纵行无阻,为人们昭示了新方向 [01:35.35]但那是只套了脚后跟的新鞋子,并非稳定的立场 [01:39.72]但那是难以为继的小麦色肌肤,谁也晒不了那么多太阳 [01:44.04]你这聪明人并不知道, [01:51.54]蠢笨如砖的感受怎样吧 [02:02.45]真爱让我觉得藏在遥不可及的远方: [02:11.09]我总揣着“活不过今天”的坏估量 [02:20.18]而你却摇头将我否定,说“这是可耻的思想。” [02:32.90]让我重温那青春时光的潺潺流淌 [02:41.57]让我画出唯美的帘幕,遮屏所有真相 [02:49.63]让我吟味那悠长的岁月:将这歌谣托付与记忆吟唱 [03:09.56]看呐!一个孩子由天而降,我们宣判他加入了战场 [03:16.40]粉刺覆盖了他的青春肌肤,但他依然会在夜里尿床 [03:25.48]我们必须要让他成熟起来,让他参与贸易还有经商 [03:31.47]教会他该怎样去进行垄断,让他在大雨里又跳又唱 [06:10.05]诗人与画家施展光影在浪潮之上 [06:15.25]以太阳之身照耀士兵自海洋回访 [06:21.25]但是实干家不理会思想家的思想,思想家也从不将实干家体谅 [06:26.58]因此映照利己者信条的只有阴光 [06:32.36]家里十万火急:水壶沸沸扬扬 [06:37.87]然而家主仍在远方 [06:43.64]马儿频频跺脚,响鼻化作雾状 [06:49.07]在那个寒冷刺骨的早上 [06:54.65]士兵握剑之时诗人亦持笔,二者皆为理想 [07:01.38]家中最年轻的人,追随着权威者的方向 [07:09.92]他在海边堆砌沙堡,因为他以为那弱潮只能冲到他们边上 [09:22.11]牲口安闲地在河边的草地上吃草 [09:27.52]而那河流孕育着高耸如山的巨浪 [09:33.40]城堡的营造者维新着旧代的意象 [09:38.99]亦离不开对挤奶女工的爱情幻想 [09:44.58]国家的年轻人们全去做了服务业的行当 [09:50.00]一年到头活的迷迷茫茫 [09:55.64]天真年轻的空想家,念头动得太快 [10:01.10]他有了自我改变的构想 [10:06.55]士兵握剑之时诗人亦持笔,二者皆为理想 [10:13.59]家中最年长的人,追随着权威者的方向 [10:18.82]穿越大海的归航,他又要与让他奔劳的年轻人竞争任上 [11:22.06]当老人不在的时候,你有何作为呢,你只想变得和他一样? [11:29.97]本着你的真心将此歌吟唱吧,你是否想让他安心告老还乡? [11:38.88]没人会帮你振奋,蒸蒸日上 [11:46.57]而那浪涡还会歪曲你的航向 [13:17.79]我頫视自上等社会,指正你糟粕的思想 [13:24.72]我父亲是大能之人,其命令即万众期望 [13:46.21]所以坦白你所有罪行吧!我将置你于正路之上 [13:53.29]就像我和我家老人二十年来所做的那样 [15:27.47]你的面包和温水正在变凉 [15:30.73]你的头发太短太整洁像样 [15:34.62]我将论断你的一切,以保证没有别人来论断我的立场 [16:36.56]你蜷曲脚趾的样子很有趣,就像你的微笑给人的感受一样 [16:40.00]你被人们瞠目而视,你并未认识到自己的分内事被你遗忘 [16:43.90]然后你假模假式的大笑,告诉我们你本来就没有那个意向 [16:48.35]然而我们怎么就料想得到自己该为什么事情奔忙? [17:42.05]我看见你在法庭里 [17:44.83]慢慢将你的扳指套上 [17:47.31]你垂着傲慢的假发 [17:49.29]穿着银扣鞋子一双 [17:55.73]面对艰辛的境况时 [17:58.15]你将让你误解了规则的 [18:03.27]漫画书里的偶像奉为榜样 [18:40.07]让你儿时的英雄们登场吧! [18:42.45]你就不会从漫画书上唤起 [18:46.40]你的超级骗子们 [18:47.96]来为我们指示方向吗? [18:52.88]很好!本着自己意愿,发誓来立遗嘱吧 [18:55.36]痛快点!相信你那的地方政府的形象 [18:58.15]我们可是会有个超人来当总统 [19:00.67]还会有个罗宾来解决窘况 [19:06.44]你将赌注押放在一点,而且每次都中奖 [19:11.46]其他孩子放你在队首,自己纷纷退让 [19:16.74]于是你终于开始估量,自己是何等的强 [19:21.65]继而把自己拎到玩车一族的天才世界上 [19:27.00]你在想会有谁来拜访 [20:00.23]所以!当你需要杰姆斯·比格沃斯时他在什么地方? [20:05.39]而又在哪里能找到那些肌肉男们呢?他们曾激励你走过一段时光 [20:12.83]这些人都在康沃尔郡疗养 [20:15.66]把他们的回忆记录在平装版的 [20:20.66]童子军手册之上


