Lifesaver歌词 歌手Guru-专辑Jazzmatazz: The New Reality-单曲《Lifesaver》LRC歌词下载

狂乱飞舞2022-02-03  89

导读:《Lifesaver》歌词 歌手Guru的专辑Jazzmatazz: The New Reality单曲《Lifesaver》LRC歌词下载,《Lifesaver》歌词分享。…

Lifesaver歌词 歌手Guru-专辑Jazzmatazz: The New Reality-单曲《Lifesaver》LRC歌词下载

专辑:Jazzmatazz: The New Reality

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[00:00.999] Mmm, is this really the end, or is it a new beginning? [00:06.204] A new reality [00:10.572] So many misconceptions (don't be misled) [00:13.264] So many evil deceptions (oh I am) [00:15.915] I've come to give direction [00:18.168] For I, am the lifesaver (the life) [00:21.205] So many misconceptions (don't be misled) [00:23.724] So many evil deceptions (oh I am) [00:26.410] I've come to give direction [00:28.667] For I, am the lifesaver (the life) [00:31.368] Scooby doo wah, scooby doo wee [00:33.436] Like a jazz player, I improvise wisely [00:36.552] Free with the style, I flow like the Nile [00:39.065] But remember, don't mistake the smile [00:42.045] Deep rooted is my rhymin [00:43.827] Like ancient African griots, precise is my timing [00:47.062] But let me get to the essence of what I'm sayin here [00:49.911] Too many blood red streets with bodies layin there [00:52.373] The systematic fanatics are at it again [00:54.788] Tryin to kill me and all of us my friend [00:57.528] But don't bend to the mental strain [00:59.785] Against all odds, we must strive for essential gains [01:02.937] Be true to the life the Lord gave ya [01:05.480] And that's a message from the lifesaver [01:10.300] The lifesaver.. [01:12.973] So many misconceptions (don't be misled) [01:15.901] So many evil deceptions (oh I am) [01:18.522] I've come to give direction [01:20.634] For I, am the lifesaver (the life) [01:23.558] So many misconceptions (don't be misled) [01:26.390] So many evil deceptions (oh I am) [01:28.956] I've come to give direction [01:31.418] For I, am the lifesaver (the life) [01:33.346] Oh I am, the life (I.. am the lifesaver) [01:38.575] I am, the life.. yeah [01:44.555] It takes a more intelligent man to squash a fight [01:46.864] Than to set one off, knowledge I'll let some off [01:49.526] Cause nowadays, everybody's a killer [01:52.143] And as for me, no other MC is iller [01:55.329] But still a thorn scrapes my heart [01:57.283] When I see another life that's been torn apart [01:59.734] Over nonsense, no law, no order, it's evidence [02:02.770] That the money only takes precedence [02:05.490] Cause everybody wants power [02:07.622] While the innocent are born or die, during every hour [02:10.830] I scowl as I look upon evil [02:12.921] But I must have the strength, to spark awareness in my people [02:15.793] And we will learn to respect our neighbors [02:18.156] Another message from the lifesaver [02:23.275] The lifesaver.. [02:26.221] So many misconceptions (don't be misled) [02:28.905] So many evil deceptions (oh I am) [02:31.622] I've come to give direction [02:33.838] For I, am the lifesaver (the life) [02:36.743] So many misconceptions (don't be misled) [02:39.310] So many evil deceptions (oh I am) [02:41.886] I've come to give direction [02:44.030] For I, am the lifesaver (the life) [02:47.096] People talk about the Armaggedeon [02:49.369] And nowadays everyone you know is packin lead son [02:52.559] Each day's another test [02:54.256] Aiyyo I better do my best, cause a lot's ridin on my chest [02:57.633] So when I lead you to the water, you best know [02:59.930] How to swim across, so you can reach the border [03:02.627] It's international, the message and the flavor [03:05.404] So here's some more important words from the lifesaver [03:08.446] The lifesaver.. (I am the life) [03:15.328] The lifesaver.. [03:18.250] Garçon, fâché, grandissant dans la violence et la pisse [03:21.441] Le mot peace, c'est pour ceux qui périssent [03:23.472] Chaque jour, aux alentours, dans le monde et ses tours [03:26.318] En prison ou retour en arrière dans les fours [03:29.069] Et les condés font leur rondes, les villes grondent [03:31.808] La terre chauffe les sommets de montagne fondent [03:34.416] Blondin ça passe black ça casse [03:36.547] Tel est mon uniforme dans une guerre entre races [03:39.080] On me regarde, me met en garde, à vue [03:41.647] Certains cafardent, d'autres bavardent, et tuent [03:44.293] Dédicace à tout quartier, toute cité, aux pas de chance [03:47.831] à ceux qui sont tombés mais pas pour la France [03:49.931] Pays trop bidon, vivement Armageddon [03:52.018] J'ai raison, priant Jéhovah pour mon pardon [03:54.661] Car si un flic me juge je le droite [03:56.715] Enfonçant mon doigt dans son oeil et le fond de son cerveau je gratte [03:59.982] ... (Goes off to fade) So many misconceptions [04:02.787] So many evil deceptions [04:05.286] I've come to give direction [04:07.549] For I, am the lifesaver [by:星野小子] [00:00.999]这真的就是结尾了嘛,还是一个新的开始? [00:06.204]一个全新的现实 [00:10.572]这么多错误的观念 [00:13.264]这么多恶意的欺骗 [00:15.915]我前来指引方向 [00:18.168]因为我,就是救世主 [00:21.205]这么多错误的观念 [00:23.724]这么多恶意的欺骗 [00:26.410]我前来指引方向 [00:28.667]因为我,就是救世主 [00:31.368]史酷比(60年代经典的卡通形象)啊,史酷比诶 [00:33.436]我像是爵士乐手开始即兴演奏 [00:36.552]没有风格的束缚,我的flow像尼罗河般源远流长 [00:39.065]但请记住,别误会我笑容后的深意 [00:42.045]我的韵律扎根于古老的非洲部落 [00:43.827]一寸光阴一寸金 [00:47.062]但请让我在此阐明本意 [00:49.911]有太多人倒在了街头的血泊之中 [00:52.373]因为那些有组织的极端分子卷土从来 [00:54.788]想要将我和我的朋友们置于死地 [00:57.528]但别向这股压力屈服 [00:59.785]尽管困难重重,我们也要奋力争取我们的基本利益 [01:02.937]在上帝赐予你的生命中保持真实 [01:05.480]这就是救世主留给你的启示 [01:10.300]这就是救世主… [01:12.973]这么多错误的观念 [01:15.901]这么多恶意的欺骗 [01:18.522]我前来指引方向 [01:20.634]因为我,就是救世主 [01:23.558]这么多错误的观念 [01:26.390]这么多恶意的欺骗 [01:28.956]我前来指引方向 [01:31.418]因为我,就是救世主 [01:33.346]oh我就是救世主 [01:38.575]我就是...yeah [01:44.555]比我更聪明的人才能勉强打个平手 [01:46.864]获取知识比获得成功更重要 [01:49.526]因为如今,每个人都是凶手 [01:52.143]至于我,则是最酷的MC [01:55.329]尽管如此,当我看到另一个生命饱受折磨时 [01:57.283]我的心还是被狠狠的刺伤了 [01:59.734]胡说八道,没有法律,没有秩序,这就是证据 [02:02.770]钱只能让你在某些事上优先 [02:05.490]当每个人都崇拜权利的时候 [02:07.622]每分每秒,都有无辜的人们出生或离去 [02:10.830]我对歹徒怒目横眉 [02:12.921]但我也必须保持住能鼓舞人心的力量 [02:15.793]然后我们会学着去善待身边的人 [02:18.156]这是救世主留给你的另一条启示 [02:23.275]这是救世主… [02:26.221]这么多错误的观念 [02:28.905]这么多恶意的欺骗 [02:31.622]我前来指引方向 [02:33.838]因为我,就是救世主 [02:36.743]这么多错误的观念 [02:39.310]这么多恶意的欺骗 [02:41.886]我前来指引方向 [02:44.030]因为我,就是救世主 [02:47.096]人们谈论着Armaggedeon [02:49.369]现如今人人都有头有脸 [02:52.559]每天都是一场试炼 [02:54.256]好吧,我会尽力做的最好,因为我怀着满腔热血 [02:57.633]所以当我将你引至江边,你最好明白 [02:59.930]该如何横渡生命,抵达彼岸 [03:02.627]这些启示全球通用 [03:05.404]救世主的口中永远都有说不完的妙语良言 [03:08.446]救世主啊… [03:15.328]救世主 [03:18.250]在暴力和虐待中长大的男孩 [03:21.441]和平只属于死去人 [03:23.472]每一天,发生在你的身边,在这个世界上,在城堡里 [03:26.318]在监狱里或是回归生活 [03:29.069]随着城堡的喧嚣,城市开始咆哮 [03:31.808]大地升温,山峰开始融化 [03:34.416]金色开始发黑,破碎 [03:36.547]我在这场种族战争中被摁倒在地 [03:39.080]他们看着我,警告我 [03:41.647]有人忧郁,有人述说,有人动手 [03:44.293]在每个街区每个城市努力却没有机会 [03:47.831]那些已经堕落而不是离去人 [03:49.931]这是整个国家的末日 [03:52.018]我是对的,请耶稣原谅我的罪行 [03:54.661]如果警察判断我是对的 [03:56.715]请把我的手指插进他的脑袋和眼睛里,我将感激不尽! [03:59.982]这么多错误的观念 [04:02.787]这么多恶意的欺骗 [04:05.286]我前来指引方向 [04:07.549]因为我,就是救世主


