Visions of Johanna歌词 歌手Bob Dylan-专辑The Complete Album Collection Vol.1-单曲《Visions of Johanna》LRC歌词下载

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导读:《Visions of Johanna》歌词 歌手Bob Dylan的专辑The Complete Album Collection Vol.1单曲《Visions of Johanna》LRC歌词下载,《Visions of Johann…

Visions of Johanna歌词 歌手Bob Dylan-专辑The Complete Album Collection Vol.1-单曲《Visions of Johanna》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Visions of Johanna》
歌手:Bob Dylan
专辑:The Complete Album Collection Vol.1

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《Visions of Johanna》歌词:

[00:12.793]Ain't it just like the night to play Tricks when you're tryin' to be so quiet [00:23.416]We sit here stranded, though we're all doin' our best to deny it [00:33.708]And Louise holds hand ful of rain [00:37.724]Temptin' you to defy it [00:41.176] [00:44.049]Lights flicker from the opposite loft [00:49.893]In this room the heat pipes just cough [00:55.055]The country music station plays soft [00:58.310]But there's nothing, really nothing to turn off [01:03.478] [01:04.500]Just Louise [01:07.692]And her lover so entwined [01:15.236]And these visions of Johanna [01:20.521]That conquer my mind [01:24.493] [01:35.798]In the empty lot where the ladies play blindman's bluff with the key chain [01:46.486]And the all-night girls they whisper of escapades out on the D train [01:56.621]We can hear the night watchman click his flashlight [02:01.062]Ask himself if it's him or them that's really insane [02:03.793] [02:07.402]Louise, she's all right, she's just near [02:12.832]She's delicate and seems like the mirror [02:17.689]But she makes it all to concise and clear [02:21.412]That Johanna's not here [02:24.379] [02:27.568]The ghost of 'lectricity [02:31.255]Howls in the bones of her face [02:38.191]Where these visions of Johanna [02:43.163]Have now taken my place [02:47.460] [02:58.694]Now, little boy lost, he takes himself so seriously [03:09.283]He brags of his misery, he likes to live dangerously [03:19.251]And when bringing her name up [03:22.237]He speaks of a farewell kiss to me [03:26.793] [03:29.453]He's sure got a lotta gall [03:35.228]To be so useless and all [03:40.263]Muttering small talk at the wall [03:44.109]While i'm in the hall [03:46.144] [03:49.612]Oh, how can i explain [03:53.339]It's so hard to get on [04:00.146]And these visions of Johanna [04:05.340]They kept me up past the dawn [04:09.845] [04:20.361]Inside the museums, infinity goes up on trial [04:31.182]Voices echo this is what salvation must be like after a while [04:41.007]But Mona Lisa musta had the highway blues [04:44.828]You can tell by the way she smiles [04:48.378] [04:51.629]See the primitive wallflower freeze [04:56.700]When the jelly-faced women all sneeze [05:01.461]Hear the one with the mustache say, jeeze, I can't find my knees.' [05:08.121] [05:12.103]Both jewels and binoculars [05:15.215]Hang from the head of the mule [05:21.923]But these visions of Johanna [05:26.948]they make it all seem so cruel [05:31.618] [05:42.295]The peddler now speaks to the countess who's pretending to care for him [05:52.563]Sayin', ‘name me someone that's not a parasite,and I'll go out and say a prayer for him’ [06:02.508]But like Louise always says [06:05.274]You can't look at much, can you man’as she, herself, prepares for him“ [06:09.804] [06:12.675]My Madonna [06:14.439]She still has not showed [06:17.821]We see this empty cage now corrode [06:22.984]Where her cape of the stage once had flowed [06:26.895] [06:28.373]The fiddler [06:29.646]He now steps to the road [06:32.873]He writes ev'rything's been returned which was owed [06:37.950]On the back of the fish truck that loads [06:41.810] [06:42.216]While my conscience explodes [06:47.701]The harmonicas play the skeleton keys and the rain [06:58.042]And these visions of Johanna [07:03.105]Are now all that remain [07:06.789] [by:否定史] [tool: 歌词滚动姬] [00:12.793]难道这不像是耍闹的夜晚吗,当你试着要安静的时候 [00:23.416]我们在这儿坐以待毙,尽管我们都竭力挣扎 [00:33.708]而露易丝手掬一把雨水 [00:37.724]引诱你上前接拿 [00:41.176] [00:44.049]灯光闪烁在对面的阁楼 [00:49.893]暖气管在这间房里咳嗽 [00:55.055]乡村音乐台有轻柔歌喉 [00:58.310]但没有什么,真的没有什么可以停休 [01:03.478] [01:04.500]只是露易丝 [01:07.692]和她的男人缠搅成一体 [01:15.236]以及这些圣恩的幻象 [01:20.521]占据了我的内心 [01:24.493] [01:35.798]在女士们疯癫嘚瑟的这块空地上,瞎子挥舞着钥匙链条助兴捧场 [01:46.486]还有这群“通宵女孩”,她们低声窃笑在D线火车上的恶作浪荡 [01:56.621]我们能听见守夜人摁亮手电筒时的“咔哒” 声 [02:01.062]他问自己,到底是他真疯了,还是他们真疯了 [02:03.793] [02:07.402]露易丝——她很棒,她就在身旁此时 [02:12.832]她看起来精致得像一面镜子 [02:17.689]她令一切简洁,干净如斯 [02:21.412]但圣恩并未降临至此 [02:24.379] [02:27.568]激动的魔鬼 [02:31.255]在她脸皮下的骨头里嚎喊 [02:38.191]这些圣恩的幻象 [02:43.163]此刻正将我挤到一旁 [02:47.460] [02:58.694]眼下,小男孩迷失了,他太矫情于自我 [03:09.283]他炫耀他的痛苦,他喜欢危险的生活 [03:19.251]一提起她的名字 [03:22.237]他就和我瞎侃所谓“告别之吻”的落魄 [03:26.793] [03:29.453]他的确心怀太多委屈 [03:35.228]以致徒劳无益的 [03:40.263]对着墙壁喃喃自语 [03:44.109]当我身处大厅的一隅 [03:46.144] [03:49.612]啊,我该如何诠释 [03:53.339]太难往下理解 [04:00.146]这些圣恩的幻象 [04:05.340]它们陪我熬过黎明 [04:09.845] [04:20.361]博物馆里,“无限” 走向审判 [04:31.182]巨音迴响,必须弄得像是随后而来的救赎 [04:41.007]蒙娜丽莎一定听过高速公路蓝调 [04:44.828]你可以从她微笑的样子上来解读 [04:48.378] [04:51.629]瞧那些没有舞伴的 “壁花” 们呆若木鸡 [04:56.700]当那些 “果冻脸” 婆娘全都一起打喷嚏 [05:01.461]听见其中一个长胡子的说:“ 天呐,我都已经无法站立!” [05:08.121] [05:12.103]珠宝和望远镜这两样东西 [05:15.215]都挂在骡子的头上 [05:21.923]但这些圣恩的幻想 [05:26.948]让一切看起来如此残酷悲伤 [05:31.618] [05:42.295]du贩子正在和假装关心他的那个伯爵夫人客套 [05:52.563]他说:“您要是给我指出哪一个不是寄生虫,我马上就出去为他祈祷。” [06:02.508]但就像露易丝总说的那样: [06:05.274]你不能看太多这种事情,对吧,伙计?”这就像在说她,她自己,也在准备为他献身 [06:09.804] [06:12.675]我的麦当娜 [06:14.439]她的演出姗姗来迟 [06:17.821]我们看着这个空洞的兽笼已被腐蚀 [06:22.984]在这里,她的舞台披肩曾飘扬不止 [06:26.895] [06:28.373]那位小提琴手 [06:29.646]此刻走到马路的位置 [06:32.873]他写道:“欠下的,已还清在此” [06:37.950]就写在——马路上一辆装鱼卡车后背的位置 [06:41.810] [06:42.216]当我良知爆发的那一刹那 [06:47.701]吹奏万能和弦的口琴,以及雨 [06:58.042]以及这些圣恩的幻象 [07:03.105]就是当前所有的残余 [07:06.789]


