One Is Glad to Be of Service歌词 歌手April Rain-专辑One Is Glad to Be of Service-单曲《One Is Glad to Be of Service》LRC歌词下载

不浪漫的浪漫2022-02-20  109

导读:《One Is Glad to Be of Service》歌词 歌手April Rain的专辑One Is Glad to Be of Service单曲《One Is Glad to Be of Service》LRC歌词下载,《One…

One Is Glad to Be of Service歌词 歌手April Rain-专辑One Is Glad to Be of Service-单曲《One Is Glad to Be of Service》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《One Is Glad to Be of Service》
歌手:April Rain
专辑:One Is Glad to Be of Service

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《One Is Glad to Be of Service》歌词:

[00:00.000] 作曲 : April Rain [01:57.35]-Goddamn it, Andrew! [01:59.25]If you're going to succeed at this thing... [02:01.28]-What thing? [02:01.70]-This...this thing you're trying to do... [02:03.15]You've got to stop being so damn deferential. [02:05.85]-I can't help being deferential. It's built-in. [02:07.80]-Then change. [02:09.35]-Change? I have changed. [02:11.90]-I don't mean on the outside. Change on the inside. [02:14.90]Take chances, make mistakes. [02:16.65]-Mistakes? [02:17.30]-Yes! Sometimes it's important not to be perfect, okay? [02:20.05]It's important to do the wrong thing! [02:21.61]-Do the wrong thing? [02:22.60]-Yes. [02:24.05]-Why? Oh I see. To learn from your mistakes. [02:26.50]-No. To make them! [02:28.20]To find out what's real and what's not, to find out what you feel. [02:32.60]Human beings are terrible messes, Andrew. [02:34.80]-I'll grant you that. I see. [02:37.31]This is what is known as an irrational conversation, isn't it? [02:40.50]-No, this is a human conversation. [02:42.90]It's not about being rational. It's about following your heart. [02:47.80]-And that's what I should do? [02:49.10]-Yes. And you have a heart, Andrew. You do. [02:52.55]I feel it. I don't even believe it sometimes, but I do feel it. [02:56.60]-And in order to follow that heart... one must do the wrong thing. [03:01.68]-Yes. [03:03.39]-Thank you. [03:04.05] [06:04.00]-So you're not married yet? [06:05.85]-No, two weeks from Saturday. [06:07.60]-I'm not too late. [06:10.00]Are you absolutely positive you're doing the right thing? [06:12.30]-Positive? [06:13.40]-About getting married? [06:14.60]-I'm never absolutely positive about anything. [06:16.79]-So you could be doing the wrong thing. [06:18.40]-No, I'm pretty sure I'm doing the right thing. [06:20.35]-Great. [06:21.20]-Why is that great? [06:22.18]-Well, in your apartment, you told me to do the wrong thing. [06:24.93]Now, you are not doing the wrong thing. You're doing the right thing. [06:27.50]It's safe to say you're not following your own advice. [06:29.20]'Cause if you were, you would definitely not be marrying this man, Charles. [06:31.82]-Because I would be doing the right thing. [06:33.45]-Precisely. [06:34.80]-In some strange way, you're starting to make sense. [06:37.10]-Good. [06:38.85]Do you have any idea what it's like to be in love with someone...who's about to marry someone else? [06:42.90]Someone totally magnificent, someone who walks into a room and lights it up like the sun? [06:47.85]Someone who you know is lying to herself? [06:49.78]-Lying? [06:50.40]-Convincingly, yeah. Very, very much so. [06:52.65]-About what? [06:54.26]-That you don't love me. [06:55.58]When I know at least in some way you do. [06:58.06]-And how do you know that? [06:59.80]-Portia. [07:00.82]I have done everything, inside and out. [07:02.84]-But that stuff doesn't matter to me. [07:04.94]-Well, something matters [07:05.87]'Cause I'd have to believe if nothing mattered, you'd love me... [07:08.01]And not some man whose chin could sink the Titanic. [07:11.80]- What? See? It's true, isn't it? [07:14.30]-Yeah. [07:15.50]-I'm sorry. [07:17.50]Does he light you up like this? Does he make you laugh? [07:21.35]-Nobody makes me laugh like this. [07:23.42]-Good. Then admit it. Admit that you love me. [07:26.35]Give me one kiss. [07:27.44]-Oh, God. [07:28.60]-That's all. One quick kiss. [07:30.40]Just one kiss...could not jeopardise a glorious marriage. [07:34.59]Besides, it would also explain to me why your pulse jumped from 66 to 102 beats per minute. [07:39.80]Your respiration rate has doubled. You're putting out clouds of pheromones. [07:42.60]-It's not fair to read me like that. [07:44.50]-I know. Love isn't fair. [07:46.25]I'm reading your heart. I'm asking you to follow it. [07:49.05]Begging you. [07:51.45]Begging is supposed to be humiliating. I don't care. [07:54.39]I love you, Portia. [07:56.63]I loved you the very first moment I saw you. [07:58.72] [by:张圆脸] [01:57.35]该死的 安德鲁! [01:59.25]如果你想成功的话... [02:01.28]什么成功? [02:01.70]就是你现在正在做的事... [02:03.15]你就不能表现的这么有礼貌 [02:05.85]有礼貌是我的本性 [02:07.80]那就改 [02:09.35]改变?我已经改变了 [02:11.90]不是外表 而是内在 [02:14.90]去冒险 去犯错 [02:16.65]犯错? [02:17.30]对 有时不需要太完美 [02:20.05]做错事也是很重要的 [02:21.61]做错事? [02:22.60]是的 [02:24.05]为什么?我懂了,为了从错误中学习 [02:26.50]不 是去犯错 [02:28.20]发现什么是真实什么是虚假 看清你自己的感受 [02:32.60]人类本来就是一团糟 [02:34.80]这我同意 我明白了 [02:37.31]这就是所谓的非理性沟通 对吧? [02:40.50]不 这是人性的沟通 [02:42.90]这和理性无关 而是要去倾听自己的心声 [02:47.80]我该那么做吗? [02:49.10]是的 你有心 安德鲁 你有 [02:52.55]虽然有时我也不相信 但我能感受到 [02:56.60]要倾听自己的心声...有时就得犯错 [03:01.68]是的 [03:03.39]谢谢 [06:04.00]你还没结婚? [06:05.85]还没 婚礼在两星期后 [06:07.60]我还来得及 [06:10.00]你确定你的决定是正确的? [06:12.30]当然 [06:13.40]我是指你的婚事 [06:14.60]我从没百分之百确定过任何事 [06:16.79]那么你的决定可能是错的 [06:18.40]不 我能确定自己做的是正确的事 [06:20.35]好极了 [06:21.20]为什么好极了? [06:22.18]你曾经叫我去犯错 [06:24.93]而现在你做的事是对的而不是错的 [06:27.50]你违反了自己的忠告 [06:29.20]否则 你就不会嫁给查尔斯了 [06:31.82]因为我这么做是对的 [06:33.45]正答 [06:34.80]听起来奇怪 不错你说的确实有点道理 [06:37.10]很好 [06:38.85]你知道爱上一个即将嫁做人妇的人是什么滋味? [06:42.90]爱上一个完美 一个会令蓬荜生辉的人? [06:47.85]一个自欺欺人的人? [06:49.78]自欺欺人? [06:50.40]不过很具有信服力 [06:52.65]我有什么好骗你的? [06:54.26]说你不爱我 [06:55.58]我知道你爱我 [06:58.06]你怎么会知道? [06:59.80]波夏 [07:00.82]我从内到外都改变了 [07:02.84]我不在乎那些 [07:04.94]总有些能让你在意的 [07:05.87]如果不在意的话 我相信你会爱我 [07:08.01]而不会爱上一个下巴可以凿沉泰坦尼克号的人 [07:11.80]看 我说的没错吧? [07:14.30]对 [07:15.50]对不起 [07:17.50]他能像我一样逗你笑吗? [07:21.35]没人能这样逗我笑 [07:23.42]承认吧 你是爱我的 [07:26.35]吻我一下 [07:27.44]上帝啊 [07:28.60]只要一个吻 [07:30.40]一个吻....不会威胁到你美满的婚姻 [07:34.59]这也能解释你的心跳为什么一分钟高达102下 [07:39.80]为什么呼吸速率加倍且散发出一股女性魅力 [07:42.60]这不公平 你能看透我 [07:44.50]我知道 爱情本来就不公平 [07:46.25]我在透视你的心 我要你倾听自己的心声 [07:49.05]求你 [07:51.45]求人是很丢脸的 但我不在乎 [07:54.39]我爱你 波夏 [07:56.63]从我第一眼看到你我就爱上你了


