Flat of Angles, Pt. 1歌词 歌手Benedict Cumberbatch-专辑Late Night Tales: Friendly Fires-单曲《Flat of Angles, Pt. 1》LRC歌词下载

谢绝鈎搭2022-04-02  117

导读:《Flat of Angles, Pt. 1》歌词 歌手Benedict Cumberbatch的专辑Late Night Tales: Friendly Fires单曲《Flat of Angles, Pt. 1》LRC歌词下载,《Fla…

歌曲:《Flat of Angles, Pt. 1》
歌手:Benedict Cumberbatch
专辑:Late Night Tales: Friendly Fires

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《Flat of Angles, Pt. 1》歌词:

[00:00.03]I hope you enjoy the finally files Late Night Tales selection [00:03.29]Welcome [00:04.74]To the first part of the four part late night tell story Flat of Angles [00:10.03]Written by Simon Cleary and read by me Benedict Cumberbatch [00:15.55]I’ll miss you, [00:18.75]I’ll miss our walks, [00:22.60]trying to pretend we are in perfect step. [00:25.28]Out of step now, [00:28.25]sick on the floor, [00:30.81]out of the room, [00:32.63]fenced in, trapped. [00:35.57]I can still hear the schoolchildren play outside at their usual 10:30. [00:41.17]It always used to annoy me, as I was trying to sleep, but it doesn’t now. [00:44.90]It seems alright. [00:46.92]A replacement, a continuation. [00:51.55]Their sound jangles around the room, [00:55.12]it sounds so different from where I’ve been. [00:58.14]A party, alone. [01:02.35]Packed in with others, but never feeling so alone. [01:07.41]People dance too close. [01:11.60]She was there, I had only gone because I hoped she would be. [01:19.33]I had arrived early, as the the streetlights were coming on, [01:22.85]so I took a long walk around the block, [01:24.47]taking a few extra lefts and rights, [01:25.99]taking a few extra lefts and rights, [01:27.00]past the Chicken Cottage and the Costcutter, [01:30.71]then along a crescent that arced me out of my way, [01:32.59]past a group of figures huddled under the entrance to the flats, [01:35.56]shielding the flicking lighter from the wind. [01:38.35]This... area is little more than a traffic island, [01:45.96]a triangle around which cars and coaches stream into town up the bleak Old Kent, [01:52.27]or out into Kent and the coast. [01:54.66]The same faces trudge around there for years. [01:59.25]“Spare some change please? Much as possible.” [02:01.72]“You want to buy some ****.” [02:03.69]“Do you have a spare cigarette?” [02:06.06]He always wants one. [02:08.13]And that one about **** was not a question. [02:11.12]There is a Samaritans office between two severely dilapidated buildings on a black-bricked terrace. [02:18.75]It has a thermometer painted on a 10 ft wooden board nailed to the outside. [02:22.70]There is red paint up to the £0 mark, and, an ambitious 10 ft higher, [02:26.84]is written £200,000. It never got any warmer there. [02:32.03]The Man begging in the corner makes me take a huge detour when going towards my flat. [02:40.61]He looks up with a pitiful stare that makes me want to kick the misery out of him. [02:46.82]His dipit wee cup of unwanted coffee. [02:50.36]A child’s sleeping bag. [02:52.22]JJB sports. [02:53.58]A crack, a release, his poor exhaust. [02:57.26]He was lost. [02:59.08]The Broadway. [03:03.12]The Town Hall, such a grand building, all nautical reminiscences, here, far from water. [03:10.53]It would be quite a sight if you could get far back enough from it to take a look. [03:13.45]But my back is up against the black panelling of the gay sauna opposite, [03:18.26]a coach thunders by, and I run past the video shop that I owe £5 to. [03:23.05]Meaning go way back. [03:26.95]I may be becoming one of those people you see in New Cross. [03:32.19]I have a book, peeping out of one pocket, at least want to look vaguely intellectual if someone I know, [03:41.03]I throw down the finish can into the pile between two walls, outside my flat. [03:46.09]Look, there’s the hardware store. [03:49.98]It has a large cutout of a radiant man and woman in overalls, [03:52.70]the woman handing the man a tin of paint, up his ladder, beaming. [03:56.18]It has faded in the sun. [03:58.90]I bought creosote from there, once. [04:02.12]What a night! [04:07.26]Pure ment..! [04:09.23]It was messy! [04:11.07]It was out of hand! It was out of space! [04:13.40]I rapped on that track once, at Bagley’s, remember it?!Skibbadee handed me the mic, [04:17.32]I got to shout “I’M GONNA SEND HIM TO OUTER SPACE TO FIIIND ANOTHER RACE!” [04:22.70]Absolutely fantastic, those days… [04:28.19]The pills these days are not the same, they don’t work. [04:31.33]No love. [04:33.78]I was chatting to this bloke in the kitchen, and he said something, [04:36.05]I can’t remember what, [04:36.69]but I had to push him over, crashed his arse on the coffee table, [04:39.73]ash tinnies and CDs everywhere! [04:42.66]Spilled the lines too, the fat bastard. [04:46.29]I can’t get you out of my head, [04:50.98]your loving is all I think about, [04:56.02]no I can’t get you out of my head, [04:58.85]something something is all I think about. [05:00.41]I can’t get this loop out of my head, [05:01.88]no I think I’ll have to… [05:03.54]I need to sit down. [05:06.76]I can’t stop my leg jiggling, [05:09.40]it wants to be somewhere else. [05:10.23]I need to get out of here. [05:10.88]I can hear sirens – can you hear them? [05:11.88]Then again, they are always here, [05:12.92]the background to day to day life here. [05:14.31]When music is playing, and they come, [05:15.82]they sometimes sync up. [05:16.68]The New Cross Remix, I call it. [05:19.01]I used to... call it. [05:22.09]This isn’t how it advertised itself. [05:27.32]It was fun, it was Technicolour, the music made me feel liquid, [05:35.03]I melted into the company and was chief among them. [05:37.15]I was in the kitchen, pouring pint after pint of water over myself, insisting to a stranger that [05:43.71]“No, no… The drinks are on me!” [05:47.38]I can’t remember what happened after that. [05:50.71]Except her there. I had managed to talk to her, [05:57.24]I was talking about an art gallery, I thought she’d be impressed, [05:59.91]but her eyes kept dancing around the space behind me, [06:01.83]smiles flickered on her lips as her eyes focussed on scenes I was oblivious to. [06:06.12]I heard laughter. It was from my throat, but I didn’t feel it. [06:10.75]I was just trying to breathe life into a long-dead persona. [00:00.03]希望你能够喜欢“夜晚故事”的最后一个部分 [00:03.29]欢迎 [00:04.74]欢迎收听“突出的平面”四部曲的第一部分 [00:10.03]由西蒙·克利著,由我本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇诵 [00:15.55]我会想念你, [00:18.75]想念我们一起散步, [00:22.60]试着假装我们的脚步合拍。 [00:25.28]而现在节奏乱了, [00:28.25]颓废在地板上, [00:30.81]走出房间, [00:32.63]却被栅栏拦住。 [00:35.57]我仍能听见十点半学校的孩子们在外玩耍的笑声。 [00:41.17]这曾经令我恼火,因为这是我睡觉的时候,可现在却不了。 [00:44.90]这声音听起来反倒不错。 [00:46.92]像一种替代,一种延续。 [00:51.55]笑声在屋中回响, [00:55.12]与刚才的声音简直天壤之别。 [00:58.14]那是在派对上,可我感到孤独。 [01:02.35]四周挤满了人,可我从未感到如此孤独。 [01:07.41]人们跳舞时离得真近。 [01:11.60]她以前在那里出现过,我得走了,因为我希望她现在也在那里。 [01:19.33]街上的灯刚亮,我就早早地来了, [01:22.85]因此我四处踱了好长时间, [01:24.47]向北走过几条路, [01:25.99]向西走过几条街, [01:27.00]路过快餐店还有超市, [01:30.71]沿着新月的样子我走出一条弧线, [01:32.59]路过一群挤在公寓门口的伙计, [01:35.56]掩盖了几缕风吹来的灯光。 [01:38.35]这儿......比环岛要复杂一点, [01:45.96]轿车和大巴绕着这个三角形地带涌入荒凉的老肯特区, [01:52.27]或从那里出来奔向海岸。 [01:54.66]熟悉的面孔已在这里蹒跚多年。 [01:59.25]“请问有零钱吗?越多越好。” [02:01.72]“你是想买。” [02:03.69]“有烟吗?” [02:06.06]他总想抽烟。 [02:08.13]关于,那是肯定的事实。 [02:11.12]在两座年久失修的黑色砖屋中间是撒马利坦基金会办公室。 [02:18.75]屋外10英尺高的木板上涂画有一支“温度计”。 [02:22.70]在0镑处有一个红色标记,而在比那10英寸高的地方, [02:26.84]雄心勃勃地写着二十万英镑。不过从没那么热过。 [02:32.03]在街角乞讨的那个人逼迫我绕了一大段弯路才抵达我的公寓。 [02:40.61]他可怜地盯着我,让我有一种想要帮他驱除痛苦的冲动。 [02:46.82]他杯中没人想要的咖啡。 [02:50.36]一个孩子用的睡袋。 [02:52.22]普通的衣服。 [02:53.58]一个裂缝,一种释放,一声可怜的叹息。 [02:57.26]他迷失了。 [02:59.08]百老汇。 [03:03.12]市政厅,多么耸立的建筑,所有的海上回忆在这里远离海洋。 [03:10.53]如果你走得远一些你能看出这座建筑的宏伟之处。 [03:13.45]只可惜我后面正对着同性桑拿屋的黑色栅栏, [03:18.26]一辆大巴呼啸而过,而我跑过那家我欠了五英镑的音像店。 [03:23.05]意味着我要折回去。 [03:26.95]我可能会变成那些你在新十字区能看到的人们之一。 [03:32.19]我有本书,从我的一个口袋里露出一角,起码我想让我自己看起来稍有些知识,在那些我认识的人或者认识我的人面前。 [03:41.03]我把吃完的罐头扔到在我公寓外两堵墙之间的一堆上。 [03:46.09]看,那是五金店。 [03:49.98]那有个纸板模型,是一个容光焕发的男人和身着工作服的女人, [03:52.70]女人给男人拿着一罐颜料,递给梯子上的男人,喜气洋洋地。 [03:56.18]在太阳的照射下看不太清。 [03:58.90]我在那买过一次木榴油。 [04:02.12]这是怎样的一个夜晚! [04:07.26]精神极了......! [04:09.23]真是一团糟! [04:11.07]脱离控制!难以收拾! [04:13.40]我在那个酒吧嗨翻过全场,记得吗?斯基巴蒂递给我麦克, [04:17.32]我大喊“我要把他送到外太空,寻找新物种!” [04:22.70]过去的日子,棒极了...... [04:28.19]现在,就连药都不一样了,它们不管用! [04:31.33]没有爱! [04:33.78]我在厨房里和这家伙唠,他说了些什么, [04:36.05]但我记不太清, [04:36.69]总之我推到他,把他揍翻了。 [04:39.73]到处都是血和碎片! [04:42.66]有关那个胖子,也有说不完的事。 [04:46.29]我无法摆脱你, [04:50.98]我一个劲儿想着你的爱, [04:56.02]不,我无法忘了你, [04:58.85]我在,我在想着些什么, [05:00.41]我无法逃出这个回环, [05:01.88]不,我想我得...... [05:03.54]我得坐下。 [05:06.76]我的腿止不住地摇, [05:09.40]好像要跑。 [05:10.23]我得离开这。 [05:10.88]我能听见汽笛的声音——你听得见吗? [05:11.88]又来了,总是在响, [05:12.92]这是这里生活的背景音乐。 [05:14.31]音乐响起,它们就也响起来, [05:15.82]有时还挺同步。 [05:16.68]我管这叫“新十字混响”。 [05:19.01]我曾经......这么叫。 [05:22.09]它自己可不这么宣传自己。 [05:27.32]它很有趣。富有科技色彩。这音乐让我感觉流动起来, [05:35.03]我融化进企业里,和他们融为一体。 [05:37.15]我在厨房里,一品脱一品脱地往我身上泼水,对陌生人宣称: [05:43.71]“不,不......喝的算我身上!” [05:47.38]这之后发生了什么我就不知道了。 [05:50.71]除了在那的她。我设法和她沟通, [05:57.24]我们谈论有关艺术画廊的事,我以为她会被我吸引, [05:59.91]可她的眼神分明在我身后四处跳动, [06:01.83]当她注意到我不关心的场景时却露出了微笑。 [06:06.12]我听见了笑声。貌似是我发出来的,可我感觉不到欢乐。 [06:10.75]我只是努力在面具之下苟延残喘,摧枯拉朽。

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