Flat Of Angles (Pt.2)歌词 歌手Benedict Cumberbatch-专辑Ice Machine-单曲《Flat Of Angles (Pt.2)》LRC歌词下载

浪迹天涯只为你2022-04-02  129

导读:《Flat Of Angles (Pt.2)》歌词 歌手Benedict Cumberbatch的专辑Ice Machine单曲《Flat Of Angles (Pt.2)》LRC歌词下载,《Flat Of Angles (Pt.2)》歌词…

歌曲:《Flat Of Angles (Pt.2)》
歌手:Benedict Cumberbatch
专辑:Ice Machine

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《Flat Of Angles (Pt.2)》歌词:

[00:00.540]And now for the second part of the fourth part late night tale stories [00:03.890]Flat of Angles [00:05.010]Written by Simon Cleary [00:06.760]And read by me Benedict Cumberbatch [00:10.250]Is there any more drink around here? [00:11.820]Do you have any? [00:13.470]Its alright, I haven’t been to bed yet [00:14.810]I’m not drinking in the morning! [00:17.670]I swear I had a couple of… [00:20.250]No I think I had them before I headed out last night. [00:25.250]I sometimes feel like I am in the 1980s [00:27.950]Or perhaps it's part of my mom's fault watching Esatenders [00:30.950]With my family lying back on the green velour sofa [00:33.610]Looking out at the sodium lights of the A505 [00:36.710]Hands fiddling with the glass on the tarnished aluminium of [00:39.900]The Secondary double glazing thinking imagining romantic futures [00:44.870]Set out for me by songs [00:47.100]From top of the pops Twisted by lyrics of Genesis [00:50.350]Starry starry nights [00:53.100]Paint your pallid blue and grey [00:55.690]Red and gold [00:57.980]Are royal colors [00:59.330]Yeah, yeah [01:00.440]Industrial state [01:03.960]Instead [01:06.740]Anyway, like I say, it was great [01:08.440]I was waiting in the corridor, to go to the toilet, [01:09.990]Standing right in front of the door. [01:11.190]It opened, and this girl was standing there. [01:14.080]I was a little shocked, hadn’t expected it, and jumped a little. [01:17.530]She did the same thing a second later, smiling. [01:21.300]I tilted my head left, about to speak, and look sympathetic, [01:24.670]And she tilted her head right. [01:26.210]I raised my right hand, she raised her left. [01:27.920]I put it back by my side, straightened my head, [01:30.540]And she did the same. [01:33.390]“I’ll be your mirror.” she said. [01:37.280]Nothing else existed for a second there, I felt calm, and wanted no more. [01:46.230]Then some chump who had slunk up the corridor goes [01:51.280]“Awww, that is so cute!” [01:53.720]I barged past her and slammed the door, [01:55.380]Shot the lock across,the handle fell off. [02:00.650]This can’t actually have happened. [02:03.110]She is only 28.Only. [02:09.170]What are we doing with our lives? [02:11.640]Why are we carrying on like this? [02:13.890]For God’s sake, why don’t we grow up? [02:17.140]Pretending we are hip, [02:18.690]Throwing our bodies around the room,around the town, [02:21.120]Projected on cheap MDMA and ciders with ice, our shadows are long. [02:28.760]They slip over the horizon, grow thinner, [02:30.940]And disappear only the all-encompassing shadow of night takes over. [02:36.700]That is greater than any of us. [02:41.280]Then morning comes, and it goes away. [02:45.460]It peels the film from eyes, [02:47.650]Sparks cells into action, [02:49.860]And eventually resurrects those who have avoided it. [02:53.080]It says here is a day [02:56.190]Do with it as you will. [02:59.310]I am back, but she… [03:10.030]I’m well up for keeping the session going [03:13.680]Why did I even come back here? [03:15.520]God knows. [03:17.020]I’ll give her a call, [03:17.820]See what she’s up to. [03:18.380]We could swing down the Talbot for a few cures. [03:20.460]Its ringing. [03:21.140]Oh nooo… What happened? [03:21.930]I think that… [03:22.870]Hey! Where did you get to last night? [03:25.240]Fancy a Bloody Mary at The Talbot? [03:26.620]Give us a call when you get this! [03:29.370]No. She wouldn’t move. [03:34.380]I think I lied next to her. [03:38.650]I lied. [03:41.700]We had that methlathyl-whatever when I got out of the toilet. [03:45.340]She had given that bloke the heave-ho. [03:47.670]I can’t even remember her face. [03:50.450]Just the strange flock texture on the wallpaper behind her in the corridor, [03:53.470]The magnolia paintwork, [03:54.920]The sick yellow light from a bare bulb, [03:57.050]And decades of greasy black hand marks by the top of the stairs. [04:04.280]Her eyes were… [04:07.430]Black. [04:09.300] [00:00.540]欢迎收听“突出的平面”四部曲的 [00:03.890]第二部分 [00:05.010]由西蒙·克利著 [00:06.760]由我——本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇诵 [00:10.250]这儿还有酒吗 [00:11.820]你还有些吗 [00:13.470]好啦好啦 我还没上床休息呢 [00:14.810]我可没有大清早喝酒哦 [00:17.670]我发誓我只喝了几杯··· [00:20.250]欸不对我好像是昨晚之前喝的 [00:25.250]其实有时候觉得自己像活在20世纪80年代一样 [00:27.950]好吧也许是受我妈正在看Esatenders的影响 [00:30.950]我的家人正卧在浅绿色的天鹅绒沙发上 [00:33.610]研究着A505光钠灯 [00:36.710]手上摆弄着生锈铝壳上的二次双层玻璃 [00:39.900]思考着 幻想着 浪漫的未来 [00:44.870]从《创世纪》的歌词所扭曲的高排行流行歌曲 [00:47.100]为我出发 [00:50.350]繁星之夜啊 [00:53.100]点缀着的淡蓝色 灰色 [00:55.690]热烈的红 和 闪耀的金 [00:57.980]都是皇室的颜色 [00:59.330]也是啊 [01:00.440]是工业国家 [01:03.960]反而 [01:06.740]好吧 就像我说的 不管怎样都是很棒的 [01:08.440]想要去洗手间 所以在走廊里等待 [01:09.990]正对门口站着 [01:11.190]门开了 一个女孩子正站在那里 [01:14.080]意料之外 猛地有点儿被震惊 吓得跳了起来 [01:17.530]看到我这个样子她也跳起来啦 满是笑意的注视着我 [01:21.300]我向左侧了侧脑袋 刚想讲话 眼神产生了共鸣 [01:24.670]她也向右歪了歪头 [01:26.210]我举起右手 她就举起左手 [01:27.920]我放下手 摆正脑袋 [01:30.540]她也做了同样的动作 [01:33.390]女孩说 我是你的镜子哦 [01:37.280]在那里没有别的东西存在 心里很平静 没有多想 [01:46.230]突然走来了一个溜着走廊走的笨蛋走来了 [01:51.280]哇 好可爱啊 [01:53.720]我从她的身边走过 砰的一声关上了门 [01:55.380]迅速把锁锁上 把手掉了 [02:00.650]不会是真的发生的吧 [02:03.110]她只有二十八岁··· [02:09.170]我们在生活中做了些什么? [02:11.640]为什么我们要这样继续下去? [02:13.890]天 为什么我们不能成熟点呢 [02:17.140]假装我们世面灵通 [02:18.690]把我们的尸体扔到城里各处 [02:21.120]计划着廉价的 加冰的苹果酒 我们的影子是长的 [02:28.760]他们滑到地平线 渐渐细长 [02:30.940]最终消失 只剩下包罗万象的夜晚 [02:36.700]这比我们任何人都要重要 [02:41.280]接着清晨苏醒 早上过去 [02:45.460]它揭开一天影片的面纱 [02:47.650]鼓动着每一个细胞 [02:49.860]最终使曾经回避过它的人复活 [02:53.080]这是新的一天 [02:56.190]你应该怎么做就怎么做 [02:59.310]我回来了 但她··· [03:10.030]我回来了 很好的保证了会议的进行 [03:13.680]为什么我要回来呢 [03:15.520]欸谁知道呢 [03:17.020]我会回她话的 [03:17.820]问问她接下来要做什么 [03:18.380]我们可以在塔尔博特上舞蹈 摇摆 来治愈内心的伤 [03:20.460]电话铃响了 [03:21.140]噢天不是吧···发生什么了? [03:21.930]我觉得可能是··· [03:22.870]嘿!你昨晚去哪了 [03:25.240]在塔尔博特来了杯血腥玛丽(鸡尾酒的一种)? [03:26.620]喝的时候别忘给我们打个电话呀 [03:29.370]不 她不会走的 [03:34.380]我觉得我躺在她旁边 [03:38.650]我躺卧着 [03:41.700]当我走出洗手间 [03:45.340]她拒绝了那个家伙 [03:47.670]我甚至记不得她的样子了 [03:50.450]只剩下走廊里在她身后留下的棉束纹理 [03:53.470]木兰涂漆 [03:54.920]还有没有灯罩的灯泡散发出来的暗黄色 [03:57.050]以及几十年前印在楼梯顶端的油腻黑手印··· [04:04.280]她的眼睛 [04:07.430]是漆黑的。

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