To A Mouse By Robert Burns. Felix Mendelssohn- Bartholdy –Violin Concerto in E minor Op64 3rd mov. Allegro molto vivace歌词 歌手Pete

打小就傲2022-04-07  83

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To A Mouse By Robert Burns. Felix Mendelssohn- Bartholdy –Violin Concerto in E minor Op64 3rd mov. Allegro molto vivace歌词 歌手Peter Capaldi-专辑Words For You - The Next Chapter-单曲《To A Mouse By Robert Burns. Felix Mendelssohn- Bartholdy –Violin Concerto in E minor Op64 3rd mov. Allegro molto vivace》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《To A Mouse By Robert Burns. Felix Mendelssohn- Bartholdy –Violin Concerto in E minor Op64 3rd mov. Allegro molto vivace》
歌手:Peter Capaldi
专辑:Words For You - The Next Chapter

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《To A Mouse By Robert Burns. Felix Mendelssohn- Bartholdy –Violin Concerto in E minor Op64 3rd mov. Allegro molto vivace》歌词:

[00:00.75] To a Mouse by Robert Burns - Peter Capaldi [00:02.10]Wee, sleekit, cowrin, tim'rous beastie, [00:04.81]O, what a panic's in thy breastie! [00:08.58]Thou need na start awa sae hasty, [00:12.07]Wi' bickering brattle! [00:15.07]I wad be laith to rin an' chase thee [00:17.03]Wi' murd'ring pattle! [00:20.88]I'm truly sorry man's dominion, [00:23.30]Has broken nature's social union, [00:26.28]An' justifies that ill opinion, [00:29.55]What makes thee startle [00:31.34]At me, thy poor, earth-born companion, [00:36.15]An' fellow-mortal! [00:39.63]I doubt na, whiles, but thou may thieve; [00:42.92]What then? poor beastie, thou maun live! [00:47.01]A daimen icker in a thrave [00:49.73]'S a sma' request; [00:53.03]I'll get a blessin wi' the lave, [00:53.99]An' never miss't! [00:56.77]Thy wee bit housie, too, in ruin! [00:59.97]It's silly wa's the win's are strewin! [01:03.54]An' naething, now, to big a new ane, [01:05.56]O' foggage green! [01:07.32]An' bleak December's winds ensuin, [01:11.01]Baith snell an' keen! [01:15.78]Thou saw the fields laid bare an' waste, [01:18.19]An' weary winter comin fast, [01:21.34]An' cozie here, beneath the blast, [01:23.82]Thou thought to dwell - [01:25.12]Till crash! the cruel coulter past [01:27.61]Out thro' thy cell. [01:29.42]That wee bit heap o' leaves an' stibble, [01:31.46]Has cost thee mony a weary nibble! [01:34.27]Now thou's turn'd out, for a' thy trouble, [01:36.33]But house or hald, [01:38.74]To thole the winter's sleety dribble, [01:41.30]An' cranreuch cauld! [01:44.46]But Mousie, thou art no thy lane, [01:47.59]In proving foresight may be vain; [01:51.33]The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men [01:53.81]Gang aft agley, [01:56.64]An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain, [01:59.82]For promis'd joy! [02:03.17]Still thou art blest, compar'd wi' me; [02:06.72]The present only toucheth thee: [02:11.00]But och! I backward cast my e'e, [02:15.72]On prospects dreaer! [02:17.20]An' forward, tho' I canna see, [02:19.85]I guess an' fear! [by:我不会匿名的] [00:00.75]致小鼠---Robert Burns-Peter Capaldi [00:02.10]光滑、畏缩、胆怯的小东西 [00:04.81]啊,你心里是多么地恐惧 [00:08.58]你不用慌慌张张逃去 [00:12.07]猛地向前冲 [00:15.07]我不会拿着凶残的犁耙 [00:17.03]追杀你 [00:20.88]人的统治,真叫我遗憾 [00:23.30]中断了自然界的真实连接 [00:26.28]流传了那么一种偏见 [00:29.55]使你见了我这个人 [00:31.34]便会四处逃窜 [00:36.15]同样是可怜地球生的同伴 [00:39.63]你你有时会偷窃,我毫不在意 [00:42.92]那又算什么呢,你得生活,可怜的东西 [00:47.01]一把麦子上的零星穗儿 [00:49.73]这要求不过分 [00:53.03]留下来的已够我享用 [00:53.99]我也不会浪费 [00:56.77]你那小巢也成了废墟 [00:59.97]大风呼呼地吹向四壁 [01:03.54]如今你想再筑新居 [01:05.56]已找不到青草 [01:07.32]惨淡的北风刺骨又尖薄 [01:11.01]眼看就要来临 [01:15.78]你看到荒芜而沉寂的田野 [01:18.19]凛冽的寒冬就要来临 [01:21.34]你原本打算居住在这儿 [01:23.82]这避风的安乐窝 [01:25.12]哗啦一声,残忍的犁耙 [01:27.61]从你的巢里穿过 [01:29.42]那一小撮残根断叶 [01:31.46]你辛辛苦苦一点一滴拖来 [01:34.27]费了那么大劲儿,终究还被赶出去 [01:36.33]如今你无屋无房 [01:38.74]借以冬天的雨雪 [01:41.30]和冰冷的白霜 [01:44.46]但是也不止你一个,小鼠 [01:47.59]预测未来没多大用处 [01:51.33]最妙的策划,不管人和鼠 [01:53.81]常常都会落空 [01:56.64]留下的不是预期的乐趣 [01:59.82]而是愁闷苦痛 [02:03.17]和我相比,你还算处境好 [02:06.72]只是眼前影响了你 [02:11.00]但是噢,我回眼过去 [02:15.72]多么惨淡的光景 [02:17.20]放眼将来,我什么也看不见 [02:19.85]唯有猜疑和恐惧


