The Morning News歌词 歌手Chamillionaire-专辑Ultimate Victory-单曲《The Morning News》LRC歌词下载

战天傲刃2022-02-08  99

导读:《The Morning News》歌词 歌手Chamillionaire的专辑Ultimate Victory单曲《The Morning News》LRC歌词下载,《The Morning News》歌词分享。…

The Morning News歌词 歌手Chamillionaire-专辑Ultimate Victory-单曲《The Morning News》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《The Morning News》
专辑:Ultimate Victory

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《The Morning News》歌词:

[00:00.000] 作曲 : Johnson, Seriki [00:01.00]{Hip Hop My life...} [00:03.13] [00:05.92]Fighting broke out over-night between rival factions along the Israeli - Syrian border [00:10.85]Initial reports claim Israeli jet fighters bombed a guerilla base, [00:14.87]Killing at least 49 soldiers and 13 civillians, damage to the base is said to be heavy [00:20.36]And the Israeli jets are reported to have made it back to their headquaters safely [00:23.85]An 49 year old unidentified man went beserk last night, opening fire with a 12 gauge shotgun... [00:30.52] [00:30.84]Leave me alone! [00:31.87]Terror alert, victory! [00:33.34]I stay droppin that bombness, Rosie O'Donnel and Donald Trump stay arguing bout nonsense [00:38.15]Would they treat me as good as Hugh Heffner if I had a mansion full of blonde chicks? [00:41.57]If adultery was a felony, then Clinton would be a convict [00:44.28]Put you in the same position and lets see what you'd really do [00:47.71]They tell me that I sold out if I execute the no snitchin rule [00:50.98]Sound like it was a good idea, til a murder happen to you [00:54.14]Dumb-stupid, or stupid-dumb, either one you dont have a clue [00:57.27]Voice perfect for CNN but knew Larry King wouldn't hear it through [01:00.43]Bill O'Reily's an idiot, he aint the only one with an opinion fool [01:03.63]E-mail this to my publicist so the media is gonna hear it too [01:06.84]You get on TV and get at me, then I'm gonna get on the CD and get at you [01:09.96] [01:10.28]Uncle Sam says to pay your taxes,even just to learn that I pay for classes [01:16.24]Part time hustle really aint gonna last, so todays forecast is to make more cash [01:22.51]Its the news, news news, let em know the truth, truth, truth [01:28.64]Its the morning news, news news, let em know the truth, truth, truth [01:34.80]Its the morning news [01:36.02] [01:36.32]In the strip club ballin', Bill Collecta keep callin [01:38.94]You aint even tryna pay your bills, he show up and you dodgin [01:42.13]White man ballin, black man starvin, looks like Al Sharpton found another cause to get involved in [01:48.57]I cant hate to see a black man, and I dont hate to see a black hand [01:51.82]Crawlin into that cookie jar koz theres plenty of dough up in that man [01:54.96]When your black and you educated people say "You aint black man!" [01:58.16]May be black in your appearance but really whiter than Batman [02:01.46]CEO's are like slave masters and most of them dont even know it [02:04.56]Their employees are like slaves, work the bill but dont even own it [02:07.73]Your money right but your credit aint, then the bank still wont loan it [02:11.05]If you're on top and aint payin taxes then I hope you're enjoyin your moment [02:13.84] [02:14.32]Uncle Sam says to pay your taxes,even just to learn that I pay for classes [02:21.01]Part time hustle really aint gonna last, so todays forecast is to make more cash [02:26.39]Its the news, news news, let em know the truth, truth, truth [02:32.30]Its the morning news, news news, let em know the truth, truth, truth [02:38.74]Its the morning news [02:39.54] [02:39.90]Hip-hop crunk music, pikey music, slab music, sound like a nursin rhyme [02:44.42]Get a beat and rap to it, aint speakin with a purpose, Imma call it crap music [02:49.06]Y'all got your boys gettin mad, my bad lets get back to it [02:52.32]Cigarettes are still causin cancer, and chronic smoke'll still get you high [02:55.43]In the streets or in the store, know a couple dollars wont get you by [02:58.67]Truth is a Paris Hilton jail cover story could never flop [03:01.81]For that ***y mug-shot I could get a million dollars a pop [03:05.07]Even Michaels in the media, they like to make examples of people just like you [03:08.09]Get involved and I bet the indite you, goto jail and I bet they dont write you [03:11.29]Yea, you aint got a college degree then they'll say you're not intelligent [03:14.48]And if your class aint Upper Class, then your opinion is irrelevant [03:17.30] [03:17.92]Uncle Sam says to pay your taxes,even just to learn that I pay for classes [03:24.33]Part time hustle really aint gonna last, so todays forecast is to make more cash [03:30.41]Its the news, news news, let em know the truth, truth, truth [03:36.99]Its the morning news, news news, let em know the truth, truth, truth [03:43.29]Its the morning news [03:44.20] [03:44.52]The world is crazy, evey day I gotta wake up to this nonsense [03:48.79]Silly rappers think I'm worried about a punch-line [03:54.02]I show more purpose than your whole career in one line [03:57.00] [by:霞客88] [00:01.00]嘻哈,我的人生...... [00:05.92]巴以边境昨晚再次爆发冲突(以下采样自美国一个动画片,小孩子在踢足球,一个人在旁边念新闻) [00:10.85]初步报告称,以色列喷气式战斗机轰炸了一个游击队基地, [00:14.87]导致了49名士兵和13个村民丧生,据称游击队基地损失惨重 [00:20.36]据报道,以色列喷气式飞机已安全返回其总部 [00:23.85]一名49岁身份不明身份的男子昨晚发狂,用霰弹枪开火...... [00:30.84]拉响警报!!!(英语有误) [00:31.87]小心!我有力的歌词就像恐袭的炸弹! [00:33.34]我不停投下歌词炸弹,特朗普和罗茜·欧唐内(美国演员,制片人)为了无关紧要的小事争吵个不停(讽刺当世界上有重要的问题需要解决时,有影响力的人却毫无作为) [00:38.15]如果我有一栋楼的金发小妞,她们会像对待休·海夫纳(《花花公子》创始人)那样对待我 [00:41.57]如果通奸是重罪,克林顿早已成为阶下囚(讽刺克林顿拉链门事件) [00:44.28]把你放在同样的情形看看你会干出什么 [00:47.71]别人说如果我坚持不告密原则我会大卖 [00:50.98]听起来是个好主意,直到你身边的人被谋杀 [00:54.14]那些政治家因为做过的蠢事而显得愚蠢(原台词来自《阿甘正传》) [00:57.27]我博学到可以与新闻主播交谈,但主流媒体不愿听我的想法 [01:00.43]比尔·奥雷利是个傻瓜,他不是唯一一个有那种蠢想法的人(比尔将许多问题怪在说唱的头上,声称匪帮说唱给人们及其消极的影响) [01:03.63]把这个email给我的公关这样媒体都能听见我的想法 [01:06.84]如果你招惹我,我一定会反击 [01:10.28](副歌开始)山姆大叔(美国代表)让你交税,我交税是为了一个好的教育(美国人关心儿童教育问题) [01:16.24]时不时的街上生活(饭读)没有出路,所以今天的预告是赚更多钱 [01:22.51]这是早间新闻~~~让听众们知道真相~~~~ [01:28.64]这是早间新闻~~~让他们知道真相~~~ [01:34.80]早间新闻!! [01:36.32]有钱在脱衣舞俱乐部花天酒地,税务局不停的给你打电话(讽刺不良社会风气) [01:38.94]你没想过交税,税务人员上门你就躲到旁边 [01:42.13]白人纵情享乐,黑人忍饥挨饿,好像艾尔夏普顿又有了可以介入的事情(讽刺'民权领袖'靠不公正谋剩,感兴趣的可以自己查查) [01:48.57]我不讨厌看见黑人,不讨厌看见黑色的手 [01:51.82]悄悄走近向那个人因为他有好多钱(双关:dough有钱的意思和面粉的意思,所以把人称为饼干罐) [01:54.96]如果你是受过教育的黑人有人就叫道:“你不算黑人!”(讽刺有的黑人排斥受过教育的黑人) [01:58.16]你可能表面看着是黑人,但是你心里是蝙蝠侠一样的白人(蝙蝠侠外面的套制服是黑的,但实际是白人) [02:01.46]CEO们不自知的当上了奴隶主开始压迫员工 [02:04.56]员工们就像努力,努力工作却赚不到钱 [02:07.73]你有钱但是你的信用卡不对,银行照样不会给你贷款 [02:11.05]如果你赚很多却偷税,我希望你能享受你的余生(美国罚偷税很重) [02:14.32]<副歌> [02:21.01]<副歌> [02:26.39]<副歌> [02:32.30]<副歌> [02:38.74]<副歌> [02:39.90]嘻哈现在有好多子流派,听起来就像童谣 [02:44.42]拿来一个伴奏就开始"说唱“,没有目的的说唱,我叫他垃圾音乐(讽刺如今的歌手歌词没有灵魂,Nas在"Hiphop is dead"里提过同样的事) [02:49.06]你们的音乐蹩脚的令我发狂 [02:52.32]香烟的烟雾会使你的癌症,但是叶子的烟会让你high(《chronic》是Dr.dre的名专辑) [02:55.43]在街上或者商店里,你知道几块钱可远远不够 [02:58.67]真相就像是监狱,永远一成不变 [03:01.81]有了那个性感的大头照我能捞一大笔钱 [03:05.07]即使是镜头中的迈克尔,他们也喜欢用你一样的人举例 [03:08.09]卷进来,我打赌他们会起诉你,进监狱,我打赌他们不会报道你 [03:11.29]是的,你没有大学学位,那么他们会说你不过平庸 [03:14.48]如果你的阶级不是上层阶级,那么你的意见是无关紧要的 [03:17.92]<副歌> [03:24.33]<副歌> [03:30.41]<副歌> [03:36.99]<副歌> [03:43.29]<副歌> [03:44.52]整个世界都疯了,每天我起来都要面对这个混乱的世界 [03:48.79]愚蠢的说唱歌手觉得我担心别人的中伤 [03:54.02]我一首歌比你整个生涯的歌都更有内涵


