The Evening News歌词 歌手Chamillionaire-专辑Ultimate Victory-单曲《The Evening News》LRC歌词下载

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导读:《The Evening News》歌词 歌手Chamillionaire的专辑Ultimate Victory单曲《The Evening News》LRC歌词下载,《The Evening News》歌词分享。…

The Evening News歌词 歌手Chamillionaire-专辑Ultimate Victory-单曲《The Evening News》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《The Evening News》
专辑:Ultimate Victory

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《The Evening News》歌词:

[00:00.000] 作曲 : Johnson, Seriki [00:03.29]Gas prices raises, the money keeps burning, [00:06.62]Dropout rate rising, so what are they learning?, [00:10.00]Sending the troops in the war so I turn it, [00:13.36]To today's evening news. [00:15.89]Verse 1] [00:16.80]Welcome to the evening news, I thank you all for tuning in, [00:20.09]Yes, I'm your host and your journalist, Chamillionaire, so let the news begin, [00:23.05]Our helicopters out in the streets look at the screen, an' let's zoom it in, [00:27.02]'cause Cashis is live at the scene, hey Cashis how are you my friend?, [00:30.36]Got no time for no interviews (go-got no time for no interviews), [00:33.26]No time to trip don't be confused, cause this type of news depends on interviews, [00:36.74]Got no time for no interviews (go-got no time for no interviews), [00:40.08]You know I keep my ear to the streets so it's up to me to bring you the truth, [00:44.43]I saw a movie were George Bush had a bearded man on his squad, [00:47.22]So much power from oil money that poor folks can't sit by him, [00:50.39]No problem, Osama, Bin Laden, Been hidin', [00:53.98]So long that them pictures all starting to look like him on them milk cartons, [00:57.82]Don Imus made comments that made everybody forget about him, [01:00.67]That's him, Anna Nicole got pregant and had kids by him, [01:04.27]Rest in peace to Virgina Tech, too many innocent kids dyin', [01:07.15]Well let's just blame hip-hop and act like that's the big problem, [01:10.84]Now I would give you news about Katrina, but you know I can't talk about Katrina, [01:14.25]'Cause everytime I talk about Katrina, they look at me like it's a misdemeanor, [01:17.76]Anyways, there's way more important stuff that we can discuss, [01:21.05]George Bush is playing golf, everybody hush, he's about to putt. [01:24.48]Gas prices raises, the money keeps burning, [01:27.90]Dropout rate rising, so what are they learning?, [01:31.33]Sending the troops in the war so I turn it, [01:34.68]To today's evening news. [01:37.80]And the world keeps turning slow (turning slow, turning slow) [01:40.01]As the world keeps turning slow (turning slow, turning slow) [01:44.26]As the world keeps on turning slow (turning slow, turning slow) [01:47.36]This is your evening news. [01:50.84]Verse 2] [01:51.41]I know you take offense to certain words, I've heard worse, but I wouldn't blame ya', [01:55.27]They say he's a entertainer, don't worry about it, nevermind Kramer, [01:58.07]The Crocodile Hunter got stung, and the lion turned on the lion tamer, [02:01.87]We keep sending troops to Iraq, I figured that we must like danger, [02:04.95]Little kids don't learn in school they go to school to go spray a gun, [02:08.95]If you a parent, then be a parent, get off the couch and go raise your son, [02:12.38]Kobe just broke another record, today's game he hit 81, [02:15.01]Now they saying he's number 1, but yesterday they all hated him, [02:18.56]OJ was named innocent, he got no sentence, he's still alive, [02:21.74]It's very ironic that the lawyer that defended him had to die, [02:25.59]Well, now my cue card says the price of gas isn't really high, [02:29.03]But I'm not going to read that, 'cause we all know that that's a lie. [02:32.46]Gas prices raises, the money keeps burning, [02:35.74]Dropout rate rising, so what are they learning?, [02:39.05]Sending the troops in the war so I turn it, [02:42.44]To today's evening news. [02:45.02]Verse 3] [02:45.77]We still haven't found Pac's killer, still haven't found Biggie's either, [02:48.82]30 minutes into the case they got tired and took a breather, [02:52.69]Snoop Dogg just got arrested, everyday he gets a new subpoena, [02:55.96]Innocent when murder was the case so the prosecution got a middle finger, [02:59.30]Hip-Hop is sweeping the nation, but the contents seem so degrading, [03:02.77]Most rappers got new albums that white kids are anticipating, [03:05.88]If you don't like it on the radio or the television then switch the station, [03:09.24]Flavor Flav get a lot of ratings, Bill O'Reilly somewhere is hating, [03:12.86]Kanye just said WHAT? the president ain't got time for that, [03:16.30]The White House is going to stay white even tho' we know Obama's black, [03:19.75]9/11 was a calculation, and some would say it was a timed attack, [03:23.17]He gave a speech on CNN, "They bombed us, now we're bombing back", [03:26.56]Where the heck is Osama at? [03:28.13]I would love to talk about Katrina, but everytime I talk about Katrina, [03:31.12]They look at me like it's a misdemeanor [03:33.39]Anyways, there's way more important stuff that we can discuss [03:36.74]N'SYNC makin' the band and Milli Vanilli have broken up [03:40.12]Gas prices raises, the money keeps burning, [03:43.50]Dropout rate rising, so what are they learning?, [03:46.93]Sending the troops in the war so I turn it, [03:50.28]To today's evening news. [03:53.19]And the world keeps turning slow (turning slow, turning slow) [03:56.13]As the world keeps turning slow (turning slow, turning slow) [03:59.81]As the world keeps on turning slow (turning slow, turning slow) [04:02.99]This is your evening news. [04:04.80]by kokololi99 [by:白日梦想家xt] [00:03.29]油价在涨,钱在燃烧, [00:06.62]辍学率在涨,所以他们到底在学些什么? [00:10.00]派遣军队,掀起战争, [00:13.36]这就是今天的晚间新闻。 [00:15.89]副歌1】 [00:16.80]欢迎来到今天的晚间新闻,感谢你们的收听 [00:20.09]没错我是你们的主持人兼记者Chamillionaire,这就开始今天的新闻, [00:23.05]我们的直升机在街道上空,看屏幕里一点点拉近, [00:27.02]因为Cashis就在现场,嗨Cashis,朋友你好吗?(Cashis全名Ramone Johnson,同为说唱歌手) [00:30.36]没时间来做采访(没-没时间来做采访), [00:33.26]没时间来也不用困惑,因为这种新闻要靠(我们的)采访, [00:36.74]没时间来做采访(没-没时间来做采访), [00:40.08]你知道我一直在关注街头,所以该由我把真相告诉你, [00:44.43]我看到一部电影,里面乔治布什的队伍里有一个大胡子男人, [00:47.22]用石油挣钱获得如此大的权力,穷人根本不能坐在他身边, [00:50.39]没问题,奥萨马本拉登一直在逃, [00:53.98]逃的时间如此之长,牛奶盒子上的照片都都开始看起来像他了, [00:57.82]唐·伊穆斯(电台主持人)让大家忘掉他, [01:00.67]安娜妮科尔就是被他搞怀孕,怀上了他的孩子, [01:04.27]维吉尼亚理工大学那么多无辜的孩子死去,愿你们安息, [01:07.15]好吧,那就让嘻哈来背锅,假装它才是这个大问题。 [01:10.84]现在我要给你们说说卡特里娜飓风的事情,但是你们也知道我其实不能谈论它, [01:14.25]因为每次我谈到它,人们就像看罪犯一样看我, [01:17.76]无论如何,总是有重要得多的事情是我们可以讨论的。 [01:21.05]乔治布什正在打高尔夫,大家安静,他正要推球入洞呢。 [01:24.48]油价在涨,钱在燃烧, [01:27.90]辍学率在涨,所以他们到底在学些什么? [01:31.33]派遣军队,掀起战争, [01:34.68]这就是今天的晚间新闻。 [01:37.80]世界一直在慢慢变化(慢慢变,慢慢变) [01:40.01]世界一直在慢慢变化(慢慢变,慢慢变) [01:44.26]世界一直在慢慢变化(慢慢变,慢慢变) [01:47.36]这就是给你们的晚间新闻。 [01:50.84]副歌2】 [01:51.41]我知道有的话冒犯你们了,其实我听过更糟的,但我不怪你们, [01:55.27]别担心,他们说他只是一个艺人,没关系的克莱默, [01:58.07]鳄鱼猎人(澳洲节目主持人史帝夫·厄文)被激怒了,狮子也激起了驯狮者的兴趣, [02:01.87]我们不断把军队送去伊拉克,我估计我们一定是很喜欢危险了。 [02:04.95]小孩子们去学校不是学习,而是去玩枪 [02:08.95]你如果是一位父亲(母亲),那就去当好一位父亲(母亲),从沙发上下来去教育你儿子, [02:12.38]可以刚刚又打破了一项纪录,今天的比赛他砍下81分, [02:15.01]现在大家都说他是第一,但是昨天他们还都恨科比呢。 [02:18.56]O·J·辛普森被认定是无辜的,没有受到审判,还活得好好的, [02:21.74]他的辩护律师不得不撒谎,可以说是非常讽刺了。 [02:25.59]哦,现在我的提示卡上写道汽油价格还不是很高, [02:29.03]但这句我不打算读出来,因为我们都知道这是个谎言。 [02:32.46]油价在涨,钱在燃烧, [02:35.74]辍学率在涨,所以他们到底在学些什么? [02:39.05]派遣军队,掀起战争, [02:42.44]这就是今天的晚间新闻。 [02:45.02]副歌3】 [02:45.77]我们还是没找着是谁杀了2Pac,而且同样也没找着谁杀了Biggie, [02:48.82]案子刚查了30分钟,他们就累了去休息了呢。 [02:52.69]Snoop Dogg刚刚被逮捕了,每天他都能收到一张新的法院传票, [02:55.96]谋杀的案子能做成清白的,所以检方被竖了中指。 [02:59.30]嘻哈正在席卷全国,但是内容看起来正在不断堕落, [03:02.77]大多数饶舌歌手都发行了白人孩子都期待的新专辑, [03:05.88]你要是不喜欢在广播里听到或是电视里看到,那就换台去, [03:09.24]Flavor Flav(嘻哈歌手)获得了很高的收视率,Bill O'Reilly(政治节目主持人) 还不知道在什么地方恨着呢。 [03:12.86]Kanye说:什么?总统才没时间干这事呢(Kanye曾表示要竞选美国总统), [03:16.30]虽然我们知道奥巴马是黑人,但是白宫还是白人的天下。 [03:19.75]9.11是一个精心盘算的计划,有人也说这是个定时的攻击, [03:23.17]他在CNN上发表演说:他们炸我们,现在我们要炸回去, [03:26.56]见鬼,奥萨马本拉登到底在哪? [03:28.13]我很乐意谈一谈卡特里娜飓风,但是每次我一说到它 [03:31.12]他们就像看罪犯一样看我, [03:33.39]无论如何,总是有重要得多的事情是我们可以讨论的: [03:36.74]超级男孩组了个乐队,米利瓦尼利乐队解散了。 [03:40.12]油价在涨,钱在燃烧, [03:43.50]辍学率在涨,所以他们到底在学些什么? [03:46.93]派遣军队,掀起战争, [03:50.28]这就是今天的晚间新闻。 [03:53.19]世界一直在慢慢变化(慢慢变,慢慢变) [03:56.13]世界一直在慢慢变化(慢慢变,慢慢变) [03:59.81]世界一直在慢慢变化(慢慢变,慢慢变) [04:02.99]这就是你们的晚间新闻。 [04:04.80]翻译:白日梦想家xt


